Sunday, August 25, 2013

american racism explains the decline of american public institutions and all americans will suffer in consequence of this fact...,

businessinsider | A society — any society —- is defined as a set of mutual benefits and duties embodied most visibly in public institutions: public schools, public libraries, public transportation, public hospitals, public parks, public museums, public recreation, public universities, and so on.

Public institutions are supported by all taxpayers, and are available to all. If the tax system is progressive, those who are better off (and who, presumably, have benefitted from many of these same public institutions) help pay for everyone else.

"Privatize" means "Pay for it yourself." The practical consequence of this in an economy whose wealth and income are now more concentrated than at any time in the past 90 years is to make high-quality public goods available to fewer and fewer.

In fact, much of what’s called “public” is increasingly a private good paid for by users — ever-higher tolls on public highways and public bridges, higher tuitions at so-called public universities, higher admission fees at public parks and public museums.

Much of the rest of what’s considered “public” has become so shoddy that those who can afford to do so find private alternatives. As public schools deteriorate, the upper-middle class and wealthy send their kids to private ones. As public pools and playgrounds decay, the better-off buy memberships in private tennis and swimming clubs. As public hospitals decline, the well-off pay premium rates for private care.

Gated communities and office parks now come with their own manicured lawns and walkways, security guards and backup power systems.

Why the decline of public institutions? The financial squeeze on government at all levels since 2008 explains only part of it. Fist tap Arnach.


arnach said...

99 must-reads on income inequality

Nakajima Kikka said...

While everything that Reich says may be true, racism and racial prejudice remains the "glue" that binds it all together. Sans racism, none of these other factors, even in combination, would have been strong enough to cause American public institutions to buckle the way they have over the last 30 years.

CNu said...

A few years back, I found myself mulling the question of whether, or not, the fourth reich could/would be a multiracial formation. Mainly because I consider WW-III inevitable and inevitably to be fought on multiple concurrent fronts, a big one of which will be MENA. My thinking at the time was that we are resource rich but demographically challenged - and that the war to end all wars will require all able-bodied American hands on deck in the multicultural/multi-ethnic theaters of pending conflict, occupation, and control.

Though my life - and more importantly my childrens lives - are colored in every meaningful aspect by the socio-economic gains of the civil rights movement, as I enter my increasingly conservative dotage, I oftentimes find myself wondering whether or not the seemingly engineered failure of the urban cores with their intensifying segregation and cultural alienation is a straw that will finally break the American camel's back?

or, is the urban core dysfunction an objectively shrinking factor which only figures in the popular imagination because of the intense magnification and repetition it receives on the nightly news and other bleeding content media venues? What are your thoughts?

Tom said...

Sidelong comment here re prejudice, excellence -- and the converse of excellence, collapse.

MIT, long before it gained a #1 ranking in engineering, awarded PhDs (and other degrees) to women, among just a few institutions in the country that did. Johns Hopkins Med School, due restrictions forced on them by a major woman donor, was also very early to admit women to study, and also later became #1.

I've even heard a rumor that the prestigious Manhattan Project accepted Jewish scientists among its members! At that time, in the 1940s, of course Jewish folks couldn't stay in many hotels. Another very successful project (unfortunately designed to end the world, but my point here is it *worked*).

The free-market dreamers refuse to understand the simple point that prejudice is expensive. (They say they understand it, but their use of the idea is very limited: they point to whatever we have and say it must be optimal already.)

John Kurman said...

Will it break America's back? Guaran-fucking-teed!

It has every other society that has practiced this exclusion principle. Despite all the magical thinking about American exceptionalism, I see no reason to think it immune. If you fail to maximum use of *every* asset available to you, your tribe quite simply will fall behind to the less intolerant and exclusionary ones.

CNu said...

That's all well and good, but Zefram Cochrane is not hiding in the collapsarian hood somewhere unbeknownst to STEM talent scouts hither, thither, and yon....,

BigDonOne said...

Japan is quite racist and has done pretty well. Even White folks are not accepted, merely tolerated...

BigDonOne said...

Is it really racism causing the decline...??

Public institutions are in decline everywhere, even in racism-free Liberia where all 25,000 applicants to the Univ failed the entrance exam.

