Thursday, November 03, 2011

an educated mind depends on a properly trained behind...,

Video - A word about corporal punishment

Royal Society | Understanding how societies resolve conflicts between individual and common interests remains one of the most fundamental issues across disciplines. The observation that humans readily incur costs to sanction uncooperative individuals without tangible individual benefits has attracted considerable attention as a proximate cause as to why cooperative behaviours might evolve. However, the proliferation of individually costly punishment has been difficult to explain. Several studies over the last decade employing experimental designs with isolated groups have found clear evidence that the costs of punishment often nullify the benefits of increased cooperation, rendering the strong human tendency to punish a thorny evolutionary puzzle. Here, we show that group competition enhances the effectiveness of punishment so that when groups are in direct competition, individuals belonging to a group with punishment opportunity prevail over individuals in a group without this opportunity. In addition to competitive superiority in between-group competition, punishment reduces within-group variation in success, creating circumstances that are highly favourable for the evolution of accompanying group-functional behaviours. We find that the individual willingness to engage in costly punishment increases with tightening competitive pressure between groups. Our results suggest the importance of intergroup conflict behind the emergence of costly punishment and human cooperation. Here's the full paper.


umbrarchist said...

It's the American way.

mastaofdisasta said...

That you believe the father is incredible.

And how can you say she had no conscience as a teenager?  I assume she did.  Downloading music was a huge phenomenon in the early 2000's, and should be treated as such.

How can you make such judgements about someone exposing her father as an abuser?  How can you excuse what was obviously a rage beating while being so judgemental about the victim?

Here's what happened: dad, who obviously has severe anger issues, took out his anger on his daughter, by hitting her until he ran out of breath, all the while cursing and berating her.  That is by definition abuse.  It doesn't matter if the anger was triggered by a child's misbehavior.  It is never okay to take out your anger on a child.  Therefore she did nothing to deserve what she got, and we can ignore whatever she did because there is nothing that can justify a rage beating.

Here's what dad could have done:  Taken the computer away.  He could have made her write a 1,000 word essay on why downloading music is wrong (though in her research, probably would have learned some very unflattering things about the RIAA).  As a judge and a prominent member of the community, he could have started an initiative in the county school system to curb downloading music.

But all that assumes that he was in control of his faculties, which he was not.

She set up the camera because it happened many times before.  It's called a pattern of abuse.

Lastly - this man is a family law judge.  That means he presides over child abuse and custody cases.  Not only that, but he has had previous complaints against him for dismissing children's testimony.  So now we can see that he is abusive at home and soft on abuse in court.  How many children have been left in abusive homes because of his judgement?  "Destroy her father" is exactly what she should do.  Hat's off to her.  She did the community a service.  Children of divorced parents are now safer thanks to her.

To sum it up:  You see a video of domestic violence, and you blame the victim.

CNu said...

She was extorting the father for car payments for a mercedes and when he declined to cave to her demands, she punished him by destroying him professionally with a video tape she covertly created seven years ago. This conniving ingrate knew at that time that she would be punished for her disobedience, theft, and spoiled rotten entitlement subjecting her jurist father to significant legal and financial liability. This conniving ingrate knew exactly that and more when she used this video to wreak havoc on her father.

The only thing she's a victim of is a level of ingratitude, deceit, disobedience, and vindictiveness unworthy of a rodent. She should be publicly judicially caned Malaysian style for what she's managed to perpetrate and get away with.

mastaofdisasta said...

Again, you say a lot about the daughter, but nothing about the father.  Very telling.

I don't care if she was extorting anything.  Besides, that's not what happened.  There are recorded text messages of her telling her father of a payment plan where she could work up enough money each month to pay for the car, but her father would have none of that.  Why?  No one knows.  Either way, it's irrelevant to the fact that her father is an abuser, and that you are silent on that point.

Disobedient?  A 16 year old?  Call the FBI!!!!!!!!  Seriously, you and I both know that rebelliousness is a normal, healthy part of growing up, but Judge Adams would have none of that because he is clearly a control freak with serious anger issues that he has failed to address or even acknowledge.

Again, you fail to address her father's behavior.  You fail to address what I have told you about him.  You fail to address the fact that he is abusive at home and soft on abuse in court.

We are not Malaysia, we are America!  And if you don't like America, then you can get out!

The fact is that her father chose her as an outlet for his anger, a human punching bag.  It didn't matter what she did or did not do, he would find an excuse to hit her to relieve his frustration, as we can see on the tape.

Fact:  Hillary Adams is a victim of repeated domestic violence, we know this because she wouldn't have set up the camera if it didn't happen often.  Fact:  Judge Adams is a domestic abuser.  The community is safer with him off the bench.

Fact:  By your failure to acknowledge the fact that Judge Adams is obviously a domestic abuser, you tacitly support child abuse and domestic violence.

What's worse than defamation and extortion?  Child abuse.

Who deserves to have their careers ruined?  Child abusers (especially if they have the power to decide where other people's kids can live).

You have no basis to call Hillary a conniving ingrate (I am one, I would know, and she's an amateur).  Everyone has a basis to call this judge an abuser.  Even so, William Adams deserves all the defamation he's getting, and then some.

CNu said...

