Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Are The Boule A Case Study In How The 1% Control The 99%?

ghionjournal |  It is a sad sight to see; it’s like we are revisiting the slave trade where neighbors sell their own neighbors down the river for the sake of money.

Malcolm X identified them a long time ago, he realized the lethality of the boule society, the few who have attained success yet refuse to reach back and lift up others behind them. I was once in this cloaked society, a man of Omega Psi Phi, I too used to pretend that I cared about justice while dabbling in the very orders that impoverish the majority. It says in the bible that man cannot serve God and mammon concurrently; now I understand the wisdom of these words:

“No one can serve two masters: Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” ~  Matthew 6:24

Sure enough, I learned the hard way that one cannot be in two places at the same time—either we choose one side or the other. For far too long, I chose ego over God only to feel the fires that come with empty pride and emptier affiliations. Look I’m really not trying to be preachy over here; even though it is the day of Sabbath, my aim is not to convert you into my line of thinking. I am just telling my truth as best as I can and then letting the chips fall where they may.

The truth is this: the boule society have become a bullet upon the temples of the African-American communities. Rooted in Masonic traditions, the “Divine 9”—as they call themselves haughtily—have made it their purpose to rise above their station and dismissively thumb their noses at those with lesser opportunities. It’s like Orwell’s “Animal Farm”, where all are equal except those who walk in two Weitzman and Guccis are more equal.

There is no need to be coy here, the people I’m referring to are those in “black” Greek fraternities and sororities—AKAs, Deltas, Betas Ques, Kappas, Sigmas, Alphas, Zetas and Iotas—who wear letters and throw up demonic signs and symbols paying homages to Luciferian societies. Most of them have zero idea what they are doing; they are blinded by ideologies and bonded by ignorance to respect that which disrespects them thoroughly. The vast majority are branded either outwardly or inwardly, they bow before Satan without understanding who they are pledging their lives to.



Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...