Wednesday, August 14, 2013

the all-seeing eye only wants to protect you...,

this writing has been on the wall for a while, but I reminded you of this fact two weeks ago...,
Logical outcomes from this?

1. FBI/NSA just shut down the #1 biggest hosting site and #1 most wanted person on Tor

2. Silkroad is next on their list, being the #2 most wanted (#1 was Child Porn, #2 is drugs)

3. Bitcoin and all crypto currenecies set to absolutely CRASH as a result since the feds can not completely control this currency as they please.

I don't always call the Feds agenda transparent, but when i do, I say they can be trying harder. 
Once you grok the fact that the bankster $$ system is the ultimate technology for governance and control, then you can easily understand why they're fitna loosen up their 80 year weed prohibition (cause people will transact for weed in traceable dollars and schmoking is likely to blunt a little bit of the riotous reaction to continuing economic contraction and malaise). Genuine anonymization and well-established virtual currencies are a response to the ever-tightening grip of the "top which lives off the yield of the bottom." Matter fact, they're the only pure genius games in progress at this moment in time - and constitute a genuine and growing threat to unilateral top-down governance and the system of 1% global supremacy. (psychedelics do too, but they'll be easy enough to track and monitor as they'll be an epiphenomenal component of the larger ebb and flow of legalized weed)

NYTimes | State and federal officials are starting broad investigations into shortcomings in the oversight of upstart virtual currencies like bitcoin.

The Senate’s committee on homeland security sent a letter this week to the major financial regulators and law enforcement agencies asking about the “threats and risks related to virtual currency.” These currencies, whose popularity has grown in recent years, are often used in online transactions that are not monitored by traditional financial institutions.

“This is something that is clearly not going away, and it demands a whole government response,” said a person involved in the Senate committee’s investigation, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the inquiry is continuing.

The Senate letter went out the same day that New York’s top financial regulator, Benjamin M. Lawsky, sent subpoenas to 22 companies that have had some involvement with bitcoin, according to a person briefed on the investigation.

Previously, there have been isolated efforts to crack down on those who took advantage of virtual currencies. But the two investigations made public this week appear to be the most wide-ranging government efforts to exert more coordinated control over what has been a largely faceless and borderless phenomenon.

Bitcoin, the most well-known digital currency, was started by anonymous Japanese computer programmers in 2009 and was intended to serve as an alternative to national currencies. Only a limited number of bitcoins can be created. And an online community has bid up the price of individual bitcoins, which are stored digitally on a decentralized network of computers. On Tuesday, a bitcoin was being sold for about $108 online.

Lawmakers are worried that bitcoin and other alternative forms of money can be used to evade taxes, defraud investors and assist trade in illegal products like drugs and pornography.


Uglyblackjohn said...

You know it's bad when one can get a 1099b. It just amazes me that even bartering can be taxed.

Ed Dunn said...

Yep, and they going to start going after cats next....

CNu said...

priceless...., (lol, part of the extended phenotype/epigenome?)

BigDonOne said...

USA -- First day the Welfare Checks don't come out...??

CNu said...

Pay attention BD

Conditions in Egypt are MUCH more serious than just that, and, they've been that way for quite some time now.

BigDonOne said...

No, no, no, CNu...BD was talking about conditions in USA after sequestered EBT cards go flat. What you gonna do when a mob of LOOTerz like that boogies down your street...??

CNu said...

lol, never happen outside your fevered imagination - though I spose that's one of the consequences angled on by festus, cooter, and the other teabagger politicians threatening to defund the government.

CNu said...

If 76% of white households and 57% of black households don't have Internet access, how can this article contend that 98% of American households have some form of broadband access?

BigDonOne said...

If each Asian-American household has like 6 separate ISP accounts, and you divide total accounts by total households, you might reasonably get that kind of result. You know...while IQ-75z are shuckin' 'n jivin' on the stoop, IQ-160 Tiger Moms are making sure their kids don't suffer any harmful impediments to the precious flow of academic information....??

Uglyblackjohn said...

Aww, Craig. You know that if those IQ65ers were to spend Less of their welfare checks on status seeking tatoos and those fine robes and more on dental care and a book or two... Ahh, never mind...

CNu said...

lol@fine robes and dental care...,

BigDonOne said...

BD will see your "fine robes" and raise you today's Drudge headline...
At least the Klansmen tend to have marketable skills, pay-the freight jobs, spouses instead of baby-daddies&mommas, and *No_Obamafones*....

CNu said...

Pookie'an'em need to be rounded up and unceremoniously shot through the head tomorrow. But what you serially and inexcusably fail to understand BD, is that to those who are served by the all-seeing eye, you and yourn are no more sustainable and/or valuable than Pookie'an'em. The tribal squabbles among food-powered, make-work peasants, and peasants who've already been collapsed out of the food-powered, make-work hierarchy - are of no concern to TPTB.

