Monday, July 08, 2013

don't try this at home: (unless you have your crazy white friend and his digital cameras with you)

There is no such thing as a lawful checkpoint in the US. It is illegal for police to stop people without PROBABLE CAUSE. That means evidence of a crime. "Inspection" is a euphemism for SEARCH. It is illegal for police to SEARCH WITHOUT A WARRANT. They cannot get a WARRANT without PROBABLE CAUSE. READ Amendment IV BELOW. Our ancestors shed blood & died to give us right to remain silent, right to NO unwarranted search etc. The question is whether POLICE will obey law. If POLICE have nothing to hide they will respect BILL OF RIGHTS & they will not ask for permission to violate the law. What happens if YOU ASK for permission to violate law? Allow police to violate the BILL OF RIGHTS & step onto a slippery slope. YOUR RIGHTS ARE NOTHING EXCEPT WHAT YOU WILL DEFEND. 

Amendment IV-Search & seizure "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall NOT be violated, and NO Warrants shall issue, but upon PROBABLE CAUSE, supported by Oath or affirmation, & particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." THE CONSTITUTION IS HIGHEST LAW. Do let them regurgitate usurpations. Tell them to back to constitution & learn about what SHOULD BE DONE. PROBABLE CAUSE IS NOT the power to search. PROBABLE CAUSE is ability to ASK A JUDGE for a search warrant. 

That warrant, IF GRANTED, would be power to search. Now they claim that they have created a "constitution free zone", by declaring that we have no rights, if we are within 100 miles of the border. If they get away with this, next it will be 200 miles, then 300 miles. Then they will simply abolish the constitution. View: Bill Jasper The SPLC- A Closer Look preview IN OUR LIVES government moved from service & friendly advice, to disrespect, to thuggery, to corruption, to outright criminal conspiracy. Logical discourse is now fined. Laws are whatever a particular policeman says they are at any moment. We do still have a legislative branch of government to create the illusion of rule of law. Yesterday's play ground bully now has a badge, a gun, & a tazer. View Freedom or Slavery? Understand your choice and your duty. IT ALL BECOMES CLEAR HERE.­BPMRhHap684Ig&index=1&feature=plcp Read the article, "Calling the Tyrant's Bluff" at View full Police State playlist & other videos on channel johnperna2­ature=view_all 

DO YOU WISH THAT THE GOVERNMENT WOULD READ THE CONSTITUTION? JUST EMAIL IT PRIVATELY TO A FRIEND. They are taking away the 4th Amendment & you might be quiet because you are not dealing drugs. They are taking away the 5th Amendment & you might be quiet because you are innocent. They are taking away the 2nd Amendment & you might be quiet because you do not own any guns. They are taking away the 1st Amendment & if you continue to be quiet you will have no choice but to be continue to be quiet. Freedom of speech - use it or lose it DID YOU LOSE YOUR PHONE? DID YOUR COMPUTER CRASH? DID YOU NOT HAVE A BACKUP? CALL THE NSA. THEY HAVE ALL OF YOUR DATA. Thomas Jefferson said "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." I add: "The battle for freedom is never won & is never lost. The battle for freedom always continues. It is never too late & it is never soon enough, to defend freedom. No matter how enslaved we are, we always have hope. No matter how free we are we are never safe. NOTHING EVER LIMITS THE GOVERNMENT, EXCEPT THE PEOPLE. Any generation that fails to defend freedom will lose it. The next generation will have to shed blood to gain it back. When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force. At that point, failure to defend liberty makes slavery a certainty." John Perna Watch the rest of the videos on this channel to make this a clear.


Michael Varian Daly said...

The overall non-response of the majority of the American public to these events brought this quote to mind:

"They were so weak; they allowed everything to happen, to be done to them. They were people with whom there was no common ground, no possibility of communication — that is how contempt is born. I could never understand how they could just give in as they did." ~Hauptsturmführer Franz Stangl, commandant of Sobibor and Treblinka

Dale Asberry said...

Isn't this the sort of resistance you're saying we need to engage in?

arnach said...

Awesome post, CNu. Always nice to see original content here.

I agree 100% with Dale's comment that this is the type of behavior that more people need to engage in. However, be aware that state laws vary regarding requirements to provide ID when requested by law enforcement authorities.

If you want to see LOTS more outrageous (and courageous) activity on this topic, check out reddit's AmIFreeToGo subreddit. This topic also came up in a recent reddit IAmA submission by a Constitutional Law attorney. Much of the text on /u/CopBlockRVA's posting seems to have come from a NORML publication, although I like his addition of lawyer contact information on the card.

CNu said...

With you behind the wheel, jacking your jaw at the popo, as a passenger in your car, I will HAPPILY record the entire encounter on video. No doubt about it.

OTOH, driving while black, I have no intention of getting into an escalating verbal disagreement with a low-paid, gunned-up, armored-up, and tactically and legally advantaged foot soldier of the man, who will without a doubt exercise his/her self-arrogated authority on me in ways they wouldn't dream or dare exercising that self-same authority on you.

CNu said...

With you behind the wheel, jacking your jaw at the popo, as a passenger in your car, I will HAPPILY record the entire encounter on video. No doubt about it. Backslaps and high-fives all the way - if we get away from the checkpoint in one piece and undetained.

