Tuesday, February 23, 2021

How Much Quicker You Think They'd Kill A Truth-Speaking Irresponsible Negroe Now?

lawandcrime  |  A late undercover cop left behind a letter in which he said he participated in the New York Police Department’s and Federal Bureau of Investigation’s conspiracy to undermine civil rights leaders and Black nationalists in the 1960, and to kill them, said attorney Ben Crump in a press conference Saturday, joined by three daughters of Malcolm X. Notably, the former officer, Ray Wood, said he was involved in the arrest of two men from Malcolm X’s security team shortly before the assassination. He said Thomas Johnson, one of the men convicted in the murder, was innocent

“I participated in actions that in hindsight were deplorable and detrimental to the advancement of my own Black people,” Wood said in a letter read by his younger cousin Reggie Wood. “My actions on behalf of the New York City Police Department were done under duress and fear that if I did not follow the orders

Reggie Wood said Ray Wood wrote the letter, dated January 25, 2011, while suffering failing health. Crump said that attorneys worked to corroborate the letter’s version of events.

“This letter helps me to understand the pain and guilt that Ray felt for the last 55 years,” Reggie Wood said. “He conspired to help the NYPD assassinate Malcolm X.”

“Several months ago, the Manhattan District Attorney initiated a review of the investigation and prosecution that resulted in two convictions for the murder of Malcolm X,” the NYPD said in a statement to NY1. “The NYPD has provided all available records relevant to that case to the District Attorney. The Department remains committed to assist with that review in any way.”

The FBI declined to comment.

of my handlers, I could face detrimental consequences.”


Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...