Friday, December 23, 2022

Musk Has Chosen To Make Common Cause With Idiot Trolls And Unapologetic Bigots

Slate  |  Musk is the richest man in the world and yet comports himself online like a pustulous incel on a Mountain Dew bender. Though Taibbi and Weiss were each once ensconced at the absolute top of the American mainstream media—Weiss at the opinion section of the New York Times, Taibbi as a star writer for Rolling Stone—both have since migrated to Substack, where they each run popular and lucrative newsletters that exist to bite the hands that once fed them

Their shared thesis, to oversimplify, is that the mainstream media, Big Tech, and other important cultural institutions now follow a shared set of ultra-liberal speech codes that have been imposed from within by woke young employees. Cowed by their strident staffers, executives at these institutions have allegedly abdicated their leadership responsibilities and have, so to speak, allowed the inmates to run the asylum. Dare to express opinions that transgress these implicit speech codes—dare to say anything that might offend even a single “social justice warrior” within these spheres—and you’ll quickly find yourself excommunicated. The broader implications of this alleged ideological uniformity, Taibbi and Weiss argue, are devastating for speech and democracy.

And actually, fair enough. There is ample historical precedent for leftist political movements using speech codes as tools to empower repressive regimes, just as there are countless moments in history when right-wing dipshits have stoked moral panics rooted in cultural revanchism and risible claims of conspiracy in order to consolidate power and influence for their own curdled ends. The challenge and obligation of citizenship in a democracy involves, in part, remaining alert to the various strains of demagoguery that are circulating at any given period of time, accurately assessing the relative threats that they pose to democratic principles, and taking notice when prominent voices seem intent on deflecting your attention from mountains while warning endlessly about molehills.

American democracy has indeed taken a bit of a beating over the past few years, but the most violent blows have been landed by the Trumpist right and its opportunistic enablers. While neither Taibbi nor Weiss is blind to the threats that Trumpism has posed to democracy, their recent output sure does make it seem as if the predominant crisis facing America today is one of creeping illiberalism and ideological uniformity in tech, media, and the Democratic Party. Though Taibbi and Weiss do not self-classify as conservatives, the drum that they’ve been banging for a few years now is functionally indistinguishable from the one that the American right wing has been banging for as long as I’ve been alive—a concordance that matters intensely when attempting to parse the import of the Twitter Files.


Thursday, December 22, 2022

Trump Wasn't Remotely Clever, Cruel, Or Ruthless Enough To Fight The 5th Estate

WSJ  |  So compromised are the national reporting staffs of the Washington Post, the New York Times and other outlets that they can’t be trusted on the biggest story of the day. A Jeff Bezos, say, would have to take a page from the CIA’s own history and recruit a “Team B” off-site from his Washington Post to investigate the laptop ruse, then require his newspaper to report the truth however discomfiting to its newsroom and leadership.

The laptop ruse also ought to have you rethinking the FBI’s and Robert Mueller’s dragging out of the collusion inquiry to damage a president they distrusted. It ought to have you rethinking James Comey’s convenient resolution of the Hillary Clinton email matter based on secret “Russian intelligence” that he made sure would remain hidden from you even today.

Our press would bring these stories to light if it could refute them, but it can’t so it ignores them. And no, Twitter and Substack aren’t a substitute for institutions that can deploy teams of reporters and substantial resources to investigations.

The point has long since stopped being whose ox is gored, Mr. Trump’s or Mr. Biden’s. American voters whatever their sympathies don’t want their government and media lying to them to shape their political choices. (Put aside lying in a way that falsely incriminates a nuclear-armed hostile power as trying to fix a U.S. election on behalf of one of the candidates—an element of this episode that none want to confront.) The election is over; the truth is kept from you now to protect the guilty, not to save the country from the supposed menace of Trumpism. In a different universe far, far away—that is, America pre-Donald Trump—a conscientious press would be reporting the hell out of all this.

Now House Republicans will have to do the job instead, implicitly holding the press to account in the process. Whether Joe Biden actively promoted his son’s ventures is a secondary question but will yield to further investigation. Whether active-duty officials joined in lying to news outlets about the laptop origins will become clear as the Twitter revelations are followed up. One question I think we can say is already resolved conclusively: The 51 former officials lied to the public with deliberation and premeditation to influence a presidential election, and the national press abetted them.

