Monday, June 27, 2011

ku klux kannibal....,

Wikipedia | Publicly a Prohibitionist and a defender of "Protestant womanhood," his spectacular 1925 trial for murder led to the downfall of the "Second Wave" of Klan activity. Stephenson was responsible for the abduction, forced intoxication, and rape of Madge Oberholtzer (who ran a state program to combat illiteracy), all leading to her suicide attempt and eventual death. Among other atrocities, Stephenson had bitten her so many times that one man who saw her described her condition as having been “chewed by a cannibal.”[2] The jury convicted Stephenson of second-degree murder on 14 November 1925, on its first ballot. Stephenson was sentenced to life in prison on 16 November 1925.[3]

In vengeful response to his conviction and to the refusal of Governor Jackson to grant clemency or to commute his sentence, on 9 September 1927 Stephenson released lists of public officials who were or had been on the Klan payroll. This publicity and the state's crackdown on Klan activity sped up its decline by the end of the 1920s.

The aftermath was shocking, indictments were filed against Governor Ed Jackson, Marion County Republican chairman George V. "Cap" Coffin, and attorney Robert I. Marsh, charging them with conspiring to bribe former Governor Warren McCray. The mayor of Indianapolis,John Duvall, was convicted and sentenced to jail for 30 days (and barred from political service for four years). Some Republican commissioners of Marion County also resigned from their posts on charges of accepting bribes from the Klan and Stephenson [1].

On 7 January 1941, the Valparaiso Vidette-Messenger reported that Democratic Governor Townsend was considering granting an early parole application by Stephenson; if so, this application was rejected.

Stephenson was paroled on 23 March 1950, but violated parole by disappearing on or before 25 September 1950. On 15 December 1950, he was captured in Minneapolis, and directed in 1951 to serve a further 10 years in prison. In 1953, he pleaded for release from prison, denying that he had ever been a leader of the Klan. On 22 December 1956, he was paroled again, on condition that he leave Indiana and never return. In 1961, he was arrested on charges of attempting to sexually assault a sixteen-year-old girl, and released after paying a $300 fine.[3] The charges were later dropped on grounds of insufficient evidence.

Stephenson was infamous for having claimed "I am the law in Indiana."[3]

Stephenson died in Jonesborough, Tennessee. He is buried in Johnson City, Tennessee.


CNu said...

If I shake Stephenson's family tree BD, will you - awwww nevermind....., 

nanakwame said...

This is the thing that shook me young, the crime of white priv.. was on to their own. It amazed me how my white friends in school were so densed about things. If anything we got to give to Clinton on to Obama is: white priv... is waning in the Justice System, they have no choice. Yet the oki-doke about divine chosen is still a problem, or; Superman is real. This why the lessening of weed, save the Euro boys. hey.
"They just our cyborgs children, we made them fucks, and yes the fight against good and bad goes on, until we fully return."

nanakwame said...

In Fairness - there are stories on the Radical Black Side too, but there reach to power was as petty as the poverty pimps in the Bronx. The core animal  is the same.

CNu said...

When have we EVER had - or EVER even been remotely disposed toward having - anything to rival the organized and highly sophisticated serial killing that is the quintessence of the psychopathocracy?

nanakwame said...

No Doubt Doc
Whitey Bulger

Big Don said...

BD will see your Klan mistreatment of blacks and raise you 1,000,000 dead Hutus floating down the river in Rwanda/Burundi with machetified missing limbs.  And  millions more also killed at the hands of their own fellow blackfolk in similar tribal warfare in Congo, Sierra Leone, etc.  Y'all oughta get down on yer knees and thank the plantation owners for rescuing yall's ancestors from the routine African abuses of their fellow man, and thank contemporary Whitey for creating the setup to the comfortable life their descendants live today in America, even if it's on welfare and Section_8 or even in prison with 3 squares, modern medical care and cable TV.  Beats life on the Dark Continent anytime...  

Rembom said...

