Sunday, June 26, 2011

google tackles BD's justification for the war on drugs...,

Video - inside look at Google's driverless vehicle.

DailyMail | Self-driving cars designed by Google will soon be a reality on the roads of Nevada.

State legislators have passed a bill that requires the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles to draw up rules for driver-less vehicles.

Assembly Bill No 511 paves the way for Google's automated Toyota Priuses and Audi TT to be operated legally in the Silver State.

The hybrid vehicles use laser range finders and video cameras to detect traffic, and detailed maps to find their way from point to point.

'Drivers' simply set their destination and the car calculates the route and drives itself there.

The first amendment, which was passed last week, relates to an electric-vehicle bill providing for the licensing and testing of autonomous vehicles.

The second amendment, which has yet to be passed, is for an exemption that would permit sending a text message while 'behind the wheel'.


Big Don said...

Dood!!  Impaired driving was just one example.  How about the addicted woman yesterday on Drudge who accidentally killed her baby that ingested morphine from her breast milk...??  These folks also start fires, microwave or otherwise abuse babies, neglect their kids/family, mess-up on the job, become welfare dependent, inadvertently damage property, all of which are harmful to society.  Druggie crime today is nowhere near the whole problem drug use causes.  
There is no end of harmful irresponsible stuff stoned-out-of-skull druggies carelessly do when under the influence that affect innocent society.  Making use/addiction low-cost and legal is the last thing we need more of...  

Rembom said...

BD, You talk as though you have substantial experience with psychoactive drugs (besides alcohol and nicotine), their subjective and objective influences, and people who are experiencing those influences.  Your understanding reaches similar lofty heights as the movie "Reefer Madness (1937)"  (btw, DO see this movie if you haven't before.  You'll like it).  Please do tell us more.

Tom said...

CNu re post rationale, lol^2

CNu said...

"Don't be evil" still wrings true with shameless googleharlots like yours truly....,

Tom said...

Hey, it's either automatic cars, or lock up the remaining 99% of the population.

Big Don said...

Way back when, in our miserable best-forgotten pre-retirement working days, Mrs_Big was Director of Nursing at a facility that *warehoused* pathetic helpless derelicts whose brains were so F'd-up they could not function in society, even with/on welfare.  Many of those partially-vegetated LOOZerz got that way from various forms of substance abuse, mixtures of illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol and associated irreversible bad reactions/seizures/breathing-stoppages and/or accidents resulting while under the influence.  They were all continuously way out in left field (mostly laid back, non-violent, harmless -- the riskier ones went to more secure facilities).
You would not believe that place.  There was a large sign on the wall, kept continuously updated by the staff which read:  Today is [e.g.] TUESDAY, The date is [e.g.] MARCH 26.  The Year is 19__, etc.  The next meal is [e.g} LUNCH at 12::00 etc.  The next cigarette is at [e.g.] 11:00AM [in those pre-enlightened days, smoking was permitted - one cigarette was issued every hour to those who smoked (mostly all of them) and was required to be lit by one of the aides/orderlies since patients could not have matches].  More general info like that on the sign...
Mrs_B bagged that job after a couple years.  It was a continuous hassle from state inspectors coming through to ensure their precious patients were being properly coddled, all at the taxpayer expense, every last MFkg_Dime, since none of them ever recovered, the disabilities were permanent.
Go ahead, legalize all currently illegal drugs.  Make them nice and cheap and readily available everywhere.  If you want more of THE ABOVE...

CNu said...

See, just like I said, dependable make-work for Mrs. Don.

If all the prohibited and poisonously and illegally concocted drugs were legalized, commercialized, regulated and distributed to FDA standards, those who want to alter their state of consciousness could harmlessly and cheaply do so. The opiate addict would be happy/sleepy, the weed head hungry/loopy, the coke-head fidgety/arrogant, and speed freak like a 1950's housewife, busily and obsessively engaged in constructive household errata.

Making all currently illegal drugs legal would bankrupt quite a few financial "services" parasite institutions, and, bankrupt still more useless food-powered, make-work members of BD's tribe providing taxpayer funded busy-work for the prison industrial or military industrial complex, period.

Rembom said...

@BD:twitter  - The "war on drugs" has proved itself ineffective in reducing across society the damaging effects from substance abuse that you describe.  That's one thing the "war on drugs" really did accomplish: demonstrate that its policies don't work.

I can appreciate your revulsion at the mental hospital scene.  The rational approach is to try doing something to reduce the problem.  The US did exactly that 40 years ago, and called it the "war on drugs".  The evidence from that experiment has been in for awhile.  And there's the experience of Prohibition to add to the pile of evidence, accumulated before the "war on drugs" was a gleam in Nixon's eye.  Yet that big pile of evidence doesn't seem to have affected your view.  So here we have a person trained and practiced  in analytical skills, who supports an approach to solving a problem, who can see that that approach did nothing to solve the problem except waste valuable resources, but who still stubbornly clings to that failed approach.  My question then to you is "When did you decide to stop thinking?"

Big Don said...

A very contented and mellow group of 64130-dwellers flip on their taxpayer-funded flat-screens and are immediately greeted with a glitzy local Walmart ad:  "This weekend only!! Massive OTC merchandise sale!! All FDA certified-uncut medicinal quality product!!  Demerol, $9.95 a liter!!! Fentanyl patches$14.99/lb.!!! Super-special  Oxycontin, 10,000 high-strength, only $12.99..!!!  And now for the evening news,,, In a long-anticipated decision, the beleaguered KC School Board announced the permanent closure of city public schools, termination of all staff, and dissolution of the Board after the absentee rate, for some poorly-understood reason, exceeded 99% for the months of September and October........."  
Somewhere a self-satisfied CNu cracked a faint smile...

CNu said...

Demerol, $9.95 a liter!!! Fentanyl patches$14.99/lb.!!! Super-special  Oxycontin, 10,000 high-strength, only $12.99..!!!


BD, these are Rush Limbaugh special drugs widely abused by caucasians TODAY!!!

Are you intimating that all the little teachers will suddenly be absent if their current preferred drugs are mysteriously made Walmart cheap?

Big Don said...

Who is going to risk questionable-quality street product when certified medicinal-quality equivalent is available...??  Correct us, but  BD understands Demerol is essentially medicinal heroin and ground-up Oxy is "better" than crack or meth...??  
Legalization and BigPharma would put the street products & dealers out of business.  The 'Hood would lose 99% of it's commerce and experience new wretched levels of poverty.  Is *that* what you want...??

CNu said...

My overarching goal BD, is to put heavily armed and armored, non-productive useless-eating members of your tribe out of taxpayer funded jobs in the injustice system and the military. 

I could not care less about the miniscule externalities you've been transparently dishonestly whining about like a little bee-hotch for the past few days. You couldn't care less either. The only goal you have in mind is the continuing taxpayer funded war on ethnic minorities in the U.S. - everything else is just more of your stink-breath conversation.

Rembom said...

Yo, BD.  When did you decide to stop thinking?  Put starkly, it's em-bare-assing, isn't it?

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