Whoever Made Up "Stochastic Terrorism" Needs To Be Shot With Hot Pee!!!

systemupdate |  Remember that shooting spree that killed five people in a gay bar in Colorado Springs just a little over three weeks ago? You'll be forgiven if you don't remember. That's because, after days of intense media scrutiny, that shooting spree has all but disappeared from our discourse. The reason? It appears, sadly, that this horrific episode cannot be blamed on the corporate media's political enemies.

The reason we heard so much at first about these Colorado Springs murders, as opposed to the countless other mass murder sprees happening in the U.S. every week that are apolitical in nature is that the media were sure they instantly knew the motive of the killer. He was, of course, a gay-hating, right-wing, Fox News-watching fanatic motivated by a deep contempt for LGBTs to the point that he wanted to murder them. Almost nothing was known about the killer. Even less was known about his motive.

But that made no difference. We were instantly subjected to a gleeful orgy from left-liberal political and media precincts, insisting that the real killers, the ones who had blood on their hands, were not so much the killer himself, but conservatives who express criticism of the LGBT dogma -- usually the T part of that equation. Tucker Carlson; Chris Rufo; The Libs of TikTok Twitter accounts, various from Republican politicians: the usual list of enemies of the media.

These people, the media's ideological enemies, were blamed for this shooting in Colorado Springs, even though the media had no idea whether the killer had any opinion about those people they had blamed or whether he had even heard of all of them or any of them. They just asserted, with absolutely no evidence, that the killer was motivated by anti-LGBT antipathy, that he was taught by Fox News and whatever other individual politicians or activists most hated by whichever media figure was assigning the blame.

Less than 24 hours after those murders, Pete Buttigieg who was apparently still the secretary of transportation, even though he seemed to talk about everything except transportation, wasted no time in penning the blame on his ideological enemies. Quote: “If you're a politician or media figure who sets up the LGBT community to be hated and feared -- not because any of us ever harmed you, but because you find it useful -- then don't you dare act surprised when this kind of violence follows. Don't you dare act surprised”

Bernie Sanders did not even wait until the next day. On the very day of the shooting, he apparently knew everything about the motive of the killer and who was to blame. Quote: "Let's be clear, the terrible shooting in Colorado Springs this weekend is a direct result of the hateful and violent rhetoric that has been allowed to grow in this country. We must stand united with the LGBTQ+ community and speak out against bigotry everywhere we find it”. 

That social conservatives, especially those who descend from some planks of this very new gender ideology dogma, were the real killers, was instantly consecrated as truth, even though it never had and still does not have a shred of evidence. In fact, lawyers for the suspect, Anderson Lee Aldridge, said in the very first court filings that Aldridge identifies as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns.

News reports then discovered that Aldridge had sought a name change at the age of 15 and then suffered online bullying, centered on mocking him as a homosexual. From the start, the police have said and continue to say they do not know his motive. And while some online extremism experts began doubting the authenticity of Aldridge's self-identification as non-binary, suggesting that perhaps he's just trolling -- who knew that such doubts were allowed now over someone's expressed sexual orientation? Perhaps that's only confined to these “online extremism experts” -- the picture that began emerging was very unclear at best and bereft of evidence to support the preferred narrative.

That's why this media spree completely disappeared from sight. Without the ability to blame it on one's political adversaries, all the fun is gone. It has no utility and thus is of no interest in the media any longer. Nobody ever cared about those victims. The victims are only of interest if they can be exploited for political gain. All of this reflects one of the most demented and soulless new political tactics to eagerly blame every mass shooting attack on one's political enemies, regardless of whether there is evidence to support that accusation. 

Now, just imagine. Seriously, just imagine how so sociopathic you have to be to hear about a mass shooting spree with multiple innocent victims and eagerly wait for the green light to blame your political opponents for the dead people. And if that doesn't come about because the motive isn't what you hoped for or you can't determine it, you just lose interest in the entire crime, or you just fall back onto the standard tactic of blaming your enemies anyway, because they're the reasons that guns were available in the first place. 