BD will see...whatever BD wants to see.  Regardless of the data.  An impressive selective disregard for the mental disciplines he learned in technical school.  Funny thing, other than some books on your infamous bookshelves, there's little evidence of your supposed analytical skills.  You DID learn something in technical school, right BD?

Dale Asberry said...

Actually, it's a bit more specific than that. BD will not see whatever BD does not want to see AND what he is incapable of seeing due to lack of ability. You see, BD is terminally anosognosic.

Dale Asberry said...

Lol, my aggregator is slow to keep up with the comments and I was about to harp on BD for not doing his homework. Alas! you beat me to it.

Tom said...

What's horrible is that BD is the one in the mainstream here.  On most web sites he'd be surrounded by people scandalized by his overt racism, but basically operating from the same set of assumptions.

Dale Asberry said...

Jared Diamond makes an excellent case for it being a Malthusian population adjustment. His research also suggested that the distinction for inclusion as either Hutu or Tutsi was much less defined than portrayed, and, that even though many of the dead may have been classified as Hutu, that classification was significantly misleading.

Tom said...

Dale, I should read what Diamond says, is this in the Collapse one?  But so though, he's interesting, but he also sets my teeth on edge the way he totally ignores the moral dimension of things.  

CNu said...

IMOHO - Big Don defies simple classification. Surely, some consideration must be given to his constant, self-motivated, challenging of his beliefs on the horns of guaranteed opposition hereabouts.

Tom, you consider his human biodiversity inclinations and expressions overt?

Tom said...


Yeah, I am impressed by BD's stamina & motivation.  BD is not in an echo chamber around here.  

And I'm not saying BD is necessarily a mainstream boy, just that on this issue he's taken a position that would go by on the nightly news without a qualm:  "People in the former Belgian Congo just seem to experience a lot of genocide, nobody knows why."    

If by human biodiversity inclinations you mean BD's frequently-expressed conviction that intelligence and skin color are correlated, yeah, I think he's as overt as hell about that.   Like a lot of white male engineers (and to some extent scientists).

Tom said...

Personal opinion on the race & evil question, though, I think we probably all have the same potential.   Probably Northern Europe has a cultural bias toward genocide rather than mere cruelty, but I doubt that it's wired in.  

We don't want to know the answers.  Obama is a typical powerful white American.  But who wants to hear that?  

Big Don said...

The details and motivations for the killing are not important.  The point is Africans are pretty much killing Africans in large numbers *continuously* for whatever the reasons.   Whether it's Mugabe or Mobutu or Amin or whomever, it's the only major problem solving process IQ-75's understand. Don't think y'all IQ-160's want to live under that umbrella.  Doesn't happen in the USA except for the NAMs in a few isolated places like Compton/EastLA, 64130, etc. BD's plantation ancestor bretheren saved y'all from that.  To quote a Tom Cruise admonishment to a whining mobster whom The_Firm had just saved a few million dollars, "What you didn't say was 'Thanks!!'. "
As for "Western agencies getting involved," for the Nth time, if you like your independence, you better have a solid defense against possible threats.  Throughout history, since Day_One, Africans have consistently failed to do that, hence slavery/colonization and today's resource hustling by furriners.  There's another great line from The_Firm that applies here, Wilford Brimley firm security goon, "It's my job to be suspicious, when there isn't anything to be suspicious about..."

CNu said...


Tom is truth, accept no substitutes....,

Dale Asberry said...

Yes, that bit was in Collapse. His deliberate exclusion of moral dimensions is the very reason I like his writing. Follow the facts... everything else is merely conversation  ;-)

Dale Asberry said...

Head over here if you want to know about whether psychopathy is "hard-wired" or not:

CNu said...


Sho's you right on the MSM narrative shaping.

As for the other, HBD is an outlet for frustrated white nerds to commiserate and prop up their self esteem for lives that have not added up to what they feel they deserve in consequence of their allegedly great intelligence.

