Saturday, July 30, 2011

Anders Behring Breivik: A Modern Hero?

Video - Journey Midnight Special

BadEagle | I feel a strange and profound admiration for Anders Behring Breivik. His actions speak louder than any words. Does he not appear to be a conscious and passionate patriot, not only for Norway, but for Europe? White Europe, consider your son.

There was a day when such men were called knights. National heroes. They drove the Muslims and their infernal religion out of Europe. Because of men like Vlad Ţepeş (Dracula), Europe remained Christian, and white.

Is that day no longer? Is it perished forever? Is there no resistance, in the name of God, or any other name, to the satanic course of Islam?


Ansel said...

Thank God very few people think like you.

Dale Asberry said...

Lol, these "Big Don Special" tagged posts are illuminating for what we are all up against. And, unfortunately, Little Don and his ilk are far more numerous than you might think.

CNu said...

Think like what Ansel?

The opinion expressed on bad eagle is not my own, rather, it is one of many liminal perspectives on consensus reality which may or may not be informed by facts, logic, ethics, or sanity. 

CNu said...

Ansel from Karachi and John from around the block from BD in Tacoma hella worried about getting at one another. comedy gold....,

CNu said...

Big Don, is Tacoma directly in the line of contamination from Hanford or something? Are John and Talmid of Yeshua disciples of your'n? 

Seriously dood, I may have to go in hard and regular on these Big Don specials if they stir up responses like these from underneath the floorboards in Washington state...,

Tom said...

What is it, neonazi day in the old folks home or something?

Big Don said...

Dunno these folks, sorry...

Tom said...

Time to get the 'war on terrorism' (a) scaled down to a massive worldwide criminal investigation, and (b) targeted at any person or group committing terrorism.  

Tom said...

It's important not only to convict and punish the mass-murderer Breivik and to track down but to capture any accomplices  or sources of financial or other help he may have had in planning his crime.   If future criminals propose such acts in public forums on the net, we can hope that they will be apprehended and punished while they're still in the planning stages.

Werner Solås said...

Norway and the Norwegian press runs witch hunt for the right expression, the Norwegian Prime Minister said we had to address this with more democracy, but instead it has become almost illegal to have opinions against Muslims. Now there is only one "right" way of thinking in Norway. it is not good

Tom said...

Nazis and others who support murder of children are unpopular?  That is a big surprise!  Why are Norwegians so mean and angry? 

Werner Solås said...

I do not think Anders Behring Breivik was a Nazi, he feared what would happen to Norway if we continue to accept Muslims as we do now, to he felt he had to do something about it, to we can get more mr. Breivik not you see the seriousness of the destroying our culture in this way. I do not support what he did BUT I think there must be a coup to stop the multi-cultural. do not think I'll write too much, for all I know foal PST me, it is the Norwegian version of the Russian KGB.

CNu said...

Thanks for bringing a refreshing dose of sanity Ingrid. It's a lost cause though, these poor chaps are navigating the world in killer-ape default mode now.

CNu said...

do you find yourself "overrun" in the far northern removes of British Columbia? 

are you familiar with the singular barbarism involved with the living memory colonization and pillaging of the second and third worlds by the so-called first - in order to achieve its illustrious and unsustainable material riches?

Eugenyck said...

Considering that White South Africans are disproportionately more likely to be raped, mugged, or murdered than the Black majority in that country, would you agree that, regardless of what Whites think of Blacks, there is rampant racism (the kind that gets you killed, not mere usage of the n-word) on the other side of the face?

Also, one cannot be irrational in their desire to stay away from a population that really is statistically more predisposed to violence than one's own (as nearly any law-enforcement agent in America can testify). Here are some statistics that show this fact:

CNu said...

You have Internet access in Romania and Window 7 capable PC's?

I would've thought the gypsies pillaged all the copper wire in your cables and off your machinery to the extent that such luxurious capabilities are infeasible...,

Of course, I see you put them to the highest and best use of which you're capable...,

CNu said...

Eugenyck, it's been a long time since we had a poster-child of your calibre with any kind of longevity. Please do promise you'll stay and share with us poor and confused souls the ripe fruits of your keen insights and prodigious intellect?

Gloria Deo 77 said...

Having read a lot of what Anders Breivik wrote, it seems to me that he views Christianity strictly through a cultural lens and sees Christ as mearly a unifying cultural agent by which to unite Europe under against the invasion of Islam. I'm all for that, but it's sad to me that that's all Christ means to him. I'm praying that Christ will reveal Himself to mr. Breivik personally, as his savior, and guide him into a persaonal relationship with Him. That's the only means by which mr. Breivik can escape hell on the day of judgement. 

footijsue said...

and what if he done it in your own home, hell certainly get my respect

talmidofyah said...

you call yourself a talmid of yeshua, yet are full of hate. and what about the last commandment of matthew which calls on disciples to be made and baptised for ALL NATIONS which includes muslims?  islam is the beast but everyone is human, and yeshua gives people second chances

CNu said...

footjisuetalmidofyah - time to stop pretending - umm-kay????

that single virginmedia cable customer IP address is a dead giveaway....,

CNu said...

 You mean like what whites did to Australia and New Zealand? What's that a code word for ass-hat?

Dale Asberry said...

Colonization? Isn't that what happened in US and Canada too?

Oh wait, that was all genocide.

Big Don said...


Dale Asberry said...

 And that answer, Donnie, is why you will ALWAYS be a beta male.

CNu said...

To spread literacy, medicine, plumbing, and the enlightenment packaged in the anti-tribal solution of Islam to your barbaric forbears running around the forests of Europe painting themselves blue. Must be a boring morning in Halifax for you to invest your $.02 in a 9 month old thread.

Saint Thomas the Azure said...