All of this, in turn, is based on an even more insidious premise that words do not merely express ideas but are themselves violence. This is the rotted premise, the principle one that is causing more and more people to embrace the virtues of censorship. The idea that having centralized state and corporate authorities ban certain ideas is necessary to keep us safe because those ideas themselves are violent. For people who think this way, there is no difference between expressing an idea and pulling the trigger of a gun because in their worldview, as they themselves say, words are literal violence. Literal violence.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

What You Get When You Make War Against Truth And Reality

kunstler |  In effect, the people running things went from a war against a particular person to a war against reality and its twin sister, truth. Now they are deeply invested in unreality and untruth to the point where they have forgotten how this whole fiasco started and all they can do is desperately patch the dike they had to construct against the informational deluge of truth and reality coming at them like a tsunami rolling across the sea. The harder they work at this futile task of defense, the more absurd they make themselves, leading to ridicule, humiliation, and finally condemnation in whatever remains of the legal arena, where their deeds will finally be judged.

      The first stage of that outcome for them is to pretend that none of it is happening. That’s why The New York Times and Washington Post ignore the news that the gallant knights of the FBI and several other tentacles of the Intel octopus mounted a ferocious, long-running psy-op through the new phenomenon of social media — which happened to rise in importance through this whole period of national discord. In effect, the intel agencies seized the transmitters (as Fidel Castro might put it) and used them very effectively to control their hallowed narratives.

     The second stage is deploying a ruse to distract the public’s attention: That’s why CNN allowed Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the most accomplished liar in all of American politics, to set the stage on Sunday for this week’s criminal referrals against Mr. Trump to be issued out of the House Special J-6 Committee he sits on. That will give America something else to talk about than how they’ve been gaslit and deceived for years. If The Party of Chaos can only bring The Insurrection back into the spotlight, they will feel safe for a little while during the Christmas holiday — because shortly after the new year, there will be a different crew running the J-6 committee and, for the first time in a couple of years, they will be looking into neglected and tacitly suppressed matters such as the FBI’s actual role in that event, and Nancy Pelosi’s failure to honor the then-president’s request for national guard troops to protect the Capitol building.

      Between then and now, we must expect to see the release of Elon Musk’s Twitter files regarding the interactions between federal public health officials and the social network during the years of Covid-19. You understand that these officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, CDC chief Dr. Rochelle Walensky, US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, and many others, lied about absolutely everything concerning the pandemic and continue lying to this moment about the putative remedy for it: mRNA vaccines, which happen to be killing a lot of people these days. These disclosures will be very serious business. Soon will come congressional inquiries, subpoenas, compelled testimony, and perhaps even criminal referrals.

     Of course, the professional and managerial class also happens to be the most stalwart group of vaccine champions in the land and thus the most psychologically invested in thinking they did the right thing taking all those shots — while forcing as many others to submit, whether they consented or not. The psychology of previous investment is a prime generator of self-delusion. It looks like that class of people will be proven incorrect the hard way. It turns out, after all, that the mRNA “vaccines” were very effective — but only at being deadly. The excess mortality has already kicked in. It’s 18 percent above normal, for instance, in Australia right now, because they’re keeping track. Our officials don’t want to keep track. They don’t want to know, and they certainly don’t want you to know. This is what you get when you make war against truth and reality.

Elon Musk Asks Adam Schiff If He Approves Of State Censorship In Violation Of The Constitution

jonathanturley |  This week, the media continued to fulfill that common view of a de facto state media by ignoring new evidence of FBI coordination in censorship targets with Twitter in the latest news blackout.

On Friday, Twitter released additional information showing that the FBI and CIA actively pushed for censorship, supplying lists of accounts to be suspended or banned.

Journalist Matt Taibbi described Twitter as acting as a “subsidiary” of the FBI and wrote that “between January 2020 and November 2022, there were over 150 emails between the FBI and former Twitter Trust and Safety chief Yoel Roth.

The evidence continues to establish a system of censorship by surrogate or proxy.  While the First Amendment applies to the government and not private corporations generally, it does apply to agents or surrogates of the government. Twitter now admits that such a relationship existed between its former officials and the government.

