Saturday, January 07, 2012

corrupt congress going through motions hearing about corrupt banksters...,


Tom said...

Very nice.

CNu said...

Prof. Black is as much a "permitted" counterpoint to the status quo mainstream as Dr. Paul..,

Tom said...

Sounds reasonable.   What Would Chomsky Say?  

Hey, I tried to be as much of a blubbering jackass as possible at CDV's place yesterday; hopefully I realized my potential there.

CNu said...

You've only just begun. The 2nd and 3rd line and their many and sundry minions need to be held to account.

Tom said...

You know, the people I learned this "privilege" stuff from weren't trying to just spin everything, they were trying to understand things and accomplish things. They would sling  Entitled or Privilege at monoethnic gangs of white folks who really were Smug and Not Listening.  And that seemed pretty appropriate.

"Privilege" has too many different meanings, though, imo.  It needs separation into "Mouthing off without a clue," "Never having been arrested," ""Taking up all the air in the room," "Thinking the GI Bill was earned compensation not welfare," "Owning all the Media," etc.  There are links among these things, but there's more than one concept there.
I've  gotten disenchanted with the doctrine-based approach over time anyway, but ... still, I had a much better experience with it before.   That crowd wasn't a mono-ethnic group, though.  It was every-kinda-person.   Mostly POC, but all different POC.  Mono-ethnic isn't my favorite way of getting things done.    It smells like failure to me.    (The all-white "anti-racist groups I've seen struck me as hopeless.  I couldn't stand them.  Dunno why. Eugh.)  Anyway, mono-ethnicity is a needless, and severe, constraint on problem-solving processes that tend to be constrained way too much already.  (In other words we usually fail.   We know this.   Nevertheless this time we got a win locked in so prohibitively that we can fart around and segregate?)Meanwhile I fear that teh White Mystique gets elevated to the level of an idol.  An evil idol, but something much more than what it really is: just the Horseshit-du-jour from the Ruling Clique-du-jour.    The "plan" is to "eliminate whiteness." But what does that mean?  What do we do?  Can somebody tell me?
PLUS the crazy is strong with that particular long-running argument at WARN.  It's so crazy it could be Kos, and I can't let myself do Kos.   My urge is to carry out a scorched-earth policy.  (Which I once actually did to a clique on a message board, successfully in the end, leaving it a burned-out radioactive cinder with only the spambots mournfully spamming each other, not even crickets chirping.   And that gave me a certain sense of satisfaction, but once is enough.)

Tom said...

Oh, and I can see this one coming, I'm a "self-hating white liberal" because (1) I hate parts of today's WL politics and yet (2) I sometimes describe myself as a WL.  Jebus.  If I self-describe as anything else, they call BS on me.  So therefore I must either be self-hating, or else support the bombing of Libya.  See?   Haha, they've cleverly trapped me in a web of logic.

CNu said...

How did the sworn enemies of Black Nationalism become the paternalistic founders/funders of Black studies in America?

Tom said...


nanakwame said...

Tell me which "movement" wasn't co-opted in the history of the USA. Black nationalism was died from day one, written program from a dying CPUSA, it fit well in one of the best organized movement for Peace and Civil Rights. Those movements are dead, EEO is one snailed grievance procedure any where in the USA. Only smart immigration are going to get and are gaining.
There are new movements and nothing is clear in the noise, today. Given: one exceptional generation is dying off, and the game called life, has changed beyond our Syfy.

Tom said...

It's not ever going anywhere, is it?   

I don't see the harm in complaining, but there isn't any plan.   

"I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong." -- Frederick Douglass

CNu said...

BINGO!!!!!  Vanna, please tell Tom about the grand prize!!!  And that my friend is the sinister beauty of the whole and entire enterprise. Once you see the pattern/script, you will see it repeated over, and over, and over again.

Was watching Braveheart last night for the 57 thousandth time, and was once again shook by Longshanks instantiation (albeit on a somewhat smaller scale) of this same model that is PERFECT in its capacity to sustain the status quo until inevitable collapse, and, which perfectly serves to isolate and capture anybody with a plan remotely bordering on democratic or revolutionary.

Tom said...

Yeah, good points.    Movements come, the well-organized energetic ones do some good, and then in time they pass.

Tom said...

But I thought we were going to dismantle whiteness!

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...