People of European Descent must preserve our traditions.  I'm off to buy some blue paint.

CNu said...

nagasoup said...

 Australia and New Zealand? That's called conquest.

White liberals willingly allowing immigrants in? That's treason.

CNu said...

Meanwhile, this child-murdering IQ 75 l00zer claims "self-defense"

5a said...

He is a hero.

CNu said...

Doubtless the black and brown muslim hordes are inundating your broke asses there in Dublin too, eh?

Dan said...

There is a overwelming ammount of people who think just like breivik, i think people underestimate that, they are trying to sweep the real problem that breivik has brought to light under the carpet,

We aren't racist, we arent islamaphobes (not afraid of muslims).

We dont want to be integrated into islam and it IS happening at an alarming rate, the treehuggers will fool themselves long enough for it to happen, while people like breivik, myself and the millions around the world who share the beliefs are slowly picked off one by one as terrorists. till there goal is acheived.

CNu said...

Breivik IS a child-murdering terrorist and thank you for sharing that the environmentally aware (treehuggers) are also a subject of your violent ruminations..., 

Big Don said...

@ChildMurderingTerrorist - the way BD heard it is that camp was mostly for children of government officials and legislators largely responsible for Fuzzlamic contamination of Sweden...??  That was how he picked the target.  Would not be surprised if he gets some very sympathetic juror(s)...

CNu said...

lol, and smdh....,

First off TNT, it's Norway, not Sweden - and this thread has served as digital fly paper for a whole host of sympathetic IQ75-L00zers who would typically confine their emanations to "like-seeks-like" digital sewers where hardcore knuckle-dragging is the order of the day.

Big Don said...

I'd be lookin' at the Big Picture, CNu, when those Ivy League Fuzzlim proselytizers and their Honor Killers perhaps get their hands on your daughter.... women with leadership qualities don't fare too well in a Fuzzlim-rich environment...

Dale Asberry said...

Ya know Donnie, I was gonna say something about CNu's top-shelf daughter the other day when he described her. Namely, "why don't you introduce her to me" as a back-handed way to suggest that I'd "seduce" her. It only took a half-hot-second for me to realize that that woman would have nothing to do with that. As they say, Jedi Mind Tricks only work on the weak minded... the point being, CNu has prepared her to take on anything that comes her way. 
"Être fort pour être utile"

Gee Chee Vision said...

Wow, that's like Europeans seeing an Igbo saint as "merely a unifying cultural agent to unite Europe" against the invasion of the Hausa.

People and their paradoxes.

thebritishhouse said...

I believe many people agree with the problems non-westernised people bring to our countries. I for one find it hard to contain my anger at the sheer number of immigrants that have filled London's streets and the way we (white English) are not allowed to say anything for fear of being 'Racist. I am not racist, I simply am uncomfortable with the way that non-brits have worked they way so far into our systems, and are now milking it for all its worth. This country is becoming like the third world in some areas.  I would like to see immigration stopped, those who commit crime or are threatening towards the UK be deported (no legal aid unless THEIR country is paying), all benefits to be stopped by those who DO have houses in other countries and finally benefits should ONLY be made available to those who have paid enough taxes in the past. Enough is enough, I cannot agree with the actions of the Anders guy (simply murder) but I do agree that we have to make a stand against those who seek to take ever more control in our daily lives. I won't go into cultural issues, but I am sure that few are comfortable seeing these black 'shapes' wandering around the streets as if they live in a different country.

CNu said...

TBH - What economic function are these immigrants serving such that they're permitted by the government to reside in the UK en masse? In the U.S., undocumented immigrants from Mexico and Guatemala have been allowed in to the tune of about 12 million because by-and-large they work low skill, low-paying, high-risk, and arduous jobs that many Americans are not so willing to do.

I don't find them to be taking control in my daily life, rather, I find them to be competing for a now rapidly contracting piece of a larger economic pie which for the longest period of time went uncontested. I suspect that immigrants to the UK are rather similarly engaged.

CNu said...

moscow in the heezy this morning....,

Gee Chee Vision said...


I paused to do the Seattleite thing for a moment.

It's unfair to generalize but your environment can influence your outlook on the world. Don's Tacoma'ness explains a little bit.

CNu said...

 Dood, you can't just throw out a Scooby mystery like that one and leave us hanging?!?!?!?!

Dale Asberry said...

Hey, VF, this post is tagged "Big Don Special"... that is to say, it's here to emphasize a very particular cognitive group that is retarding the full possibilities available to humans. CNu has posted a comment today pulling several of these "Big Don 'Short Bus' Special" posts together to help better paint that picture. The point being is that this cognitively deficient group is unable to process and absorb what you are saying. You're essentially yelling into the wind. I've found it to be more effective and fun to belittle their intelligence and manhood since that is their level of maximum cognitive development.

Dale Asberry said...

Hey CNu,

This here blog post was a winner! We got all of Nucked Up Futters stoppin' by!

CNu said...

Rural North Carolina in the hizzy, shocking.

Dood, upgrade that little raggedy azzed Windows XP machine!!

Don't you know the bad man might creep to you in the middle of the night and snatch your whole and entire little wad o' pinty-haid porn, litterature, etc...?

KT will strike said...

Anders is and will always be my Hero.

CNu said...

 Trondheim, Sor-trondelag, Norway in the heezy....,

(KT, is norway where crappy American PC's running Windows Vista go to die? Seriously, you should strike for a PC upgrade.)

CNu said...

lol, thank you st. george...,

I expect your teeth just hurt and are in need of being pulled. don't the UK trusts cover basic dentistry? rotten, crooked teeth that hurt are a crime against human reality.....,

Horas said...

Religion is a sickness. We need to get rid of it.

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