Once again, however, the major networks and newspapers have largely ignored the story. There has been a full mobilization of media, political, and business interests against Elon Musk and Twitter to oppose the restoration of free speech protections at the company. The media is heavily invested in suppressing this story after years of denials of any problems of censorship. Previously, they denied censorship was occurring. When such censorship became obvious, they denied that there was any involvement of the FBI and the government. Now that such involvement is confirmed, they are simply not covering the story.

Instead, the media is “all-in” on the doxxing suspensions (which Musk has now lifted).  I have been critical of Musk’s response to the doxxing controversy.  In part this is due to the scope of the suspensions and the fact that they occurred only 24 hours after the new policy was implemented. I would have preferred warnings and further clarity on the issue, particularly in what constituted doxxing in some of these tweets from journalists.

Despite the overwhelming coverage, there is little explanation of the media’s approach to the underlying doxxing question. Some have said that this is a “grey area” or may be below the threshold.

For years, the media has supported suspensions due to doxxing. In this case, the location of Musk’s plane may have been used by an individual to threaten his family. Most reports omit any discussion of whether the sending of such live locations information is doxxing. If it is, it has long been banned by most sites and journalists are not exempt.

Previously, figures connected with mainstream media from CNN to the Washington Post have been accused of doxxing. Liberal groups were accused of doxxing conservative justices and others, including dangerously posting information on the children of Justice Amy Coney Barrett. It does not seem to matter when the targets are conservative, Republican, or libertarian.

Elon Musk Asks Ted Lieu About His Censorious Lil'Bish Credentials Too

democraticunderground |  This is the tweet from Taibbi that started it, a continuation of the transparency in the Twitter Files Musk hired him to post on Twitter.

Instead of chasing child sex predators or terrorists, the FBI has agents — lots of them — analyzing and mass-flagging social media posts. Not as part of any criminal investigation, but as a permanent, end-in-itself surveillance operation. People should not be okay with this.

Lieu's response:

Dear @mtaibbi: I’m on the House Judiciary Committee that has oversight over the
@FBI and you are lying. The FBI has lots of agents chasing child sex predators and terrorists. Please stop undermining and lying about federal law enforcement.

Taibbi replied, and then Musk jumped in with a reply addressing Lieu, though his reply went only to Taibbi and the RW media outlet RSBN:

Taibbi to Lieu:

Being on that committee you should know:
- How much has been spent, and how many DHS/DOJ employees have been assigned, to monitoring and flagging social media?
- Why is the FBI asking for "location information" about ordinary Americans and media outlets like

Musk to Lieu:

Replying to @mtaibbi and @RSBNetwork

Congressman Lieu, were you aware of this program and did you approve it? Simple questions require simple answers.

While this is just on Twitter now, and probably the RW media outlets cheering Musk on, this will be affecting what the GOP majority does in the House, starting next month

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

The Pentagon Has Nothing To Affirm The Existence Of Space Aliens

WaPo  |  A new office at the Pentagon is scrutinizing hundreds of reports of unidentified objects in air, sea, space and beyond, senior U.S. defense officials said Friday, and while it has discovered no signs of alien life, the search is set to expand.

The issue has taken on increasing seriousness as a bipartisan group of lawmakers presses the Defense Department to investigate instances of unidentified phenomena and disclose publicly what they learn. Established in July, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office is evaluating recent reports and soon could evaluate accounts that date back decades, officials said.

The Pentagon’s top intelligence official, Ronald Moultrie, told reporters during a news conference, the first to discuss the office and its ongoing work, that “At this time … we have nothing” to affirm the existence of space aliens.

The proliferation of drones, including those operated by foreign adversaries and amateur hobbyists, account for many of the reports, officials said.

“Some of these things almost collide with planes,” said Sean Kirkpatrick, the director of the new office, who spoke to the media alongside Moultrie on Friday. “We see that on a regular basis.”

The U.S. government employs sophisticated sensors around the globe to collect data, and the office analyzes it for relevant information, they said, declining to elaborate.

