Friday, March 26, 2010

war, racism, and the empire of poverty...,

GlobalResearch | At a time of such great international turmoil economically and politically, it is increasingly important to identify and understand the social dynamics of crisis. A global social crisis has long preceded the economic crisis, and has only been exacerbated by it. The great shame of human civilization is the fact that over half of it lives in abysmal poverty.

Poverty is not simply a matter of ‘bad luck’; it is a result of socio-political-economic factors that allow for very few people in the world to control so much wealth and so many resources, while so many are left with so little. The capitalist world system was built upon war, race, and empire. Malcolm X once declared, “You can’t have capitalism without racism.”

The global political economy is a system that enriches the very few at the expense of the vast majority. This exploitation is organized through imperialism, war, and the social construction of race. It is vitally important to address the relationship between war, poverty and race in the context of the current global economic crisis. Western nations have plundered the rest of the world for centuries, and now the great empire is hitting home. What is done abroad comes home to roost.

Martin Luther King on Malcolm X.


Gee Chee Vision said...

Once you dropped this piece on me showing that the NOI didn't originally object to the consumption of pork. I thought I saved that in my email. Do you still have that link?

CNu said...

 Gnaw magne, that CAN'T be me. Proud as I am of my mnemonic capacity, I have no recollection of sanctioning the swine through the auspices of the NOI. Matter fact, my sole and exclusive authorization for swine consumption comes from the direct experience of butchering and slow pit roasting quite a few suckling pigs over the past decade or so, Samoan stylie...., that and slow roasting the loin of the whole hog for various and sundry "other white meat" culinary applications.

Big Don said...

Did you folks see *THIS* ?? ---> on Drudge now.
Michigan pig farmers being forced to kill their herds...
Michigan has a big futher-mucking Fuzzzlim population, e.g.,  Dearborn et. al. - article doesn't mention 'em but bet they're behind this outrageous action...

Dale Asberry said...

Big Ag is behind it numnuts. Can't have the human herd straying and going feral...

Dale Asberry said...

Oh, and you hijacked the thread. Again.

CNu said...

What I do recall, was that the Hon. Elijah Muhammad had some
exceptionally fussy dietary preferences and that he didn't particularly
care for green leafy vegetables (something I found intensely amusing given Bacon-Bey's veegan pronouncements)

CNu said...

lol, no TNT..., my man GCV made a topical/pictorial association with El Hajj Malik El Shabazz relating to some prior correspondence - had nothing whatsoever to do with your obsession. Speaking of which, does Mrs. Don know about that King collection of yours?

Now that Big D has set you straight, you can't seriously continue to pretend that the drudgery you linked accurately reflects the underlying events on the ground in Michigan. Rather, it accuratly reflects the underlying conditions in your head melon, in particular, your shared obsession with "fuzzlim" racial contagion....,

Big Don said...

Oh?  So you know what's going on under the table and behind the scenes, huh...?? You think they're gonna come out and tell ya?   Cancer starts with one cell. Global Fuzzlamic Jihad, dood.  Stop it now...

Dale Asberry said...

Yes. I do. If you were a small farmer and had to face the threats and legal actions of your next door Big Ag neighbor on a daily basis, you'd know too.

You're out of your depth here again. STFU.

Dale Asberry said...

BTW, did you read the article I linked? As for the cancer starts with one cell, that is exactly the point of that article. Read it and learn.

Gee Chee Vision said...

Don is making sure no thread is left unturned. He retroactively hijacked it. 

Gee Chee Vision said...

But did you see *THIS*??
"65 year old California 'Milk Man' Subjected to Extreme Torture, Hypothermia, Raw Sewage in LA County Jail"
You know how milk gives you folk at the retirement home the runs. I think the Führer nurse at your branch delivered a fatawa that resulted in brother James Steward's arrest.

Gee Chee Vision said...

OK, now my memory is starting to kick in. Either you or this link said something about black people not getting the prime cuts as oppose to table scraps. Perhaps I grouped pig into that equation.

CNu said...

Errthing about the swine is prime, from the rooter to the tooter.  It's been a minute since I last slow roasted a whole pig (or three) for a large scale outdoor picnic. But when I get those boxed and cleaned carcasses, I wash them from end to end very carefully, oil them from end to end very carefully with olive oil and bacon grease - salt, pepper, and chili paste them from end-to-end, and then basically fill the body cavity with onions, garlic, and lemons - rough stitch that body cavity closed, and then place them on green banana leaves piled on top of coals in an open pit. Cover the whole with more banana leaves and coals - and then just walk away for the next several hours, or better still, let them go overnight.

After the cooking heat dies down and when you gently and carefully pull those bad boys out of there, and put them in a washtub, tender, flavorful, succulent meat is basically falling from the bones. In fact, you have to be careful not to have the whole thing fall apart on you. I have yet to see anything but the most rudimentary scraps of spine left after you cut the humans loose on a spread of swine prepared in this fashion.

Tom said...

Oh, man.  I don't entertain on that scale these days, but I can get 8 lbs of pork shoulder for $10.    Last time I cooked it up I think I ate 2 lbs myself thru the day, and got laid up in bed with Pork Poisoning.

CNu said...

lol, I hope by this that you mean that you laid your boohunkus up in the bed with the teevee watching you fade in and out of consciousness semi-snoring with your mouth open in a proper, rejuvenating and blessed state of the "itis"

Tom said...

LOL, pretty much

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WaPo  |   Elon Musk, the head of the U.S. DOGE Service, announced Friday that he would rehire a staffer who resigned after he was tied to...