In the immortal words of Subrealism, "you.just.can't.make.this.shit.up...."

Nakajima Kikka said...

Well, regarding the state of the urban cores, we need to keep the larger context in mind. That context, for the forseeable future, still is Caucasians' overall opinions of black Americans. Basically, they work from two narratives, depending on whether they are left or right-of-center politics. Keep in mind that I see these narratives as "expectation values" around which the people on each side are distributed; they're not single, fixed positions that they all hold in their entirety. Your mileage WILL vary, depending on which Caucasian you're talking to.

The left-of-center Caucasian narrative is best expressed in this blog posting by James Kunstler:

The right-of-center Caucasian narrative is best expressed in this blog posting by John Derbyshire:

Those are the expectation values. Around the left-of-center one the distribution has positive skew. Around the right-of-center one the distribution also has positive skew (mainly due to disagreements within the Right over Derbyshire's points 11 and 12).
The effect of both narratives is that the two groups of Caucasians, by and large, end up agreeing that there's no way anyone can make any money operating a legitimate business in the urban core, and so they're not worth putting any private investment into.

Nakajima Kikka said...

Of course, as we both know, black Americans who have done well for themselves working in the larger world (think of the recent Jay Z / Don Lemon dust-up) also do not invest in the urban cores. The best expression I've seen of why that is, oddly enough, is in an interesting piece of dialog in the following scene from the 1990 movie "Green Card". The scene starts at 01:49, with the key exchange between 02:45 and 03:35:
If you will, that viewpoint (investing in the urban core is a waste of time, b/c things will never change "down there") serves as a third narrative, the "expectation value" around which successful blacks' opinions about urban cores are distributed. The distribution is normal, I think, but the shape is pretty narrow.
The three narratives combine to produce a perfect storm against significant private investment in the urban cores, at least by Americans.
Of course, there is China...

CNu said...

lol, where'd you get the idea that Liberia was/is racism-free?

BD's notorious library is more and more showing itself to be a dessicated wasteland of the mind. Mebbe time for you to update your catalog and

CNu said...

Heaven forbid an outbreak of gang-rapes in China!!!!

Anyway, Depardieu seems to be channeling a little Jesus while Chris Rock brings the pain and makes it plain

Speaking of making it plain, what do you suppose became of all the dapper, articulate, and intense young men whose images from 50 years ago we glimpse in this documentary?

Tom said...

In the midst of collapse, no. He was born there all right, but conditions have not been ideal for study. But not giving every American police protection is even worse than not admitting them to JHU Med School, right?

Nakajima Kikka said...

I was actually obliquely referring to the on-going Chinese buy-up and refurbishing of the remaining viable industrial assets of Detroit. Whatever serious private investment is taking place in the urban cores seems to be coming from such "non-traditional", i.e., foreign, directions.
Was Jesus really that cynical--the poor are a waste of time, better to just forget about them? Hmmm...maybe. All founders of religions have some kind of skeleton in the closet; maybe that was his.
Chris Rock does indeed bring out the pain and make it plain. In that act, he includes just the right amount of cobra venom to keep it all in perfect sync. If you listen carefully, he tells you exactly what he thinks the problem is: personal moral failure rooted in psychology. Fix it with medication, talk therapy, counseling...shunning and prison for the recalcitrent, a bullet to the head for the irredeemable. The "tough love therapeutic model", IOW. Therapy has its place (I speak from experience), but its exclusive focus on individual psychology imposes certain limitations on it...
First of all, I want to know why Americans can't seem to make documentary films of that quality any more...Anyway, that "critical mass" of dapper, articulate and intense young men broke up and scattered in many directions, beginning from about 1970 on. Where they all went is an interesting question; an equally interesting question is why such a critical mass hasn't appeared in the follow-on generations...

Nakajima Kikka said...

lol. I understand, but there is visible daylight between the two--though sometimes you do need a magnifying glass to clearly see it. One is rooted primarily in psychology, the other primarily in Mendelian genetics. Whether those Caucasians who take some form of the psychology position are actually genetic hereditarians on a deeper level...I don't know. It's an interesting question...
Your point about the willingness of Koreans to invest and make money in the hood is taken. As important as that is, it only goes so far. Enough to provide an economic floor, but not a renaissance.