UFO hearing features historic testimony from Pentagon officials

While most of the reports the Pentagon investigates are about aerial objects, defense officials are increasingly concerned about unusual activity below the surface of the ocean, in space and on land. For that reason, the Pentagon now uses the term unidentified anomalous phenomena, or UAP, rather than previous descriptions such as “unidentified flying object.”

Moultrie said that, “Unidentified phenomena in all domains … pose potential threats to personal security and operational security, and they deserve our urgent attention.”

Unidentified “trans-medium” objects, he said, is a class of phenomena that would jump between domains, like from the air to the sea. None has been documented yet, Moultrie noted.

The research is likely to expand next year. Congress wrote a provision into the next defense policy bill, which is awaiting President Biden’s signature, that requires the Defense Department to complete a “historical record report” about detailing unidentified phenomena observed and documented by the United States. If approved by Biden, the National Defense Authorization Act will then trigger “quite a research project, if you will, into the archives,” Kirkpatrick said.

U.S. unable to explain more than 140 unidentified flying objects, but new report finds no evidence of alien life

Defense officials already are digging through old reports. Kirkpatrick, a physicist and career intelligence officer, said he will “adhere to the scientific method — and I will follow that data and science wherever it goes.” Some past reports, he acknowledged, may be highly classified and not yet known to him.



Nuclear Engine For Rocket Vehicle Application

autoevolution |  We don't blame you if you're shocked the United States wielded a nuclear spacecraft engine as far back as the 1960s. You're probably even more shocked that hardly anyone remembers it. The Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application (NERVA) project would've been nothing short of a crown jewel program for any other research team. But not for New Mexico's Los Alamos Laboratories.

That's right; the NERVA engine was developed by the same team who brought the world the first nuclear-fission weapons. The very same that helped end World War II. If there was ever a project substantial or significant enough to overshadow literal nuclear rocket engines, that certainly fits the description. For Los Alamos scientists and engineers, it makes sense the first logical step post-Manhattan Project would be in the direction of rocket engines.

Come the end of the Second World War, novel German rocket science from future NASA personnel like Wernher Von Braun was now in the hands of the Americans. But while the V2 chemical rocket was nothing short of witchcraft to average folks in the mid-1940s, it wouldn't be long for experts to ask if there was another, more powerful means of fueling rocket engines.

In the following decade, a torrent of proposals across America for nuclear-powered planes, trains, and automobiles defined the 1950s as the start of the atomic era. Right alongside preposterous ideas like Ford's Nucleon passenger car was one of the first working concepts for a nuclear fission-powered thermal rocket. One that, in theory, could provide power and fuel economy no traditional chemical rocket could ever dream of. 

Though any number of nuclear isotopes could theoretically do the job, Los Alamos Labs and Westinghouse chose enriched Uranium-235 for the NERVA application. This choice was made because U-235 is lighter and less prone to super-criticality than its Uranium-238 cousin. As a result, it has the potential for an incredibly high measurement of what rocket scientists call a specific impulse. 

With the potential to heat hydrogen fuel to 2,400 Kelvin (3860.3°F, 2126°C), the NERVA engine could have provided American spacecraft with exceptional performance while not being so wasteful that it couldn't conserve fuel for an entire mission. The potential for space exploration seemed palpable during the NERVA development. Be it traveling to near planets like Mars and Venus or even places farther off like the Asteroid Belt. It was all suddenly theoretically possible.

In August 1960, the recently formed NASA established the Space Nuclear Propulsion Office with the sole purpose of overseeing the NERVA program and any developments made afterward. With offices in Germantown, Maryland, Cleveland, Ohio, and Albuquerque, New Mexico, the resources and personnel required to keep the program running spanned the continental U.S.  

Six NERVA technology demonstrators were built between 1964 and 1973. The highest power threshold NASA could muster during testing was a scarcely believable 246,663 newtons (55,452 lbf) of thrust and a specific impulse of 710 seconds (7.0 km/s) in the NERVA  Alpha variant. This engine could theoretically operate in deep space and maintain this level of thrust throughout the duration of a space mission. So you can only imagine what NASA may have had planned.

