Monday, November 25, 2013

obedience at home, oppression abroad, and wholesale destruction of the living planet...,

transitionvoice | Any empire requires three elements for its own survival. As an empire declines, it becomes necessary to push harder on all three fronts: obedience at home, oppression abroad, and destruction of the living planet. I present a few examples of each phenomenon and embed a brief video clip at the end.
  1. Obedience at home was the subject of a recent essay in this space. Those who do not obey the corporate government are subject to restrictions on personal freedom. For those who are serious about telling the truth to the masses, imprisonment and torture await.
  2. Oppression abroad is obvious even to the typical television-watching American with a reasonably open mind. In the United States of Absurdity, we depend upon our ever-dwindling rural humans for cannon fodder. After all, as pointed out by U.S. President Jimmy Carter during his final year in the Oval Office, the Persian Gulf and its resources belong to us. By extension, the world is our oilster.
  3. Consider one of the many adverse consequences associated with civilization. Industrial civilization converts the living planet into bricks, mortar, and city-centered human habitat. That inexpensive meal served at my favorite restaurant seemed like a great deal, until I thought about the actual, hidden costs associated with getting the meal on my plate.
Finally aware of the costs, which include suffering by humans and other animals, my own heart is burdened.


Nakajima Kikka said...

You do realize, sub-san, that in the minds of the Japanese people, the war never really ended, do you not? Did you really think that the on-going release of low-level radioactive water from Fukushima directly into an east-ward Pacific current is "inadvertent"? I tell you this. The grand plan for continuing the war "by other means" was all laid out at a secret meeting attended by top Japanese military and secret police officials in Singapore--then called Shounanto (Island of the Southern Light)--in early July 1945.

As for opportunities to continue the war by more conventional means, there is this:

Nakajima Kikka said...

This guy seems really intense.

BigDonOne said...

Radioactive waste is *NOT* shot into space because a failed launch, which happens all too regularly, could spread it all over the earth. There are extensive built-in protections, very heavy, even for very small radioactive space-shot payloads, such as the heat source for thermo-electric power generation in some interplanetary spacecraft....

Vic78 said...

So they're going to charge themselves to the game and kill an ocean?

Nakajima Kikka said...

Vic, in anything involving the ultra-nationalist Japanese right, it's critically important to remember that we are dealing with the insane.
However, within those circles, this all makes perfect sense.

CNu said...

lol, you sir - are on a fine rip-snort this morning!!!

CNu said...

Quite obviously now, something far worse than "shooting it into space" happens with surplus weapons-grade material - which worse thing threatens continuation of the species

Nakajima Kikka said...

Incidently, such a meeting really did take place in Singapore in the early summer of 1945. What I didn't mention was that a number of "persons of influence" from Indonesia and Southeast Asia were also in attendance. The immediate agenda was to discuss how Japan could help them prevent European powers from restoring colonial authority in those areas once the "direct military phase" of the war ended. A lot of Japanese weapons, ammo, and other military stores were transferred, and most likely some "durable, portable" wealth (gold and silver, gems and jewelry) as well.
At the meeting, there was some discussion of the broader questions as well, namely "should the war be continued by other means" (the general feeling being "yes"), and if so, how (various ideas were batted around, but not specific decided).
The issue of "continuing the war by other means" is sometimes brought up in Japanese artistic works, most recently in the movies "The Code" and "Legacy of the Sun", both magnificent films that are available with English subtitles.

CNu said...

I was wholly ignorant of this right-wing current and that it included non-Japanese collaborators. Was there an occult undertone to any of these goings-on? (I find this made-up kerfluffle endlessly fascinating )

Nakajima Kikka said...

I believe the meeting was called primarily to discuss operational issues with non-Japanese "persons of influence" (collaborators, basically) related to preventing reassertion of colonial control of Indonesia and SE Asia by Britain, France and Holland when the military phase of the war ended and Japan had to withdraw from the south Pacific. Esoteric or occult spiritual issues didn't come up.

As in Germany, there was an occult aspect to the Empire that was racially inspired, and grounded in ideas about the "divine" origin of the Yamato race and the veneration of the Emperor as the direct, living descendent of the Sun Goddess. Its influence was particularly strong within the army. But the occult never achieved the kind of full-spectrum dominance that occurred in Nazi Germany.

Interestingly, the UFO phenomenon is frequently a topic of spirited debate in Japan.

Vic78 said...

Lol@ #2. Why won't they move out and be farmers? They've done everything to make sure people don't want to live in rural areas. You know, there had to be a better candidate for Sec of Agriculture than that guy.

umbrarchist said...

A large number control a small number with misinformation. When I was in high school I used to take debates seriously and try to pay attention. But I have come to the conclusion that often both sides are talking bullshit and leaving out information which both sides do not want everyone to know.

How many people got richer during the Depression? Even if their assets declined in value on an absolute scale. Prices fell so fast and so many other people got poorer faster relatively speaking they still got richer. So why would n't they want it to happen again on a bigger scale.

But no one suggests mandatory accounting in all of the schools. Would that cause too many people to not make dumb mistakes over the years?

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...