Saturday, May 17, 2008

It's Liquidation Time...

It's approaching three months since we last sampled a little bit of the Hypertiger's wisdom. I tend to dot connect from the periphery of what's available to us in the mainstream if we'll only focus our attention diligently enough to see it.

F'zample, the makings of the Greatest Depression are all readily available for anyone to see. The pernicious gaming of the food supply and gradual conditioning of public awareness to this process is another subject we've covered extensively, and, which other dot-connectors have summarized nicely to our attention.

But at the end-of-the-day - I've only come across a single purveyor of an internally consistent grand unified theory of the end of the world as we know it (TEOTWAWKI) who goes well beyond the popular periphery and deep into historical detail and comes back up and out with simple, readily accessible explanatory summations. I believe it imperative that you go and fully assimilate Hypertiger Wisdom if want to have a comprehensive handle on the current situation - that said, I humbly yield the microphone to the Hypertiger;
A well rested horse is not an exhausted horse. And an exhausted horse is zero.

Top lives off the yield from the bottom. When the yield from the bottom to the top becomes zero...The top goes nowhere. The top needs to find a well rested horse to ride...You can add as many exhausted horses to the equation as you want...You are not going anywhere.

Rich people get all the power they have from the bottom...and when the bottom is exhausted...There is nothing they can do...They have no power other than what you all give them.

And you think when you can no longer pay the top what you owe them that they are going to print up what you owe them...hand it to you and then you hand it back to them to pay them what you owe them...

Sorry...When the bottom is exhausted...It's game over.

No magic printing press or anything else is going to work....The only thing that works is liquidation.

the top needs assets and saves assets...But once the bottom is used up...They are not assets anymore...They are liabilities and either self liquidate or are wiped off the face of the ledger...

Can't feed 6 Billion boot lickers anymore...well...liquidate them until you get to the point that you can.

The above is real economics...Not the wishful thinking fantasy economics you all are devoted to and promote.
Very, very few people realize what we've enbedded in...An absolute capitalist hierarchial food powered make work enterprise...

GDP break down...

Agriculture: 1% The producers of the power...

The consumers of the power. (food powered make work liabilities)

Industry: 20.7%
Services: 78.3%

Sorry but none of you eat Gold and Silver or copper or crude oil, etc. to sustain the continued existence of your bodies...

Total labor force out of the population of 300 Million...150 million.

farming/food production 0.5% or 7.5 million people...

In any evaluation of the actual state of an economy, the intellectual tools of historic comparison are invaluable. When those tools are used today to examine the US economy, what one finds is a massive multi-generational retrogression which has been constant since the mid-1960s. To give just one example of this, today, the US manufacturing base takes up a mere 9.9 percent of total employment.

If the gargantuan and grotesque US military-industrial complex is subtracted, as it ought to be as sheer economic waste, what would remain are those still employed in the US civil and private economy. In reality, genuinely productive employment in the US economy is much lower than 9.9 percent. This is de-industrialisation in broad daylight. Some folks not only haven't a clue about the nature of the beast, they actively promote disinformation which serves to keep other clueless folks distracted from seeking a clue on their own.


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