OTOH, driving while black, I have no intention of getting into an escalating verbal disagreement with a low-paid, gunned-up, armored-up, and tactically and legally advantaged foot soldier of the man, who will without a doubt feel mightily compelled to exercise his/her self-arrogated authority on me in ways they wouldn't dream or dare exercising that self-same authority on you.

CNu said... - still one of my all-time favorite vignettes - but I separate entertainment from reality and my trunk's not full. 99 time out of a 100, I'd kill the officer with courtesy, be wholly cooperative, and then calm myself after the fact with a little story about how overwhelming my Jedi mind tricks must've been on that little soft-headed popo....,

arnach said...

Jay-Z is not quite correct about Fourth Amendment rights conferred by a locked glovebox or trunk: "...But if police believe your car contains evidence of a crime, your car can be searched without your consent." [ACLU] and "In most instances, the officer can conduct a search if they have probable cause to do so. This is essentially a hunch backed up by reasonable suspicion. There may be something in your behavior, your physical appearance, or the physical appearance of your vehicle that would prompt an officer to search." [legalzoom] which, of course, is up to the sole judgment of the LEO, until you spend serious change on an attorney to help you prove otherwise in court.

As far as DWB, yeah that happens a lot around here; waaay too many back-room stories of black NFL players stopped on suspicion of driving a nice car while living in one of the "upscale" suburban towns or neighborhoods. IMO, another reason to step onto that sousveillance train to start holding agents of our government responsible for their actions.

John Kurman said...

No, they get bent out of shape over 2nd Amendment Rights, the most useless right available when it comes to combating tyranny, especially when the Intelligence-Marketing Complex can ruin your reputation and livelihood faster than you can load an AR-15. Guns? Bombs? How quaint!

But the important rights, the ones that actually work? The First, Fourth, Fifth, Eighth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Twenty-Fourth? Feh! That's way too much reading to do.

Michael Varian Daly said...

If one has gotten to the point of resorting to Revolutionary Violence, I suspect 'reputation and livelihood' will have gone past the board. But this type of bourgeois knee-jerk Hoplophobia is why I have given up on American Progressives. Nearly all of them have reduced themselves to impotence with exactly the above strain of defeatist think. Without the 2nd Amendment, The People have no recourse left to demand their Rights regarding any of the other Amendments. [Can you say "Free Speech Zones"?]

And so we find ourselves in a condition where only the most reactionary and racist elements in The Republic maintain any faith the 2nd Amendment while happily accepting the gutting of all the rest. This is not accidental. It is part and parcel of The Southern Strategy, the cynical political ploy that has moved us steadily toward Fascism since it got Nixon into the Oval Office in 1968.

The White Middle Class is still the financial and ideological core of the thin soup that passes for 'The Left' in this country. And they tend to be utterly oblivious to the real history of Gun Control in America, which has largely been about disarming non-Whites. They are also fake pacifists in that they are more than happy to left America's military and militarized police brutalize and murder The Other. both here and abroad, in order to 'keep our [fill in the blank] safe'.

Dale Asberry said...

I'm partial to Prometheus6's theory and think the Southern Strategy is part and parcel of the Jamestown colony strategy. In quick summary, the wealthy land owners had a slave revolt on hand (at the time whites and blacks were slaves) so the landowners quelled the revolt by convincing the white slaves that the black slaves were the real problem. It's a ploy the British have used for even longer... whenever they went in to colonize Africa and Asia they would set up political territories such that the previous minority would become the local majority and hence infighting would commence with both sides oblivious to being played.

Anyway, you needn't convince most of us here as we see through exactly what you point out and are concerning ourselves with those who would be playing us...

John Kurman said...

Hoplophobic? HAH! No, man. It's about not being dumb enough to be a one-legged 19th-century type in a 21st century ass-kicking contest.

Michael Varian Daly said...

John Kurman said...

Heh! Sir, my 'conversing with juvenile blowhards' plate is a bit full. You'll forgive me if I don't provide further response.

Michael Varian Daly said...

Gee, that's is exactly what I was thinking, hence Bart. ;)

Ed Dunn said...

If that was true, we would have been out of Afghanistan in 90 days. But somehow, the American Empire information warfare, survelliance blimps, hellfire drones didn't work too well against the AK-74 for the past 10+ year, correct?

CNu said...

lol, McChrystal and Petraeus were holding back in order to win hearts and minds....,

Ed Dunn said...

I'm seeing in real-time information scrubbing regarding the Trayvon Martin case that does appear to data manipulation going on. I found a story earlier today circulating around AP that is now being pulled and luckily found a cache copy on an .au site. The article stated the federal government was actively monitoring social networks for reactions to the verdict and coordinate with local police authorities. But now I cannot find this information and still trying to find it. The title of the article was "Florida prepares for Zimmerman verdict"

CNu said...

Only half a minute ago, they were jabbering about the DOJ organizing anti-Zimmerman protests...,

Ed Dunn said...

The best i can find is a scrubbed revision that states "Authorities have tagged more than one million tweets per day related to the trial as it reached its climax this week." - who are these "authorities" btw. The original article specifically stated the federal government was monitoring social networks and working with law enforcement around every major city..

arnach said...

And so it begins...

CNu said...

Better to have this POV record, than to have it come down to his word vs. my word.

arnach said...

Step 2: NYC

CNu said...

aight, one more time..., why do you see this as a bad thing?

arnach said...

I don't. What gave you the idea that I do?

CNu said...

The dramatic scoring that attends to "and so it begins, step 2. NYC" - my bad....,

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