Nakajima Kikka said...

Droll. Very droll.

Yet in spite of all these alleged morphological deficiencies, most of the white (as in Anglo-American) population of the U.S. remains terribly afflicted with Yellow Fever. Try as they might, they just can't seem to shake it off...

CNu said...

Cochrane came out of worse conditions between the Eugenics War and WW-III in Bozeman Montana. But he came from that fecund fermentation reactor of folks with access to stuff, knowhow, and imagination, whose sincere cultural status conviction revolves around being a "maker".

Now, I know some cats in the hood who are genuine makers, but they're all over the age of 50, and they've had lifelong access to stuff, knowhow, and sadly, their sincere cultural status conviction DOES NOT revolve around being makers for being a makers sake. Consequently, these cats all drink pretty heavily and I don't expect any of them to live past 65 or so.

As far as "giving every American police protection" goes, you can absolutely, positively forget about that. Who will pay for it? Use PRISM, identify and cull the microminority responsible for 96% of all the violent crime and criminality (the psychopath nugat) and simply be done with it. The concentrated culture in question is NOT going to spontaneously self-correct and right itself, and no external factor outside of absolute life-death necessity will force it to do so.

CNu said...

The Mendelian is a priori preposterous. By heredity, I refer to an incumbent three generations of nuclear familial dysfunction giving rise to entrenched dysgenic psychology and culture. The children showcased in the Atlanta Mall Guard incident are wholly innocent, yet, have no prayer of escaping what for them amounts to an entirely hereditary fate. I witness this daily across 64 square miles of collapsarian urban terrain that is spiraling into a Haitian point of no return.

As for economic renaissance, UBJ down in Beaumont TX cast a pearl with great promise, if someone were to take it up and run with it. There are all kinds of clever and creative things folks can do with only a modicum of help, The problem is less one of resources, and more one of awareness and motivation. I tried my level best to help folks learn to fish at a grassroots level for 8 years, until I finally got tired of oppositional and stupid and threw in the towel.

The Koreans operate under no such delusions and simply milk the stupid and culturally disoriented for what they're worth, and as the documentary points out, they're worth billions if you're disciplined and well-organized.

CNu said...

Was Jesus really that cynical--the poor are a waste of time, better to just forget about them? Hmmm...maybe. All founders of religions have some kind of skeleton in the closet; maybe that was his.

There was no historical Jesus. So no skeleton, and it's really not cynical at all. It is an objectively true and deeply sophisticated statement about human psychological development. It's one of many statements consistent with elite message of the gospel which is nothing at all like the saccharine egalitarian pablum that's been fed to Roman Catholic and Protestant sheep. 17 times Jesus is quoted as saying "let them who have ears to hear and eyes to see" and a host of other things which leap out at you from the pages of a red letter gospel limning the words attributed to the teacher.

But back to the question at hand, Where they all went is an interesting question. I spoke with one yesterday afternoon who in 1968 was bound for Fisk or Howard. Instead, he got redirected toward Boston and a somewhat higher educational echelon and he never left. Like many other young turnips off the turnip truck, he labored all across the vineyard making tens of millions in profits for the vintner, until he retired a couple of years ago. Many others got chewed up in Vietnam, many just went where their newly broadened professional and managerial potentials would take them. Very, very few stayed in the hood, and of those few, most have died off.

The reason there hasn't been a follow-on critical mass, is because there isn't a uniformly felt or experienced oppression. Jim Crow was nearly universal, but even so, the response to it was very far from universal. Now that the explicit, overt, universal and state-backed modes of oppression have been removed, well....,

John Kurman said...

Droll? No. Ratcheted down several notches for the benefit of BD. Lower middlebrow at best.

Tom said...

NK that's some disturbing shit for young women to deal with. I thought CWGs were just a little nerdy and stare-y, I kinda had no idea.

On behalf of the 20% of us who have some sense of shame, I apologize.

Dale Asberry said...

I'd put good money on BD being a CWG -- old and crusty as he is... don't apologize for Donnie. Just cross to the other side of the street.