Records indicate Wernher Von Braun envisioned a successor booster rocket to the Saturn V, called the Nova series. Had it been built, the nuclear/chemical hybrid rocket would have joined the Space Shuttle in a spacecraft fleet that would have been nothing short of astonishing. One can only imagine how humans could have landed on the surface of Mars by the early 1980s had everything gone to plan.

Underwater Supersonic Objects

dailymail |  As swimmers know, moving cleanly through the water can be a problem due o the huge amounts of drag created - and for submarines, this is even more of a problem.

However, US Navy funded researchers say they have a simple solution - a bubble.

Researchers at Penn State Applied Research Laboratory are developing a new system using a technique called supercavitation.

The new idea is based on Soviet technology developed during the cold war.

Called supercavitation, it envelopes a submerged vessel inside an air bubble to avoid problems caused by water drag.

A Soviet supercavitation torpedo called Shakval was able to reach a speed of 370km/h or more - much faster than any other conventional torpedoes.

In theory, a supercavitating vessel could reach the speed of sound underwater, or about 5,800km/h.

This would reduce the journey time for a transatlantic underwater cruise to less than an hour, and for a transpacific journey to about 100 minutes, according to a report by California Institute of Technology in 2001.

However, the technique also results in a bumpy ride - something the new team has solved. 

'Basically supercavitation is used to significantly reduce drag and increase the speed of bodies in water,' said Grant M. Skidmore, recent Penn State Ph.D. recipient in aerospace engineering.

'However, sometimes these bodies can get locked into a pulsating mode.'

Creating a supercavitation bubble and getting it to pulsate in order to stop the pulsations inside a rigid-walled water tunnel tube had not been done.

'Eventually we ramped up the gas really high and then way down to get pulsation,' said Jules W. Lindau, senior research associate at ARL and associate professor of aerospace engineering.

They found that once they had supercavitation with pulsation, they could moderate the air flow and, in some cases, stop pulsation.

'Supercavitation technology might eventually allow high speed underwater supercavitation transportation,' said Moeney.  

China is also developing a'supersonic' submarine that could travel from Shanghai to San Francisco in less than two hours.

Researchers say their new craft uses a radical new technique to create a 'bubble' to surround itself, cutting down drag dramatically. 

In theory, the researchers say, a supercavitating vessel could reach the speed of sound underwater, or about 5,800km/h. 

The technology was developed by a team of scientists at Harbin Institute of Technology's Complex Flow and Heat Transfer Lab. 

Li Fengchen, professor of fluid machinery and engineering, told the South China Morning Post he was 'very excited by its potential'. 

The new sub is based on Soviet technology developed during the cold war.

Monday, December 19, 2022

Useless And Impotent Biden Administration Forces El Paso Mayor To Declare A State Of Emergency

NYPost  |  The mayor of El Paso declared a state of emergency Saturday ahead of Wednesday’s deadline to lift a COVID-era policy that is expected to result in more than 6,000 migrants crossing the border a day into an already overwhelmed city where hundreds are already sleeping on the streets.

“Our asylum seekers are not safe,” said El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser at a specially called press conference to announce the emergency measures. “We have hundreds and hundreds on the street and that’s not the way we treat our people.”

Temperatures have dipped into the 20s in the city, he said, and migrants who have been released into the city are sleeping on downtown streets.

“I want to make sure that people are treated with dignity,” Leeser said, adding that he made the decision to call a state of emergency after a conference call with federal, state and municipal officials. The city government is working with local non-profits that are helping newly arrived migrants travel to other parts of the country where many have family.

“We all talked about what was best for our community,” he said, adding that more than 1,500 migrants have been crossing the border daily into the city ahead of the Dec. 21 lifting of Title 42, a Trump-era policy that saw migrants sent back into Mexico.

The sober press conference was in sharp contrast to the one called on Thursday. Leeser walked off with the microphone to avoid answering questions after he was challenged about not calling a state of emergency to cope with the migrant influx. At the time, he said that the federal government had promised the beleaguered city $6 million to help it cope with the crisis.

“We were able to get the funding without having to [declare an emergency],” Leeser claimed Thursday.

