Tuesday, July 30, 2013

bill o'lielly went in on the brouhaha...,

 "The sad truth is that from the president on down, our leadership has no clue, no clue at all about how to solve problems within the black community," O'Reilly said. "And many are frightened to even broach the issue. That's because race hustlers and the grievance industry have intimidated the so-called 'conversation,' turning any valid criticism of African-American culture into charges of racial bias." He said it's these attitudes that have forced African-Americans to "fend for themselves in violent neighborhoods."

Coming back to Trayvon Martin specifically, O'Reilly said there is only evidence that George Zimmerman "profiled" the 17-year-old because he was "dressed in clothing sometimes used by street criminals"--not his skin color. "It was wrong for Zimmerman to confront Martin based on his appearance," he said. "But the culture that we have in this country does lead to criminal profiling because young black American men are so often involved in crime."

This led O'Reilly to pinpoint the primary cause of these statistics: "The disintegration of the African-American family." More than anything else, he chalked up black crime to the fact that "73% of all black babies are born out of wedlock," a problem that he said Obama and other civil rights leaders refuse to address. He also pointed fingers at the entertainment industry, and particularly "gangsta culture," for "encouraging irresponsibility" and "glorifying bad behavior."

O'Reilly outright rejected the notion, put forward by "race hustlers and limousine liberals" that "unfair" incarceration rates for "non-violent" drug offenses contribute to the problem, calling out Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Obama for refusing to condemn drug dealers. Getting more and more heated as he progressed, O'Reilly argued that blacks' disadvantages "has nothing to do with slavery. It has everything to do with you Hollywood people and you derelict parents."

In conclusion, O'Reilly said, "it's now time for the African-American leadership, including President Obama, to stop the nonsense. Walk away from the world of victimization and grievance and lead the way out of this mess."


Tom said...

Yeah, poor and uneducated people have a lot of problems. Some of them are Black. Zzzz.

arnach said...

But what a great way to redirect attention away from http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/jpmorgan-chase-subsidiary-to-pay-410m-penalty-in-electricity-pricing-scheme/2013/07/30/1c524880-f91d-11e2-afc1-c850c6ee5af8_story.html'>the latest bankster problems.

CNu said...

Yeah, I grew up poor and spent my adolescence during the 70's immersed in slew of increasingly powerful media archetypes, yet always somehow managed to adhere to an idiosyncratic hodgepodge of cultural templates about as far removed from the popular culture and faddish conformity as it was possible to be.

So my question is this, where are all the alleged ghetto nerds at nowadays? Cause looking at the millieu from an extraordinarily privileged vantage point, you could almost say from the perspective of a digital mind-reader, the genuine ghetto nerd is damn near as rare as a unicorn nowadays. Poor and uneducated people have succumbed to a multi-generational feedback loop which has brought about the collapse of the pursuit of educational and cultural excellence.

How much poorer is Cuba than any American urban sprawl? Yet, how much better educated, how much more excellent, and how much more resilient are the Cuban people when compared with the denizens of any American Sherwood Forest?

CNu said...

Folks used to have it a WHOLE LOT WORSE yet they managed to do a WHOLE LOT BETTER. http://www.npr.org/blogs/codeswitch/2013/07/29/206622688/the-legacy-of-dunbar-high-school Now talk a little bit about what the goals are for this school in particular. From its very beginning, academic standards are just so incredibly high.

"What ended up happening is the first African-Americans to go to competitive colleges — Oberlin, Amherst, Brown, Harvard — they would graduate from school and have nowhere to go. Many of them came back to teach at this high school. My mom and dad went to this high school in the 1940s; they had a very different experience. My mother was born and raised in Washington, D.C. My dad was born and raised in Harlem, and my grandmother picked him up at 14 and took him to D.C. just to go to Dunbar, which many people did. People moved to D.C. just to send their kids to this high school.

"And my mom used to talk about having teachers who were Ph.Ds. You had the first three black women to get Ph.Ds; two of them went to Dunbar, and two of them taught at Dunbar.

"So what ended up happening was that these next two and three generations were these hypereducated African-Americans."

So the school was basically in a way benefiting ... from the glass ceiling of segregation. That these high-achieving African-Americans, they don't have anywhere to go once they get out of these schools and broken these barriers. And they come back into the community.

"It's a perversity of it, right? And it's funny because I stayed up at night, worried that someone would think I was actually writing a book that talked about 'segregation is a good thing' because it of course isn't, it of course was horrible. And that was the other part that I found so fascinating about this story. You had all these people who were so educated, speaking two and three languages, going to a school and getting an education on par with white student in Washington, D.C., but had these other restrictions on their lives."

When you talk about being fearful that people would think that in a way you're finding some kind of silver lining to segregation, it's fascinating because in some ways, the book outlines what happens to Dunbar with integration and some of the difficulties it suffers in the years immediately after.

"The other interesting thing about the segregation issue is Dunbar was always black and has always been black. It never integrated. And D.C. for that matter, legally desegregated but never really integrated. And that is the sort of the interesting social part of the story."

John Kurman said...

Yeah, and it is nice to see exemplars of the White Race are busy winning space battles: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23489293

Be proud, Billy boy.

CNu said...

pshaw..., you sir obviously have no idea who holds the reins of the chariot of white manhood at this moment in time.

I, on the other hand, bore firsthand witness to these Aryan overlords just this weekend. The Mrs. was doing her annual turn on the runway at the KC Bridal Fair (which means I had pick-up and drop-off duties to the event) and lo and behold, what should I spy toddling out of the Overland Park Sheraton convention center, bronies. http://www.mwbfkc.net/index.html


A gaggle of intoxicated milfs posed up a large contingent of these ubermen (in costume) for some group photos and blurry-eyed photobombings. Suffice it to say that these antics were some of the finest and purest comedy gold it has ever been my privilege to witness.

John Kurman said...

.....well..... at least they got the sentiment right.

Friendship is Magic.

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