Dale Asberry said...

Around these parts, we have no illusions about what's coming... WANT TO SEE WHAT’S AHEAD FOR AMERICA’S YOUNG? PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT’S ALREADY HAPPENED IN JAPAN

Nakajima Kikka said...

Only to be replaced by the new, explicit, overt, universal and state-backed mode of oppression: crushing debt...

Another reason there hasn't been a follow-on CM, I think, is that the entire "spirit of the times" is completely different. Back then, "what is the good and proper way to a meaningful life? what is necessary to live such a life?" were the important questions. You can still hear echoes of that time in the conversations between people involved in permaculture, or sustainability/resilence groups. Whenever society is preoccupied with such questions, such CMs of intellectual and cultural ferment just naturally come together.

But "what is the good life?" morphed into "what is the good job? what is the good neighborhood?" When those questions become the order of the day, the CM just doesn't happen. There's no catalyst for it. And so everyone just, well, drifts off by themselves and does their own thing instead.

The important question has lately morphed into something like "what do I need to do to get by?", with a sense of being just on the verge of giving up. あきらめかけた時に。。。

Nakajima Kikka said...

Hey, it's an ever-present reality for Asian and Asian-American women in the U.S. While 80% is a bit too high, 70% is not unreasonable (meaning 70% of Anglo-American men are afflicted with YF). While the interaction does not often sink to the levels of crudity revealed there, the YF phenomenon is disturbing, on many levels.

Interestingly, non-Anglo Caucasians (Italians, Greeks, Russians, etc.) seem to be much less afflicted with the disease than Anglos are. And it is apparently quite rare among African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans.

CNu said...

lol, the afro-latino-greco-franco-italiano likes back

Tom said...

He's our problem and we should deal with him.

Tom said...

Well, I don't want to squeeze out true love when it happens. But white guys who harass Asian women, we should crack down on. White guys who prefer Asian women in general, without regard to the particular woman, that seems unhealthy and dehumanizing to me. (Ignorance alert: I haven't ever been in a cross-race relationship, but I'm not against it. I've certainly fallen for women who don't score as "white" on the current US scoreboard.)

I went to a small college in the 1980s, which were kind of a different time I guess, and in my group of friends there were a bunch of AM/WF and WM/AF couples. A number of them finally got married, in both directions. As far as I know, we did not have some of the absurd-sounding stereotypes a lot of people seem to have today. For example that Asian American women were "less independent" or that Asian American men were "more sexist" etc. It makes no sense to me. I wonder whether the folks who believe these things have ever had a genuine relationship with anyone beyond their own first and second cousins.

CNu said...

Back then, "what is the good and proper way to live a meaningful life? what is necessary to live such a life?" were the important questions. You can still hear echoes of that time in the conversations between people involved in permaculture, or sustainability/resilence groups. Whenever society is preoccupied with such questions, such CMs of intellectual and cultural ferment just naturally come together.

lol, don't forgot the indispensable mass-exposure to the alkahest (cannabis/shrooms/lsd) which acted as a solvent to temporarily disrupt status-seeking dopaminergic cultural hegemony, as well as disclosing the enriched layers/levels of meaning which lowering the ordinary thresholds of conscious awareness imparts.

Those solvents - at that quality level - have not been anywhere near as readily available in the intervening decades, not to mention the devastating penalties assigned to those who either distribute or indulge in them. Once the law and order governance scheme was firmly reestablished by Nixon, well..., The Happy Ending is a nice period-piece snapshot of the meaninglessness of dopamine culture

There are some who would argue that the 60's were a grand and luciferian social experiment.

CNu said...

lol, whoa..., careful with that axe Eugene!

We can't all be sizing up our conspecific tallow stores in anticipation of that day - not too far from now - when a great race will get underway to corner the high-end soap and candle making bidnis.

Tom said...

Hey now, I'm a liberal, I only kill people when Hillary tells me it's ok.

But seriously I hear endless cries from all corners -- Black Americans even more than white -- that Black folks need somehow magically take care of their problem child types. It's been a very long time since J. Brown applied the same logic on our side of the picket fence.

CNu said...

