Wednesday, July 27, 2011

multiculturalism and abortion to blame for massacre

Salon | Opposition to Islam was the killer's stated motivation. He targeted other white Scandinavians because he considered them race traitors. He wrote all of this down, too, so we don't even have to make guesses about it! He blamed liberals for enabling jihad by supporting "multiculturalism." (Funnily enough, that is also exactly what Mark Steyn thinks.)

If Steyn's intentionally obtuse response is the dumbest I've read, the Jerusalem Post's editorial is the most shocking. Because it basically says Breivik is right

Perhaps Brievik’s inexcusable act of vicious terror should serve not only as a warning that there may be more elements on the extreme Right willing to use violence to further their goals, but also as an opportunity to seriously reevaluate policies for immigrant integration in Norway and elsewhere. While there is absolutely no justification for the sort of heinous act perpetrated this weekend in Norway, discontent with multiculturalism’s failure must not be delegitimatized or mistakenly portrayed as an opinion held by only the most extremist elements of the Right.

They want this act of politically motivated violence to ... work.

If there's any humor in this miserable news, it is to be found at Pamela Geller's place, where she compares herself to the Beatles and Jodie Foster. The comparison isn't quite apt, though, as Charles Manson and John Hinkley were notorious for misinterpreting harmless pop cultural artifacts. The Beatles song was about a fair ride, it was not actually titled "There Is a Race War Coming." Breivik seems to have interpreted Ms. Geller's writing correctly -- he just decided to address the "problem" through horrible, violent means.

But right-wingers generally agree that no one should blame right-wing beliefs for Breivik's horrible crime. Instead, as one RedState contributor argues, we should blame the pro-choice movement. And euthanasia.And `... Al Gore. Is it any wonder that people kill people in a world where Al Gore something something overpopulation? No, no it isn't. Ye gods.

To sum up: This tragedy can obviously be blamed solely on one truly evil, insane person, and nothing else. Besides multiculturalism. And abortion. It is disgusting to pin responsibility for this massacre on anything besides one crazy person and multiculturalism and abortion. And Al Gore.

I can understand how the self-preservation instinct would make sober reflection among the professional hate-mongering Islamophobia crowd unlikely, but I didn't really expect everyone to be blaming the liberals for getting shot by a fucking Norwegian Freeper.


Uglyblackjohn said...

Judging by the comments on Ms Geller's site, there are a whole bunch of angry anti-Islamists out there.

CNu said...

"angry"? man, shooooooot......, you have to recall that the typical lynch mob was a happy, family-oriented, carnival atmosphere type gathering for all but the victims of the lynch mob's ritual human sacrifice and for the psychotics who staged these large collective shows. These human torutre celebrations were a way for the average, "normal" dick&jane to vicariously experience the sadistic thrills of the real monsters they kept in their midst.

These spectacles go all the way back to Rome, perhaps even earlier - but it's probably best to stick with the lineage that we can easily document and trace to best catalog and observe the phenomenon with anything approaching ponerological rigor. What you see on these digital forums is just a watered down version of the killer-ape orgies these folks would really like to see back in vogue.

Big Don said...

Regardless of what you accomplish in your life professionally/intellectually, if you are fortunate to do so, BD expects you will view, on your deathbed, your most important accomplishment as having raised a family and seen them, hopefully, turn out well.   And you know, you can't necessarily put local/national/world events into proper historical perspective until your advanced senior citizenhood where it all comes together. Recognize further, you might give your descendants some advice on life but will not be micromanaging their lives.  The chips will fall where they may.

Now, if e.g. one of your daughters or granddaughters should marry a Mucking Fuzzlim, and live in a "progressive" environment that has adopted Shariah Law, and her husband or one of his relatives snuffs her because she "disrespected the family" in some fashion, how will *that* play in your family history?  (routine occurrence in Mucking Fuzzlim culture, already occurred multiple times in the USA).  That's where it's headed if those FutherMuckers are allowed to get a foothold, because they, as we have seen, don't live and let live, but rather forcefully proselytize and shove that shit down your throat, like it or not...

Tom said...

We've encouraged this shamelessness.  Liberals, right up to our Liberal-in-Chief, bent over backward insisting that the Giffords shooting had absolutely nothing to do with the assassination talk going on publicly on the Right.  (I wonder how the First Lady felt about the no-fault assassination initiative.)

Dale Asberry said...

And, of course, this posting of yours LD is not proselytization.

BTW, the hatefulness of your message is NOT hidden by switching letters. At least have the balls to come here and say it outright you coward.

Big Don said...

You probably didn't even view the link...

BD has no problem with live and let live religion.  But not when it advocates/practices killing of non-believers or for other than traditionally capital offenses, homicide and treason.  The proper way to deal with this is not per Brevik, rather, to update the First Amendment in that respect.  You could still practice your religion, you just wouldn't be legally protected by the Constitution - it would have to be toned down to civilized levels...

nanakwame said...

Under the species of Syndicalism and Fascism there appears for the first time in Europe a type of man who does not want to give reasons or to be right, but simply shows himself resolved to impose his opinions. - Jose Ortega y Gasset

Only the mob and the elite can be attracted by the momentum of totalitarianism itself. The masses have to be won by propaganda. Hannah ArendtChristianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law. Thomas Jefferson, letter to Dr. Thomas Cooper, February 10, 1814

Tom said...

No muslim ever called me Hitler Youth.

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