BigDonOne said...

Well, the extermination part might be a bit extreme....

But BD would certainly go along an Executive Order rounding-up all riff-raff IQ-75 parasitic lowlife with no otherwise redeeming productive characteristics (e.g., honest job, positive_1040, clean record, degree or bona-fide education-in-progress, journeyman trade, speaker-of-clear F_Word-free Mainstream English, etc.), and putting them in the latent Homeland Security/FEMA camps so often rumored to be extant. Such round-up and detention likely requiring good use of the Black Helicopters and all that ammo HS has been recently criticized for hoarding.....

The latest outrageous wanton senseless black-on-white killing (Spokane Shorty), following so closely behind the Duncan Australian, could well be the pivotal triggering event(s) to produce some meaningful media response and government action instead of continuing the familiar wimpy liberal politically-correct coverage and policies. As long as it was limited to the well-known S_Holes of America (Detroit, Chgo, Balt, DC, NO, Compton, etc) the dysfunction has been tolerated & system looked the other way, but Oklahoma? Spokane?? - The IQ-75 may be finally forced to clean up its act....

This latest IQ-75 senseless wanton black on white killing

CNu said...

lol, now, now..., don't go poking or shunning my favorite reptile-brained occidental, unless of course you can furnish a substitute specimen enabling me to study its special emanations from a safe and comfortable remove, Frankly, I'm curious to know why he'd prescribe the costly and protracted remedy of concentration camps over forthright and direct employment of death squads to eliminate folks whom he unabashedly despises?

Very obviously he's not alone in his Turner Diaries fantasy.

And quite frankly, just between you, me, and the gatepost - I suspect the only reason a whole bunch of currently unemployed, oppositional, and troublesome males haven't been ventilated - is because all hands will be required on deck when the anglosphere finally stops procrastinating and WW-III gets going in earnest. Let the military sort and work out all these interpersonal kinks in the fabric of the english-speaking world.

arnach said...

The funniest thing about his IQ c-rap, IMO, is to contemplate where BD would score compared to the population of regular subrealists. I'd offer you an over/under wager, but it's unlikely we could get data accurate enough to settle the score, so there's not much point engaging in such futile entertainment.

BigDonOne said...

The system could take an excellent lesson from the 1950's-60's military (before the draft was eliminated) on how to effectively manage/house/feed large numbers of questionably-civilized marginal-IQ folks (draftees) at very low cost. They would be housed in gender-segregated standardized barracks, dressed in standardized mass-produced garb, fed standardized nutritional fare in chow halls, and restricted to the facility grounds. (e.g., no Sect_8, no EBT Card swiping at KFC/7-11, and no GDF Obamafones...) Short standardized hair, no bling. Everyone has a full-time menial job. Anyone who didn't behave/obey/toe-the-line (and particularly keep the place non-violent clean & neat) would quickly be at forced Hard_Labor behind barbed wire in the stockade.

Oh yes, WW-III will be done with robots, drones and/or Megatons...
not foot-soldiers on the ground (that's just *so* Year 2010).......

CNu said...

lol, so your objective is to militarize, civilize, and make-work for folks behaving badly? When do they get released from these "arbeit macht frei" encampments BD?

WW-III will open with the same types of crawling atrocity the U.S. has specialized in since Serbia/Rwanda under Clinton and which is now in full bloom in Iraq and throughout the MENA. At some point, the proxied atrocity won't cut it anymore, and the big boys will kick off some limited nuclear exchanges. IMOHO - there won't be any hiding the fact that this war is about resource acquisition and depopulation. That means that boots will have to be on the ground in order to control territory and continue resource extraction.

BigDonOne said...

Release from encampments would occur when the subject has independently acquired skills and promise of productive job or otherwise fully-private approved support "outside."

And there were zero Yankee boots on the ground in Japan until after their WW2 surrender, no IED's, no snipers, none of that HorseS. The J's knew all too well what would happen if they pulled any S.

Nukes are the clean way to win a war. You when yer the biggest kid on the block you don't have to destroy the whole enemy country, just a couple smaller cities to get he point across. If we had "done" Tikrit, Fallujah, Mosui, in year 2000, it would have been all over, virtually no friendly casualties and no Trillion$$$ of dollars, and the Middle East would be in the total-behavior mode. They would have coughed up Saddam, Osama and related ilk (the infamous deck of cards) in a heartbeat....

CNu said...

Coming from you, I must say that these encampments are both an interesting and surprising thought. I would've expected enthusiastic support for "shoot the dysgenic breeders through the head" and be done with it.

As for the fused glass demonstration, too many state actors are capable of that now, and you can be guaranteed that one or more of these would furnish somebody with the means to retaliate for that type of state-to-state strong-arm extortion. WMD are not viable short of all-out utilization and given what is now common knowledge about the effects of EMP, the all-out blowing folks back to the stone-age is a far more likely scenario.

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?