When I was 12, I was told in no uncertain terms that I had to abide by the rules of the house, or in the alternative, leave the house and become responsible for myself. This is a very simple, very elegant, and imminently rational requirement.  By the time I was 14, I paid a good many of my own bills, had acquired and paid for my own first automobile, and enjoyed a degree of independence unimaginable by most teenagers nowadays. (by comparison, when my father was 12 in 1919 - he was responsible for supporting his mother and a clutch of siblings.)

I assiduously respected and complied with the rules of my parents house.

The defective piece of trash that you're so intent on defending was a conniving, disobedient, thieving and utterly useless oxygen thief and parasite at the age of16. Seven years later, she's an even worse monstrosity.  Your defense of that useless eater discloses more about you and your effeminate standards than it does about the judge who let fly with a belt and a good old fashioned ass-whooping.

Hillary Adams should be subjected to a Malaysian style judicial caning for what she's done to her father.

Fact:  By your failure to acknowledge the fact that Judge Adams is
obviously a domestic abuser, you tacitly support child abuse and
domestic violence.

rotflmbao..., I condone medieval levels of violence and have no compunction about its judicious application and use wherever and whenever necessary to effect good order and conscientious behavior. Edo period Japan is in my humble estimation the zenith of complex human civilization and it featured millions of heavily armed professional warriors equipped with 3 ft razor blades and no compunction about ad hoc administration of the death penalty for what you would deem exceedingly minor infractions.

Everything else is merely conversation....,

mastaofdisasta said...

Well then, considering your condoning of medieval levels of violence...

He had a belt in one hand.  What if he had a beer or a bottle of Jack Daniels in the other?

What if he specifically told her to lie about her bruises if anyone at school asked about it?

Would you still condone it then?

The defective piece of trash that you support (Judge William Adams, who abuses his children and leaves other children in abusive homes) is a domestic abuser.  7 years on, he is unrepentant, and deserves all the scorn he gets.  Again, you fail to acknowledge the fact that he is an abuser and that he is responsible for how his children turn out.  Your defense of rage beatings and your decision to ignore the difference between discipline and a rage beating discloses far more about you.

Again:  What we see recorded there is not an attempt to effect conscientious behavior.  It is a man taking out his anger on his child.  He is clearly trying to relieve his own frustration.  I don't know how many more ways I can say it.  Don't you see the difference?  If you can't, you're blind.

Edo Japan?  A warrior knows how to tame his rage, to channel it into fighting energy, and reserve his strength for the battlefield.  A warrior does not harm an innocent child.  A warrior  fights through the lines until he finds a worthy adversary, then it is a fight to the death - an honorable death.

Besides, Japan?  Well, clearly all that discipline didn't teach them not to pick a fight that they couldn't finish.  Maybe you should suffer their fate: the excrement of one Enola Gay.

CNu said...

Hillary Adams would've been homeless and on her own before the age of 13 hereabouts. She would then have been free to turn her conniving, disobedient, ungrateful and worthless attention to the particulars of her own survival.

Given what I see of this story, that liberation would've been the equivalent of a retroactive abortion since this particular hyper-entitled oxygen thief wouldn't have survived to the age of thirteen and a half on her own.

Edo Japan?  A warrior knows how to tame his rage, to channel it into
fighting energy, and reserve his strength for the battlefield.  A
warrior does not harm an innocent child.  A warrior  fights through the
lines until he finds a worthy adversary, then it is a fight to the death
- an honorable death.

mastaofdisasta said...

Your response is completely irrelevant to what I have said.  Your response does nothing to justify going into a rage and relieving that rage by repeatedly hitting a child.

I see you disapprove of the use of pepper spray by UC Davis campus police.  What if Judge Adams walked in there with a can of pepper spray instead?  Those students were disobeying orders, by our logic they deserved it, and are conniving disobedient, ungrateful attention seekers for putting it on the internet.  Expect a comment on another post soon.

mastaofdisasta said...

Hey, you brought up Japan, and I brought up their fate.

And you're damn right about that disagreement!  Anyone who supports child abuse deserves to be hit a few times, preferably with a baseball bat!  I have no qualms about that.

Remember this:

CNu said...

I see you disapprove of the use of pepper spray by UC Davis campus police.

uh..., adult UC Davis students are in no way dependent upon the servant campus police whose salaries are paid by student tuition and whose duty is to protect and serve  members of the student body. I disapprove of all police violence in response to non-violent citizen offenses, and, most strenuously to police enforced abrogation of fundamental civil rights.

these are just the opening stanzas of what will evolve into a very bloody civil war as existential conflicts erupt all across the deck of the American titanic - wrong orders are made to be ignored, disobeyed, and by my logic, ultimately evolve into the grist for murderous conflict.

Only a complete imbecile would equate the servant police force violating citizen rights with parental enforcement of standards for dependent children.

Your response is completely irrelevant to what I have said.  Expect a comment on another post soon.

lol, it rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again...,

mastaofdisasta said...

"Only a complete imbecile would equate the servant police force violating
citizen rights with parental enforcement of standards for dependent

But again you fail to realize:  He wasn't enforcing standards.  He got angry and he took that anger out on his daughter.  You have failed to address this fact.

Can Rachel Maddow Be Far Behind?