Tuesday, August 12, 2008

From Stupid to Moronic to Evil

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative." John Stuart Mill

Paul Craig Roberts brought the hardline and summed up the emerging backstory about the Georgian Incident well in advance of its conclusion.
The Endowment for Democracy purchased Georgia as a US colony. The affront to Russia was extreme, but at the time Russia was weak. Oligarchs with outside money had grabbed control over Russian resources, and Russia was in dire straits and could not resist American imperialism.

Putin corrected the situation for Russia.

Now using American weapons, Georgia, for reasons yet to be revealed has violated its own agreement with Russia and attacked South Ossetia, killing in the process Russian peacekeepers. Vladimir Vasilyev, chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee for Security told the press:

"The things that were happening in Kosovo, the things that were happening in Iraq – we are now following the same path. The further the situation unfolds, the more the world will understand that Georgia would never be able to do all this without America."

Yes, without America there would be no war in Ossetia and no war between Russia and its former constituent part.

Without America there would be no war in Afghanistan. No war in Iraq.

Without America there would not be 1.2 million dead Iraqis and 4 million displaced Iraqis. We have no idea of the toll on Afghan civilians, although women and children appear to be the prime targets of the US/NATO forces that are "bringing peace and freedom to Afghanistan."

Recently, US Secretary of State Condi Rice said that the US government could not prevent an Israeli attack on Iran. Israel is an independent country, said the American Secretary of State. What an extraordinary lie.

Israel cannot exist without American weapons and money. Israel cannot attack Iran without overflying Iraq, which the US air force can easily prevent. It is clear as day that the Bush Regime has given the green light to Israel to attack Iran so the Bush Regime can rush to "Israel's defense."

Meanwhile the "liberal" media is urging the US to get involved in a war between Russia and Georgia. The insanity will lead to the unloosening of nuclear weapons.
PCR wrote the above well in advance of the conclusion of this fiasco. Though most of it is a scathing condemnation of Bushco and the base that he exemplifies - it also contained a prescient hardline synopsis of what has gone down in the Caucasus. Here now is the real hardline, President Medvedev has instructed Russian military judicial and forensics professionals to document these war crimes against the people of South Ossetia. Russia intends to press charges for war crimes against the perpetrators. Should be interesting to see whether the Georgian sockpuppet gets perp-walked into the Hague and prosecuted for war crimes.


Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...