As long as the GOP courts and depends on this demographic for votes and the 2-parties-1-ideology set depends on it for soldiers - that otherwise entirely laudable J.Brown sentiment - not gonna happen. I'm still banking on WW-III to get the melting pot hot enough to fuse America's immiscible lumps and nuggets. (^;

Dale Asberry said...

I dunno about all that... I do know that once I was being friendly (as in, polite, making small-talk) with a neighbor and essentially got a "you're not good enough for me" sort of response. Took me by surprise as I'm particularly disinterested in phenotypical Asian features and confused me until a friend informed me of Yellow Fever. What's an unattractive girl gonna do when demand exceeds supply? Like any other that thinks too highly of herself... Although the CWG phenomenon is kinda creepy, I'm not losing any sleep over those Asian girls getting a little extra attention. They're doing their level-best to latch on to some high status male they wouldn't otherwise be able to land. It's the dopaminergic way!

Tom said...

It's not extra attention that I am criticizing most, it's harassment. Teletyping strangers and talking about their sex organs isn't an appropriate form of "attention."

I'm afraid I kinda zzz on stuff like "high-status male," while it's not completely irrelevant, we aren't animals. We may be built out of animals, but we're not animals. It's not ok to act like animals. To the contrary it's morally bankrupt and wide areas of our lives behaving that way risks extinction.

CNu said...

lol, I ain't mad at the ironing board backside tiger mom's. From where I sit, supply always dwarfs demand and these media/social media highlighted racialicious chicks, high on their own fumes, don't really hold a candle to the hundreds of thousands of japanese, korean, southeast asian and philipino war brides who came from 3rd world to working class in America, or, the third generation descendents of boat people, just as tatted, street, ghetto booty as they wanna be - after years of chicken and waffles and section 8 housing. (or, quiet as it's kept, the large enclave of asian/blasian folk who've been intermingling like seminoles and runaways in St. Louis for the better part of 140 years.)

At the end of the day, contemporary bourgeois Asians are as far removed from their 3rd world emigre and working class cousins as Chris Rock is from the microminority making it hard for respectable negroes to just quietly and progressively grow the afrospheric branch of the anglosphere.

What I'd like a little insight into someday, is who/how/whether the pre-Mayflower Japanese and Chinese who've been in North America for centuries role nowadays? If and whether they have descendents/enclaves, and, how or if they've either fully assimilated into the ethnic majorities in which they're embedded, or, whether, they've managed to preserve anything of their own after all of this time.

IMNSHO..., the most deeply hidden and simultaneously fascinating forks in post Columbus new world history center on samurai in old mexico and the southwest, and, runaway african slaves going fully native with indigenous Americans from Florida to Oklahoma...,

Nakajima Kikka said...

I've witnessed similar as the mall incident (sans the tazing escalation) a couple of times in the Bronx. It's part of how I've come to understand the Caucasian Left's solidifying support for Tiger-Mom-style charter schools (like Moskowitz's Success Academies) for the urban cores:

They're throwing in the towel, too, sub-san. It's to the lifeboats time, and these kind of charter schools are the lifeboats, consciously designed to take the kids far, far away from these places, first mentally, and then physically. As you might expect, the Caucasian Right has mixed feelings about this, as do those who support the standard model of public education.

As for any personal misgivings you might have about your own "giving up after 8 years", think of it this way. You did what you could for them, for as long as you were able. In "therapeutic" terms, much like those who suffer from chronic disease but nevertheless don't take their medicine, those you were trying to help, for whatever reasons, simply could not "comply with treatment". There was only so much you could do.

CNu said...

Having witnessed real material poverty outside the U.S. which did not rob its occupant(s) of purpose, meaning, dignity - and - having lived the U.S. version of comparative (but far from real) poverty, without ever losing a sense of purpose, meaning, dignity - it's hard to sustain empathy. And the shared identity of "race" is an even thinner binding matrix than the 6 meals which keep us civilized.

See, the real poverty as I've come to understand it, is poverty of discipline, imagination, values, and effort, the psychosocial matrix of genuine culture, which is real, binding, and enduring. Whether we like it or not, whether we are at ease with it, or not, Black folk in America are afrosaxons - just like Schuyler said 90 years ago when opining on the hokum of negro essentialism.

