Scientists are developing new substances at the cross section of biology and chemistry--such as peptide bioregulators--that could be used to incapacitate and kill. These substances defy the typical biochemical threat spectrum that includes microbial pathogens such as the anthrax bacterium and toxins such as botulinum. In "The Body’s Own Bioweapons" PDF (March/April 2008 Bulletin), Jonathan B. Tucker, a senior fellow at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, documents this research and its impact on existing arms controls. Tucker and his three fellow discussants continue the debate about the impact of these new lethal and incapacitating agents and suggest ways to discourage their development. A treasure trove of articles discussing bioweapons research at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
Too Many Bots
People don't like science and technology because we perceive that it
diminishes us. We went from Center of the Universe to a mere dust mote in
some unrem...
1/31 Again
When 1 = A and 26 = Z
Hypertiger = 131
Looks like the purpose of the Free Trade agreements in the past was to make
Canada and Mexico so dependent on ...
Announcing My 3rd Book
My latest book is now available for purchase! It is a bit different than my
prior works. It is entitled Becoming Missouri State: Conversations on the
Return of the Magi
Lately, the Holy Spirit is in the air. Emotional energy is swirling out of
the earth.I can feel it bubbling up, effervescing and evaporating around
us, s...
Covid-19 Preys Upon The Elderly And The Obese
sciencemag | This spring, after days of flulike symptoms and fever, a man
arrived at the emergency room at the University of Vermont Medical Center.
He ...
(Damn, has it been THAT long? I don't even know which prompts to use to
post this)
Can't get on your site because you've gone 'invite only'?
Man, ...
First Member of Chumph Cartel Goes to Jail
With the profligate racism of the Chumph Cartel, I don’t imagine any of
them convicted and jailed is going to do too much better than your run of
the mill ...
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