Frustrated nerds scapegoating others and needing a support group grounded in scientific sophistry to cope with their personal failure are of shockingly little consequence in the mainstream. If they had any cultural or social cachet, we wouldn't find ourselves so profoundly strapped in the STEM education arena.

Every little fringe group has and deserves its own academic excuse-making and support groups...,

Big Don said...

The Civil War was the only war where large numbers of Americans killed large numbers of Americans. An isolated event.  By contrast, you have Africans killing Africans continuously.  That's the difference.  See one of the books in BD's library" non-fiction account from the Congo, "Save The Hostages," David Reed, 1966, has great accounts of the continuously ongoing primitive tribal warfare everywhere.  Another good one the shelf, Richbrg's "Out of America," (black American journalist touring Africa) for example see pg 160, all the ridiculous tribal fighting observed more recently in Somalia  about which Richburg remarks, "There but for the grace of God go I..."  
Again, what you didn't say was "Thanks..." for the salvation slavery provided, look at it as an investment in the future made by your ancestors...

Big Don said...

How about the Facebook Flash Mobs attacking Walgreens (Chicago) and Sears (Philly) to name a couple...??  Look for this degenerate trend to expand in geographic scope and  ramped-up levels of violence...MSM has been amazingly silent on the ethnicity involved, but a few photos have leaked out.

Tom said...

The sad fact, BD, is that abduction, murder, torture and rape are thankless tasks in this world.

CNu said...

but evidently the collective historical dues one is compelled to pay to get stomped into BD psycho-world...,

CNu said...

Looks like CDV is tracking on the latest object of BD's fetishistic preoccupation...,

Makheru Bradley said...

The Civil War was the only war where large numbers of Americans killed
large numbers of Americans. An isolated event.  By contrast, you have
Africans killing Africans continuously. --Don

"An isolated event?" Conveniently, Ol Donnie would like to forget the history of white-on-white violence in his ancestral homeland--Europe. The list of wars since Europeans became "civilized" is staggering. We'll leave out the wars involving people of color such as Alexander's conquest of Egypt in 332 BCE; the Punic Wars; the Crusades;  the Spanish Inquisition; the European conquest of what became the continental United States resulting in the genocide of approximately 15 million indigenous peoples; The Opium Wars;  the Mexican-American War; the Spanish-American War; the Russo-Japanese War; and the wars in Korea, Vietnam, Falkland Islands, Grenada, Panama, Persian Gulf, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. We'll include the French and Indian War because of its relationship to the Seven Years War.

The list includes: the Peloponnesian War; the Macedonian Wars; the Servile Wars; the Gallic Wars; the Norman Conquest of England; the Hundred Years War; the War of the Roses; the Italian Wars;  the Anglo-Spanish/Elizabethan War; the Thirty Years War; the English Civil War; the French and Indian War; the Seven Years War; the War of Spanish Succession; the American Revolution--more Afrikans fought with the British than with the patriots, but it was primarily a white-on-white war; the French Revolution; the Napoleonic Wars;  the War of 1812; the American Civil War; the Franco-Prussian War; the Boer Wars; the Balkan Wars; World War I; the Russian Revolution; the Irish Civil War; the Spanish Civil War; the Finnish-Russian War; World War II; the Kosovo War.

Without being able to project their aggression onto people of color, Donnie's people would probably have destroyed each other by now.

Big Don said...

Uh...dood... BD talking about Americans killing Americans - Europeans are not Americans, please read more carefully before commenting...

Now, right today:
You got Sierra Leoneans killing Sierra Leoneans, in Sierra Leone got Nigerians killing Nigerians in Nigeria
You got Congolese killing Congolese in Congo
Do you see the difference from America...??
So get back to BD when you got, e.g., Kansans killing Dakotans...

Rembom said...

BD - "Europeans are not Americans"  You routinely trot out the central importance of IQ in BD World, e.g., "the only major problem solving process IQ-75's understand", from your earlier post.  Another pillar of BD World is the heritability of IQ.  Well, the American genes that fought the civil war were almost entirely European.  You're now substituting the genetic IQ pillar of BD World in favor of a political or cultural distinction, European vs American.  Sounds to me like a BD confession and maybe a remodeling of BD World.

