I don't agree with Bundy's actions.
I don't agree with Bundy's views.
But what I genuinely dislike is the willful misrepresentation of Bundy's awkward statements - now broadly propagandized - with the intention to prevent further constructive dialogue.
Constructive dialogue and action-oriented engagement is the only hope you idiotic, broken-machine deuterostems have got. So you better suck up all that hysterical nonsense, disingenuous misdirection, and get down to serious business of finding some common ground.
Bundy did not say that you negroes had it good during slavery. Bundy openly wondered whether prior circumstances had you negroes doing better than current circumstances. What this means, and he is clear about this, is that the institutional racism - of the last 40 years of failed social engineering policy - have enslaved your poor urban negroe cousins more insidiously than Simon Legree.
Considering the incarceration rates, the school dropout rates, the poverty and drug abuse rates, and your poor urban negroe cousins are undoubtedly enslaved in a go-nowhere, collapsed political economy. You are of course, as are they, quite free to run your mouths about the situation, say a whole lot about nothing, and do even less than you talk. Bundy is of course not entitled to open his mouth about what he thinks and sees.
Bundy is neither an articulate or an educated man. He made the mistake of publicly expressing the fact that he sometimes wonders which slavery is worse. Wondering about this out loud and in public does not make Bundy racist. He misunderstands freedom and law. What he does understand, however, is the necessity of self-reliance. The spirit of self-reliance and genuine self-worth has been destroyed among many contemporary negroes to a large extent by, and most insidiously, by the very institutions that purport to help.
By applying the word racist to anyone who expresses an opinion that does not conform to the narrow orthodoxy of politically correct speech on any subject vaguely related to race or culture, the Cathedral and its minions have only themselves to blame for robbing the word of any meaning.
As racism is now a meaningless word, it is pointless arguing whether someone is or isn't a racist. It's an empty argument. Why bother.
So, what is actually interesting about the Bundy situation? Federal
bureaucrats turned a simple enforcement of court rulings into a mess.
All they needed to do was have the federal court order the lower court
to give the county sheriff an order that Bundy be brought in front of
the court by such and such a date. That would have been that. The posse
comitatus (power of the county) would have had to escort its kith and
kin to the county seat for the proper exercise of sovereign authority
that Bundy acknowledges.
Bundy in a nutshell
Bundy has had his day (multiple days) in Court.
Bundy has lost every time.
We are a nation of laws and Bundy is WRONG - period.
See how easy that was? Labeling people and ideas is the mark of a lazy mind and a sloppy thinker. Engage with the relevant facts directly. In general, that's a far more challenging proposition than simply labeling things. In the case of Cliven Bundy, however, sticking to the facts is like shooting fish in a barrel.
No troops. No national TV on the evening news. If course, that would have been too easy - and the SWATs and the militias would not have had the chance to dress up and play war.
Bundy is proof that we all must work harder to improve educational opportunities in this country. And perhaps even promote more lifelong learning and interpersonal communion with people superficially different from ourselves. Cliven Bundy is a living, breathing "teachable moment".
That Bundy suggests slaves led a happy life or that black people mistakenly left the Paradise of the South, where they had everything they needed--jobs, chickens, gardens, children, and unincarcerated menfolk - is a two-dimensional version of black American history we should all be ashamed of. In fact, it's a two-dimensional version of history jarringly at odds with the saga of his own displaced and "misunderstood" Mormon forbears.
When people lack knowledge and diverse friendships, they rely on stereotypes.
One would imagine that the purported educators in the race studies vestibule of the Cathedral would have seized upon the opportunity to grace poor, ignorant Cliven Bundy with the ineffable riches of their highly overrated "priors"..., instead, they've simply, disingenuously, and self-servingly labelled him a racist - and in so doing - carried water for an institutional apparatus that thinks nothing of allowing its minions to needlessly and foolishly dress up and play soldier with citizens over civil legal matters that have already been decided on the facts, under law, and that can be settled at the county level.