The US redneck is downtrodden, exploited, screwed over and spat upon, and he knows it. He's no fool, he can see through the BS better than any fancypants liberal. But there isn't a single molecule of social solidarity, of trust in his fellow man, of faith in collective action, left in his ultraindividualistic body that can transform his lumpenproletarian rage into progressive politics.Old girl read the hell out of that teleprompter last night. I'd be lying to you if I claimed that I didn't PIP the "speechifying" into the outstanding tennis. While I had next to no interest in anything written by the GOP counter-narrators - I was very curious about her capacity to function as the embodiment of their identity politics gambit.
The redneck is almost an anarchist except that anarchists believe the state is unnecessary for maintaining social order and cohesion because mankind is innately social and cohesive. But the redneck believes that mankind is innately animal and that the state just a way for the fat and pampered rich and the weak to protect themselves from the law of the jungle, in which otherwise he, the strong individualist-survivalist with all the guns and ammo, would rule.
It wasn't always so. The collective struggle of the granddads and grannies of today's rednecks against the gun-toting robber barons of America was epic. It's that struggle that May Day celebrates. Where today's rednecks revel when the US bombs and destroys other countries, the US working class of the late 19th and early 20th century was resolutely antiwar. The Anti-Imperialist League militated against America's genocidal invasion of the Philippines. The IWW - the so-called "wobblies" - mobilized against the US entry into WWI and its members were carted off to concentration camps or dumped in the desert for "sedition" by Woodrow "make-the-world-safe-for-democracy" Wilson.
But the very successful strategy of the ruling class against America's immigrant poor was to pit them against each other, nation against nation and race against race. As Martin Scorsese epically depicted, the immigrant poor gouged each others' eyes out under the shadow of Lady "give me your downtrodden" Liberty. Factory bosses sent immigrant strikebreakers from another country, speaking another language, on strikers, provoking bloody gunbattles that left lasting divisions in the working class.
The modern redneck is a mutant created by a thousand violent traumas, from the machine-gunning of workers by troops and Pinkertons, Sacco & Vanzetti-style executions, and Bisbee-style mass deportations to starvation during the Depression, red scares, McCarthyism, and mob control of trade unions. He is the ultimate antisocial lumpenproletarian, imprinted with a thousand hatreds and mistrusts, whose ultimate faith is in the survival of the fittest, and whose political ideal has far more in common with fascism than any progressive agenda.
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