Tom said...

Well ... for once I'll play the gruesome pseudoscientific essentialist here.  Not every difference between Europeans and Americans is cultural.  If you went by percentage of gene pool vs continent of origin, say between 1600 and 1945, at least, possibly the gene pool in North America may have been buffered somewhat against any uniquely European defects. 

Everybody got defects.  

Yeesh.  Move over Yakoub, there's a new story in town.

Makheru Bradley said...

Europeans are not Americans,--Don

But you are a European American. If you are in deep denial about your ancestry, that's your problem. Your daily expressions here are a reflection of European culturally structured thought--brought to this land by Europeans and transmitted from one generation to the next while being constantly refined, but never straying from its base--Platonic epistemology.

America has always been one of the most violent societies in history, which comes as no surprise since America was founded by criminals. After all British North America was proposed as a solution to England's poverty, unemployment, and crime. Without fighting a civil war, or fighting wars for the control of valuable resources, over 179,000 Americans have been murdered by other Americans since 2000.   

But that number will look like a kindergarten party compared to what will happen when this society goes into total collapse.

Rembom said...

CNu, "Nigerians...routinely outperform".  ROTFLMAO!  My sense is that BD World is not overly concerned with macro-level consistency among its various justifying rationales.  But not utterly oblivious either.  Notice how the Donster, when backed into a rhetorical corner that's crumbling under a load facts it can't support, sometimes just STFU?

Rembom said...

Tom, you're sure right, but I'm not so sure a scrupulous even-handedness is an effective way to take on the likes of BD.  Your point is about intellectual honesty and a mature view of your fellow humanity.  BD World has no respect for any of that.  CNu's spot here is surely not just about taking on BD World, but fighting ignorance and plain DumbF**kery is part and parcel of liminal perspective, no?

Big Don said...

Infusion of higher-IQ colonist genes...otherwise they'd still be eating each other...

Rembom said...

Sounds like someone touched a nerve.

CNu said...

Hold up Bro. Makheru, Plato knew better but was compelled to keep his understanding of the Mysteries secret on probable pain of premature death. 

CNu said...',


CNu said...

well, you and me both know fo'sho that hongry muhphukkas will routinely get'r'done for no other reason than that they grew up HONGRY!!!!

everything else (when you've had your nose pressed up against that big-assed plate glass window) is merely conversation.....,

CNu said...

You mean like in Grimm's Faery Tales or the more recent Russian examples?

Tom said...

Sure.  But I'm fd if I know what is an effective way to take on BD. 

Tom said...

I guess I'm finally trying to realize, what is the point in even talking to someone whose brain is this badly twisted and fractured?
Organizing, legislation, litigation, yes; argument forget about it.

Makheru Bradley said...

Bro. Nulan, since the video has been pulled due to a copyright infringement, you will have to explain what "Plato knew better."  I can't wait to read what you have to say, particularly in light of this statement by your source.

Dr Kennedy explains: “Plato’s importance cannot be overstated. He
shifted humanity from a warrior society to a wisdom society. Today our
heroes are Einstein and Shakespeare – and not knights in shining armour –
because of him.”

Makheru Bradley said...

The history of Afrika prior to the arrival of Western Europeans was the continuous formation of large, productive, and wealthy empires.  Based on these cycles of development other empires would have risen out of the ashes of the Songhai Empire, just as Songhai rose after the fall of the Mali Empire.   Neither the Afrikan, nor the Native American was prepared for strangers with the culturally structured thought of Europeans. If either group had known then what they know now, instead of welcoming these strangers, they would have cut their heads off. As Ayi Kwei Armah writes: "A ruinous openness we had. For those who came as beggars, turned to snakes after feeding. The suspicious among us had pronounced fears, incomprehensible to our spirit then, words generosity failed to understand. 'These are makers of  carrion,' the wary ones said, ' do not shelter them. See their eyes, their noses. Such are the beaks of all the desert's predatory birds.' We laughed at the fearful ones, gave the askers shelter. And watched them unsuspicious, watched them turn in the fecundity of our way, turn into the force that pushed us till the proper flowing of all our people, the way itself became a lonely memory for abandoned minds."  And for this a bastard asks for thanks.  Go straight to Hell in a gasoline jacket--bastard.

