Thursday, August 04, 2011

15 reasons to avoid college student loan debt...,

Video - RT u.s. students drowning in student loan debt.

endoftheamericandream | America has created a student loan debt bubble that is inflating at a staggering pace and that is destroying hundreds of thousands of lives. For the first time in U.S. history, Americans owe more on their student loans than they do on their credit cards. Millions more young people are getting sucked in to the student loan debt trap each year. They are told that "an education" is the key to achieving the American Dream and that they won't be able to get a good job without going to college. They are told that they should get into the best school that they can and that they will surely get a good enough job to easily pay off their student loans. In fact, most American high school students don't have anyone warning them about the dangers of the student loans that they are about to commit to paying off. But they should, because the system of higher education in the United States has become a money making scam. Those who get sucked into the student loan debt trap often end up regretting it for the rest of their lives.

Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if there were plenty of good jobs available for college graduates and if the education our college students were receiving was of a decent quality.

But unfortunately, most colleges in the United States are a total joke. I know. I have three degrees. I have an undergraduate degree, a law degree and another degree on top of that. I went to what would be considered "good" schools.

But the education that I received (and that millions of other young Americans are receiving) is of such poor quality that it is almost unimaginable.

Most college students spend two to four hours a day in the classroom and maybe an hour or two outside the classroom studying. The rest of the time they are out drinking beer, partying, chasing after sex partners, going to sporting events, playing video games, hanging out with friends, chatting on Facebook or getting into trouble.

For most Americans, the most free time that they will ever have is when they are in college.

On top of that, the actual "education" that goes on inside college classrooms is absolutely and totally pathetic. Take it from someone who spent close to a decade in those classrooms - even a trained monkey could pass most of those courses.

Today, going to college is all about having a good time and getting that piece of paper that says you are a college graduate so that you can put it on your resume.

Shockingly little actual learning goes on inside America's college classrooms in 2010.

Meanwhile, big financial institutions are making an absolute killing on the massive amount of student loan debt that Americans keep piling up.

The following are 15 reasons why young Americans should do whatever they can to avoid getting sucked into the student loan debt trap....


nanakwame said...

American working class refuse to fight for free or reasonable student loans, and our children are paying for it.  It takes two to dance - Paulo Freire brillant spoke on this, why they chased him out of Brazil

umbrarchist said...

It is just another phase of the MANIPULATED COMPETITION.

When you go to school you are not supposed to get good grades because you are interested in knowing about the subject but to beat the other students.  If we really wanted to EDUCATE people wouldn't it make sense to create a National Recommended Reading List?  But that would screw up the competition.

The whole system has evolved to manipulate people so it makes sense for people to hide information from each other as part of the competition.  So what good is the Internet in a social-psychology of information hiding.  Most of the Internet is shallow BS.

Pay day Loans said...

Student loans are guaranteed by the govt, meaning if you standard on them, the govt will compensate the lender for the amount you were credited. Because of this guarantee, education loans are different from most other types of debts, and education loan collection agencies needs to be dealt with in a slightly different way.

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