On Saturday, Leeser did not rule out using a nearby military base to house some of the migrants, and that the city was cooperating with state and federal authorities to address the situation.


Crime And Violence In Mexico - By The Numbers

statista |  Despite being one of the leading tourism destinations in the world, Mexico regularly makes international headlines due to widespread violence and organized crime. According to the Global Peace Index (GPI), Mexico ranks among the least peaceful countries in Latin America. Although internationally recognized as a country with a complex and high criminal activity, where drug trafficking and related crimes are commonplace, pettier crimes such as theft on the street or pickpocketing on public transportation are some of the most reported occurrences in Mexico, followed by fraud and extortion cases. Kidnapping, on the other hand, is one of the crimes against personal freedom that most afflicts the Mexican population. In 2018, Mexico was the Latin American nation with the highest number of kidnappings.

The perceived level of insecurity in Mexico has worsened in the past few years, with almost 76 percent of the adult population stating they did not feel safe where they lived. Baja California and Zacatecas, in particular, are among the Mexican states with the poorest peace levels. This feeling of insecurity directly affects the population's quality of life, as many people avoid performing basic outdoor activities due to fear of becoming a crime victim. For instance, 69 percent of Mexicans who participated in a survey did not allow underage children or teenagers to go out on their own.

Violence in Mexico is already considered an epidemic and it has significant repercussions on public health, specially when it comes to longevity and the overall life expectancy of the Mexican population. Annual murder rates stand at 13 intentional homicides committed per 100,000 inhabitants at the first half of 2021. The alarming rate of life-threatening crimes particularly affects women. In the past decade, Mexico registered an increasing number of femicides, the second highest in Latin America.

Violence is also a deterrent for economic growth. Crime does not simply increase people’s vulnerabilities and endangers lives; it also imposes a heavy burden on both public and private financial resources. In 2021, the cost of violence in Mexico amounted to a staggering 4.9 trillion Mexican pesos. This amount includes not only preventive and containment measures but also the economic losses due to victimization, the expenditure related with the judicial system and the recovery and well-being of the victims. In Mexico City, for example, violence was estimated to cost over 45,600 Mexican pesos per capita in 2021.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Hollar At Y'Boy When The "Stochastic Terrorism" Body Count Approaches The Fentanyl Body Count...,

asiatimes  |  With key assistance from China, Mexico is keeping at crisis level the flow of fentanyl into the United States.

At least 70,000 Americans, mostly between the ages of 18 and 35, have died after ingesting fentanyl pills so far this year. That’s close to the 71,000 dead out of more than 100,000 drug fatalities in 2021 and a big jump from 57,000 deaths the year before. Millions of pills have illicitly passed through the US southern border in recent years.

In 2020, US President Joe Biden declared a “whole of government” campaign to stem the opiate flood into the country. However, the illicit flood of drugs continues unabated due to Washington’s inability to persuade – or pressure – China and Mexico to halt their roles in it. In particular:

  • China won’t stop criminal gangs from providing the chemicals used in Mexico to manufacture fentanyl.
  • Mexico won’t fully crack down on illicit industries that make and transfer the finished product to the US.

Relations between Mexico and the United States have long stumbled over differing views of the cross-border drug problem. Mexico traditionally blames America’s insatiable appetite for narcotics, while the US regards Mexico as irretrievably crippled by massive corruption that lets criminal narcotics traffic flourish.

Almost two years into his term, Biden has fashioned an excuse to explain the massive traffic: Victims of drug use are afraid to acknowledge their addiction.

“We’re looking at continuing to make progress because we know there’s still a ways to go,” Biden said Thursday.

“We’re not going to let stigma drive us anymore,” he added. “We’re going to go where we need to go to help people thrive.”

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkus has reassuredly claimed that the border is “secure.”

Taking a less boastful view, Drug Enforcement Administration chief Anne Milgram said the administration had been overly focused on heroin commerce, even as Mexican traffickers made and shipped more fentanyl than heroin. “It is a new, deeper, more deadly threat than we have ever seen, and I don’t think that the full extent of that harm was immediately seen,” she said.