CNu said...

One of the major houngans passed through a couple weeks ago, CountWeevil.

This topic brings to mind an emergent coinage of his from a while ago, niggahurtz, niggaHz, nHz... a most powerful gestalt which I suppose you could examine in hopes of unraveling

Perhaps Weevil is lurking a little and will rematerialize. An interrogation of culture, psychology, nuance featuring you inimitables would be truly priceless

random discursive excerpt (I'm XM, YV (yorutavegeta) was/is a proto-otaku - like the kind you and I discussed the other day):

niggaHz vs. niggaBots

it's definitely how you say it.

- Y.V.

which is *exactly* why we continue to fall for the okey-doke time and time again.

which is *exactly* why, when they unveil the world's first mass-marketed robots, and those robots literally breakdance and rap as part of their "entertainment" mode, black people themselves will be the first to buy them... we bought playstations, didn't we?

the MACHINE has *perfected* the art of "saying" all kinds of things that people digest, claim to enjoy, and defend, because they aren't paying attention to the content...

"...they spinnin' nigga!"

-- chris rock

What is more important to you. What they have to say, or how they say it?

it's definitely how you say it.

which is why people will continue to consume far more resources than the world can actually support... for the sake of a lifestyle.

"that hummer look's tight."

-- rapper

it's definitely how you say it.

which is why bush can say "it's been a tough week" and the millions of people who up to that moment were feeling *just a teeny weeny bit queasy* about seeing lynchings in fallujah, *WILL FEEL BETTER INSTANTLY.* that's "coach-talk" that is uttered when the reporters ask "boy, you've lost ten in a row on the road, what's going on, coach?"

"well, it's been a tough week... next question?"

it's definitely how you say it.

{ i'll single you out on this one, yv... }

which is why people go to see movies like "kill bill" which contribute absolutely nothing to the development of human character (or even the extension of cinema as a technology/art) other than getting a kick in the ass/retina... which is a form of sex abuse... which leads me to my next post...

Dale Asberry said...

Did you see that documentary "Consumed" that CNu posted the other day? Now tell me again how humans aren't fundamentally status-seeking animals?

Plus, you're missing the point. These women can handle themselves just fine and as much complaining as they're wont, they even appreciate, to a point, what seems like "negative" attention. Women are hilariously finicky -- they say they don't like that kind of thing, except when they do.

Ultimately, what bugs me about your position is it's male chauvinism... as the CWG site so clearly illustrates (through shaming), they're more than capable of handling themselves. I mean, "extinction"? Hell, them boys are self-selecting themselves right out of the gene pool if it's a real problem. I figure (back of the envelope calculations) that it only takes 1 man for 100 women for the species to carry on and I reckon we're better off than that even with a large minority of CWGs. Yeah, they can handle themselves fine.

CNu said...

lol, insecure and graceless dudes make life just.that.much.easier. for the 1:100 playboys of the western world. Not to mention the fact that the leftist-feminist overlay of the system of Veblenian conspicuous consumption has run its course and left us all much, much worse for the wear.

CNu said...

Just back from Mass, having a couple more thoughts with regard to this. My son is a natural born 1:100 male with more game than anyone should be allowed to have. My wife observed last week that the parochial high-school he now attends is utterly and explicitly male-dominated and runs with such machinic discipline precisely for that reason. On the way into church, listening to a catholic, morning talk-show it occurred to me that 90% + of the church's ritual, teaching, and behavioral protocols have been set up to ensure that insecure graceless dudes have a shot at offspring and don't get cuckolded out of existence.

Interestingly, despite the fact that the church and the school exist to supplement the reproductive odds of graceless dudes, the school's machinic discipline and constant moral teaching appears to have had a tremendously positive effect on the boy's overall disposition and decorum. I chalk it up to monkey-see/monkey-do reinforcement that simply was.not.present in the french language immersion school from which he just graduated. That school was female-dominated and about as loosey-goosey and libertine as you could possibly imagine. It is where he cultivated, was positively reinforced, and perfected his playboy swag.

Nakajima Kikka said...

