Friday, October 04, 2013

grown folks talking - high-status context that opens a "poor" scientist's nostrils wide?

mansfieldfdn | The U.S.-Japan Nuclear Working Group is an independent, bi-national group of experts that has been convened to examine the broader strategic implications of the Fukushima accident. As reflected in the group’s diverse makeup and sponsorship, the group as a whole neither discourages nor advocates for nuclear energy. Nor does the group seek to duplicate the many high quality studies of the causes and immediate lessons of the Fukushima accident. Rather, the group seeks to understand, articulate, and advocate for the broader, bilaterally shared strategic interests that stand to be impacted, positively or negatively, through changes to Japan’s nuclear energy paradigm. The U.S.-Japan Nuclear Working Group Program is the product of a partnership between the Mansfield Foundation, the Federation of American Scientists, and the Sasakawa Peace Foundation.

To develop a fuller understanding of the circumstances and implications of Japan’s fast-evolving energy policy situation, the U.S.-Japan Nuclear Working Group has held discussions with opinion leaders and policymakers in Japan, the United States, and the global nuclear governance community in Vienna, Austria. Over the course of four meetings, the group has met individuals including members of Japan’s cabinet and ministries, editorial writers for Japan’s major newspapers, leaders in Japan’s anti-nuclear movement, Japanese nuclear industry officials, Japan’s mission to UN agencies in Vienna, American diplomats in Japan and Vienna, prominent individuals in the Washington, D.C. and Vienna foreign policy, nonproliferation, and disarmament communities, and key staff at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), including the director general. 

Reflecting its discussions over the past twelve months, in April 2013, the U.S.-Japan Nuclear Working Group released a report of its findings and recommendations entitled: Statement on Shared Strategic Priorities in the Aftermath of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident

In May 2013 the group will discuss its report with members of the Washington, D.C. policy community.  The following autumn, members of the group will engage in a similar outreach effort with Japan’s policy community. The group will also engage the Japanese public through public seminars in Tokyo, Osaka, and Hiroshima, with details for the event made available on the main page of the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation website in the preceding weeks.

The group’s activities have been made possible primarily through the support of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation, the Federation of American Scientists, the Smith Richardson Foundation, and the Carnegie Corporation. Generous in-kind support was provided by All Nippon Airways, and supplementary, unrestricted grants were received from Hitachi, Toshiba, Mitsubishi and the Chubu Electric Power Company. Several of the group’s members have funded their own participation.


woodensplinter said...

It's not like the college, military, or industry nuclear engineers will be drawn from the radical or elite pool to begin with. You can only imagine how excited any one of these technocrats would be to be flown high-class to Japan, feted with/by the big dogs, and have an opportunity to be important in the Big House for 15 minutes. That moment in the sun is what drains all the bass out of the voices of would be truth speakers.

BigDonOne said...

Hey! What's a little radioactive water leaking into the Pacific compared to all that produced by American and French nuclear tests right smack dab in the middle of the Pacific-Fkn-Ocean back in the 40's-70's...?? Give the Japanese a break. FWIW, at least they haven't degraded their educational, industrial and governmental function by 50 years of heavily implementing diversity and affirmative action..............

CNu said...

So..., if I'm understanding you correctly, the Japanese have proven themselves culturally resilient in the face of 70 years worth of American predatory militarism - inclusive of the unspeakable fusillade..., outnumbered, outgunned, outflanked, their culture has endured the very worst you're capable of exhibiting.

Concurrent with this, the American culture has succumbed to the onslaught of an ethnic minority that has been hostage and deeply subjugated for 400 years, nominally "free for 45 years, and in that brief span of time, though outnumbered 10-1, outgunned, outmanned, and outflanked on all sides, this tiny conspicuous ethnic minority has brought your culture to the point of "hopeless degradation"?

If I understand you correctly Big Don, your nutless, bitchmade, pathetic excuse for a culture deserves nothing so much as to be consigned to the evolutionary scrap heap and a handful of subjugated negroes is still enough to reconstitute from scratch a global system of black supremacy.

Pasty little peasant, bow down and kiss the sovereign feet of your evolutionary master....,

Tom said...

lol Miley is black people's fault, just like the banking crisis. Don't try to get out of it.

CNu said...

Outside the meager psychic wages you obtain from trollish self-stimulation hereabouts, have any of the white nationalist foundations ever bought you a sandwich, paid you a gratuity, or let you in the Big House to share the riches of your HBD/PRR?

Or, have you always only ever been a fanboy with your nose pressed up against the window - paying for - and wistfully admiring the work of the big boys?

Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...