Thursday, September 04, 2008

Life in the Post Political Age

On Saturday, I tried to serve up my take on what's going on in these here presidential selections. In that post, I linked to an article by one of the thinkers for whom I have the greatest continuing amount of respect, Joe Bageant. Today, in light of what has transpired in our political theatre over the last five days, and the extent to which underlying critical issues are now completely off the American political table, it's time to share more of Joe's sage socio-political insight.
In the post political world the candidates who can best thrive in it have tremendous appeal to the economic elites; these candidates thrive in a system that does not dwell on issues and will never ask the question, "who has power and why", but simultaneously creates a social and media environment of stupefying distractions while destroying traditional social mores (under-credited as a source of much social solidarity). This can only benefit their continued rule of that society.

In such a setting our political choices like our consumer choices, regardless of the product, are primarily about what makes us more fulfilled and feel better about ourselves.
Have you witnessed anything in the unfolding psychodrama that fits these observations?


Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...