A note on assembly theory from Carl Zimmer [via Tyler Cowen]
*Conversations with Tyler, Ep. 235*: *Carl Zimmer on the Hidden Life in the
Air We Breathe*
*COWEN:* Is Lee Cronin right or insane?
12 hours ago
When you own the company outright (no stockholders to satisfy), you can run it HoweverTF you wish....
Do you know anything at all about what happened to bring about the demise of Hostess, or, are you simply burbling out the side of your neck as usual? http://cobb.typepad.com/cobb/2012/11/take-americas-twinkies-back.html
....Well, CNu, if you know so much about running a profitable bakery, c'mon up here to Washington and start a Pot-laced Brownie Franchise...the entrepreneurial market is wide open....see how much luck you have paying big wages/benefits, while satisfying all the union organization and working conditions demands, federal regulations. FDA, EPA, OSHA, ADA, Obamacare, and, oh yes, be certain you don't [OMG] discriminate against any protected class of LOOZerz.....
side of your neck....,
Hostess management flushed that company down the toilet in pursuit of a "management by KPI dashboard" pipedream sold them by their auditors and their auditor's parasitic management consulting brethren. The yokels who knew perfectly well how to run a bakery got hoodwinked and bamboozled into attempting to turn that bakery into something other than what it needed to be, moreover, they squandered many hundreds of millions of dollars in the process and pissed off everybody from the lowliest custodian all the way up to the raw materials supply chain vendors.
Now, they're post hoc trying to palm their own phukkups on the union and anybody else convenient for them to scapegoat, having both mismanaged and pillaged the company and robbing their employee's pension fund to boot. If only social security was robbed so nakedly as the Bakers have had their pensions robbed and we could enjoy hearing you squeal like a little pig caught under a gate...,
Why don't you pull your head out (of faux news) for a change and see if you can reverse years of information asphyxiation leading you inexorably to dementia?
lol, I ain't mad at you BD, but rest-assured, that type'a shyte right thurr was NOT going on where Ho-Ho's and Twinkies are made..., instead, just some good old-fashioned American blow and injection molding of concentrated shortening and sugar confections capable of resisting direct sunlight and all biological vectors for a good 35 years.
Whoa, Donnie, you just went off the rails into crazy-land!
....It can take 150% of the total resources of the HR Dept in a large company just to kid-gloves tightrope walk the process of even one of these cases to completion without becoming the defendant in a megabux discrimination action......Just try to run your own company now days....all it takes is one Basically-A-Guy who thinks he's a New-Age-Gurl and wants to use the womens' room instead, and you gots yourselves a years-long multi-million dollar problem.......
....Go find urself an experienced large-company HR_Jock and loosen him-her-it up with a few drinks and get ready for some mind-blowing stories....With 18,000 employees, including a large facility in Seattle I'd bet Hostess has had more than one of those....real world what-it-do-shawty....
lol, dood, you love burbling out the side of your neck even more than you love recycling talking points from WND/Townhall/Faux News. First, your ludicrous claims about how much HR resource is required to shepherd ANY kind of grievance/complaint/personnel action is so far off base as to undermine any subsequent assertion you'd care to make. There are two sides to any personnel action, and the full extent of what HR does is to make sure that management has effectively adhered to applicable policies, procedures and regulations in its treatment of individual employees.
No, in the case of Hostess, the folks you'd want to loose-tongue liquor up would be the auditors who bent them over beginning a decade or so ago and hoodwinked and bamboozled their executive management into a suicidal and wholly unnecessary foray into throwing good money after bad in pursuit of the grail near real-time management of their supply, production, and distribution logistics.
Like I said here and elsewhere, Hostess was a more than adequately well-managed brand which was gotten in over its head by a bunch of slick and smarmy parasites masquerading as a "trusted-independent" third party. You remember a little hosebag called Enron, the so-called "smartest guys in the room"? Yet another example of a company enterering a death spiral with its "trusted-independent" third party consultants, this time righteously however, resulting in the literal doom of both management and consultants.
In its own little needless and wratchit way, Hostess fell victim to the exact same white-collar robber cabal. Those are the facts BD, and no amount of hating on fruity pebbles is going to change those facts.
lol, matter fact, the extent of your hating on wholly unrelated fruity pebbles or bent-over and robbed union members, is directly proportional to the extent of your bootlicking peasant mentality. But please keep talking. It's interesting to read the extent to which a fin d'siecle American peasant can be tricked into hollaring "burn the witches" all the while he's being fleeced by his feudal and ecclesiastical betters....,
I'll just leave this here:
I think the commenters have it mostly right, just a weird race-society-justice-clusterfuck-psychology thing.
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