Sunday, December 23, 2007

Move It or Lose It...,

Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson, p.368

The muscular patterns which govern posture are deeply interwoven with the emotional and psychological patterns which govern personality and behavior.

The freedom to act effectively and the ability to choose rationally are directly related to the ability to move one's body without the intrusion of habitual, "parasitic" tensions. One of the easiest ways and most reliable ways of communicating with the subconscious is through movement;
Research now shows that your brain is teeming with body maps—maps of your body's surface, its musculature, its intentions, its potential for action, even a map that automatically tracks and emulates the actions and intentions of other people around you.

These body-centered maps are profoundly plastic—capable of significant reorganization in response to damage, experience, or practice. Formed early in life, they mature with experience and then continue to change, albeit less rapidly, for the rest of your life. Yet despite how central these body maps are to your being, you are only glancingly aware of your own embodiment most of the time, let alone the fact that its parameters are constantly changing and adapting, minute by minute and year after year. You may not truly appreciate the immense amount of work that goes on behind the scenes of your conscious mind that makes the experience of embodiment seem so natural. The constant activity of your body maps is so seamless, so automatic, so fluid and ingrained, that you don't even recognize it is happening, much less that it poses an absorbing scientific puzzle that is spawning fascinating insights into human nature, health, learning, our evolutionary past and our cybernetically enhanced future.
Authors Investigate the Body's 'Mind of Its Own' (Nice NPR interview)

In the subconscious is stored the data necessary for engendering in us the “Divine impulse of genuine objective conscience.” What must we do to ensure that our subconscious participates more fully and positively in our everyday life?


Nothing Personal, It's Just Business....,

▶️ Powerful video here: revealing the deep and dark corruption which has been fueling this disastrous proxy war from the first moment of its...