They do. And that's part of it. But they're also a lot less infused with Orientalism, so when they do pursue Asian, the pursuit usually lacks that strangely perverse, obsessive quality that is all too common in Anglo-Americans. They may be looking for Asian, but they're not looking for geisha or suzy wong.

Nakajima Kikka said...

Speaking of feminism, here's another take on this subject, which I found to be rather interesting:
Not surprisingly, he completely ignores Orientalism as a factor, so his theory only involves those Anglos not afflicted with YF. Still, "the weight issue" and boorish, excessively masculine social behavior of a lot of non-Asian American women are worth considering as contributing factors. I know exactly what he means by "there is a bandsaw edge to them". Seen it in action many times.

Tom said...

Fred's picture makes a certain amount of sense to me, as a white US guy. I think his descriptions of AA and WA women are overgeneralized, but they're recognizably drawn from people you can meet out there. It's just not necessarily anything to do with Asia, in my opinion. Every woman I've dated seriously has turned out to have at least one foreign parent. Not Asian, as it's turned out, but so I can see what he's getting at, though.

I think a lot of Americans whose families have been here too long -- whether they look Asian or not -- just don't want to grow up.

Tom said...

I think I've seen these two groups in action. And they're old categories -- I would put Frederick Douglas in the Afro Saxon camp. He figured out what needed to happen and who was likely to help. A modern-day exponent of the other track is say M*chael F*sher, who has no program & savages friend and foe with equal ferocity.

Tom said...

Sorry, I was vague -- my point on extinction wasn't about sex. It was a much broader point that when we treat ourselves as merely very intellectually capable animals, with the goals of animals (food, sex, social rank), we do end up risking extinction.

CNu said...

Being honest with ourselves about what we are and what we have is a necessary first step. As things presently stand, these humans ascribe all manner of aptitudes and capabilities to themselves that - if they were honest - they'd be compelled to admit are only aspirational, at best...,

Dale Asberry said...

the church's ritual, teaching, and behavioral protocols have been set up to ensure that insecure graceless dudes have a shot at offspring and don't get cuckolded out of existence.
CNu is truth! Accept no substitutes... ;-)

Personally, I suspect the Catholic school has little to do with the boy's disposition and decorum. Sounds like he's been taught to "move about" (as opposed to disgustingly "fitting in") so that he can maximize his social standing, especially with the XXs.

Dale Asberry said...

I ran into such a guy the other day... was doing my morning run and a black guy, in a hoodie, was walking along one of the city's "greenway" paths just before sunrise carrying a baseball bat. This particular path is known for young black men stealing, stabbing, and or shooting those that use the path before/after dark. A couple of cyclists gave him a very wide berth -- to which he responded with profanity and anger. He turned to me and demanded to know what I was looking at, and which I responded, "you're carrying a bat and you're no where near a ball diamond, that's what I'm looking at."

Dale Asberry said...

Speaking of compulsory re-establishment of catholicism (along with the coming feudalism)...

CNu said...

never underestimate the power of monkey-see/monkey-do, particularly if all the monkeys from the old silverbacks in charge right down to the little lemurs just trying to avoid being crushed are all toeing the line.

Nakajima Kikka said...

90% + of the church's ritual, teaching, and behavioral protocols have been set up to ensure that insecure graceless dudes have a shot at offspring and don't get cuckolded out of existence.
Grace can be taught, though. But you first have to believe that being graceful is valuable.

Dale Asberry said...

I'm perfectly fine with these insecure graceless dudes not getting reproductive rights. Depending on "no Work" religious behavioral protocols crutch rather than innate skill or engaging in a culture of competence in the graceful arts absolutely should pull them out of the gene pool and with all due haste.

CNu said...

Well, judging from the cats who run the school and with whom my son is obliged to respectfully interact daily, I'd argue that grace cannot be taught, except by the graceful. Such men are viewed with no small amount of scorn/suspicion in this specific context. In fact, we had a meeting up front with the disciplinary establishment in which it was vigorously emphasized to us how crucial it would be for my son to use his charisma as one of the "good guys", in mission work, and as a student/leader who influenced other students to be good and toe the line.

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?