Civilized people don't routinely physically fight continuously within their own country. -- Don

They just continuously fight in other peoples countries, which is okay in revenge-warped minds.  They are always willing to sacrifice thousands of men and women to death and debilitating injuries and even more to psychological damage as long as they serve as "gangsters for capitalism." Their barbarism abroad will eventually kill what they consider to be civilization at home.

CNu said...

Sorry about the video, here's Kennedy's written explanation.

Plato was a master of  occultation of the dying god mystery religion whose every work is not at all what it appears to be.

nanakwame said...

You known Doc - The Yacub is a good metaphoric story - given what we now  know  in genome. That Africans helped to create the child known as Europeans and came back to enslave the parents. Augmented by the fact that an African woman can have a white looking baby and a European woman can't not have a dark tone baby. Even in Brooklyn where Africans marry Euro-Americans the children are caramel. Just an observation and boy do Western Africans love to marry smart white women. Hey, it is in the grammar of the genes. We must go back to some of those stories and re-write them not as: all you is evil, no all you is evil, but to tell the story of the unconscious life and the refinement of reflections and story telling.

Tom said...

I could write a SF story.  These two brothers on a like planet, whatever.   And but one goes off to live in the north.  Few generations, the ice comes, and we have a kind of Donner Party scenario, but over and over and over.  Eventually the ice pulls back and the cousins meet ...

The problem is people come to believe these things.  Look at Don.I hate narrative.  Really.  What I really dream of doing is writing a SF story without any narrative at all.

Big Don said...

"The history of Afrika prior to the arrival of Western Europeans ..." was never written in any kind of First Person perspective, because they were so IQ-70 primitive that no pre-colonial Africans had a written language. African history was written 100's 1000's of years after the fact by "researchers" who had an agenda to make 'em look good, i.e., early Africans had calculus, airplanes,thriving modern cities etc... WTF?  They didn't even know how to make sailboats until the first White people showed up.  And Ayi Kwei Armah was born in 1939, all he had to work with was handed-down mythology...

BD understands that Dr. Albert Schweitzer, who ran a hospital in Western Africa for 20 years in the early 20th century, had some pretty on-the-mark insights before all his German language documents and letters were translated and sanitized by political correctness. This material was on the internet back in the 90's but it has all been cleaned out by Google liberals and others. Schweitzer called the Africans sub-human.  Now, seriously looking into *that* would make a dandy Phd dissertation...

WRT continuous physical fighting among groups of Americans in America, why didn't you bring up the Bloods and the Crips...??  Where all it takes is a glance to start the fighting, " 'Fug you lookin' at...??"  Artifacts of imported primitive African culture...ROTFLMWAO.  Historically, Americans are not nationally aggressive and do not attack unless attacked or national security is seriously threatened.

CNu said...

Only direct entheogenic experience can overcome the narrative mess muddling the minds of the masses...., and I'm afraid even that would somehow be perverted by our masters.

Tom said...

I'm not picking on Yacub in particular.  That story connects pretty well with the facts on the ground.  First requirement for a theory.   People who believe in Yacub, what evil have they actually done?

Christianity, when it was  only 100 years old, may have been a more reliable guide to the secular world as well.  As time went by, it went way out of adjustment.  That's what scares me about these stories.I'm not addressing the salvation, heaven, spiritual side of either faith at all, just secular impact.

Rembom said...

BD - "Americans not nationally aggressive and do not attack unless..."  Gettin' an early start on showing your ignorant ass today.  Must be getting your history lessons from Michele Bachmann.

CNu said...

now now, is all of that really necessary?  ROTFLMBAO!!!!

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