Doctors need a transition ritual to get into “medical head”
Stephen G. Flynn, Raymond S. Park, Pete G. Kovatsis and Anupam B. Jena, The
Hack Doctors Should Take From Pop Stars and Quarterbacks, *NYTimes*, Jan.
6, ...
7 hours ago
This video is IQ-75 LOOZerz spouting Sour Grapes. You do not see people fleeing the United States. Folks are, instead, clamoring to Get In - legally or otherwise. So whyTF is that if the "capitalist empire" is so Bad...??
I'm gonna go with you've stolen so much for so long from where these people are from - that they're clamoring to get a little of it back?
Your foreign influx -- Lower-paid H1B's sneaking in on employer-manipulated requirements to exclude equally or better qualified (higher-paid) American_Citizens....
If those American_Citizens are so qualified - why don't they have and/or do their OWN THING like Bro. Dunn advocates?
lol, nah BD - old white engineers and software developers aren't automatically entitled to 6 figure salaries for what Jagdish is willing to do for 60K.
Matter fact, lots of highly qualified young black and brown engineers and developers find that the grass is MUCH greener in Chinese, African, and Latin American pastures.
Let BD know when NASCAR starts running the Beijing 500, Nairobi 500, and/or Rio 500... Yee-Haw!!
Jeez, BD, I've actually hired engineers and I never found any particular correlation between competence and citizenship in the US of A.
I did find that people who have some kind of chip on their shoulder in one area (ethnic prejudice) are more often than not just covering up for a general inability to work with others and/or take responsibility for delivering results. By no means always, but it was pretty common.
You are missing the point. It's not about competence. Jobs in the USA should go to Citizens First. Not needlessly further overpopulate the country...
It's amusing to see your bait-and-switch. Above, Americans were "better qualified." Now you want to inhibit the holy movement of free trade over mere sentimental concerns!
(And let me reveal, my own sentiment happens in favor of the people with the best skills and attitude, not those whose noses are the same shape as mine. I grew up surrounded by people who were a great nasal match, but a terrible cultural/intellectual match, and I won't endure the experience again.)
Nonsense little boy. One of my best friends is an Indian with a BS in CS and a Masters in Maths... from IIT. A school so good that a numskull like you doesn't even qualify to mop the floors at.
Don't know if you got the memo Big Don but they are turning into US Citizens aka Americans in less than 24 months after getting the H1-B Visa. You be surprised how many US Citizenship parties I go to in this tech industry...
As did my friend... he also married a white woman and they've had children together!!!
Fine. Y'all just keep paying the taxes to fund the unemployment payments to American citizens walking the streets while lower-paid H1B's, however well qualified, are imported to fill the jobs...
Half Sigma had some interesting input on that graph...(many follow-up comments also noteworthy)
Y'all just keep paying the taxes to fund the unemployment payments to American citizens walking the streets
contraction and collapse yield casualties BD.
where's your backbone and resolve in the face of this strong Darwinian headwind?
Christ Don, you're afraid of every damn thing. This is why you are a beta male. Adjust, Improvise, Adapt. I guarantee you that just about everyone else here pays more in taxes than you ever did and you don't hear us all whiny-ass crying about IQ 75 loozerz. Grow up and grow a pair.
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