Unable to get sufficient help from either Mexico or China to stem the flow, the Biden administration instead is focusing on educational efforts to curb drug use. Rahul Gupta, director of the White House’s Office of National Drug Control Policy, said the government is concentrating on “expanding care” for addicts and on taking “harm reduction” measures to expand access to medical counseling and care.


Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda: Former Mexican SecDef And Drug Cartel Padron

propublica  |  Two years ago, the DEA arrested a Mexican general, hoping to lay bare the high-level corruption at the heart of organized crime. Then the case fell apart — and took down U.S.-Mexican cooperation on drug policy with it. 

When the Cienfuegos family landed at Los Angeles International Airport on Oct. 15, 2020, they looked excited and maybe a bit relieved. With the pandemic still ravaging Mexico, they had come to vacation in Southern California. Arranging such a visit wasn’t a problem, even on short notice: The patriarch, retired Gen. Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda, had made powerful American friends during his six years as Mexico’s defense minister. When he needed a favor — like visas for his wife, daughters and granddaughters — he could still call someone at the Pentagon or the CIA.

But as the family approached the passport line, an immigration officer waved them to one side. A trim, middle-aged man — dressed, like the general, in a blue blazer and jeans — stepped forward and introduced himself in Spanish as a special agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration. Could he speak with the general privately? he asked.

The two men crowded into a small office with several other law-enforcement officers. “There is a warrant for your arrest, sir,” the agent said. “This is a copy of the indictment against you.”

Cienfuegos wore a face mask with a clear plastic shield over it, but there was no hiding his confusion and anger. There must be some mistake, he insisted. “Do you know who I am?”

The agents did. For years, U.S. law-enforcement and intelligence agencies had been watching Cienfuegos as he rose through the Mexican army to become defense minister in 2012. Since late 2015, the DEA had been investigating what it believed were Cienfuegos’ corrupt dealings with a second-tier drug gang based in the small Pacific Coast state Nayarit. In 2019, he had been secretly indicted on drug-conspiracy charges by a federal grand jury in Brooklyn.

“I have worked with your CIA,” Cienfuegos protested. “I have been honored by your Department of Defense!”

“I understand,” the DEA agent said. “But you have still been charged.”

In the tumultuous days before the 2020 election — with COVID-19 cases surging, President Donald Trump barnstorming and Senate Republicans rushing to confirm a Supreme Court justice — the jailing of a retired Mexican general didn’t make the front pages, even in Los Angeles. It did make headlines in Mexico City. But President Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico, who had long promised to vanquish the country’s deeply rooted corruption, seemed to take the news in stride. “It is a very regrettable fact that a former defense secretary should be arrested on charges of having ties to drug trafficking,” he said the next morning. “We must continue to insist — and hopefully this helps us understand — that the main problem of Mexico is corruption.”

Marco Antonio Ortega Siu: Former Mexican Naval Admiral And Drug Cartel Nemesis

WaPo  |  Organized-crime groups were carrying out acts of spectacular violence and growing savagery, ambushing military and police convoys on rural highways and filling mass graves with travelers hauled off buses. U.S. officials grew alarmed as violence exploded in Monterrey and other northern Mexico cities where Fortune 500 companies had invested heavily in plants and factories after passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

With the threat to the stability of the Mexican government worsening, both countries were hungry for a crime fighter who could stand up to the cartels.

Using informants, wiretaps and surveillance, U.S. agents tracked drug bosses and relayed their locations to Águila’s commandos for the kind of “high-value target” operations the Americans used successfully in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Águila’s forces didn’t hold back. Mexican commandos in helicopters took out Gulf cartel boss Antonio Cárdenas Guillén, a.k.a. “Tony Tormenta,” in a wild urban gun battle in 2010 that left bodies scattered in the border city of Matamoros. Two years later, special forces killed the leader of the Zetas, Heriberto “The Executioner” Lazcano, after a firefight against cartel gunmen wielding a grenade launcher.

“Tactically, they were just awesome,” Evans said. But the special forces were trained to kill, not to make arrests and gather evidence for criminal prosecution. Their targets were extremely dangerous, but Evans would offer a “friendly reminder” that from time to time “it might be good to bring the guy back alive.”

In his response to The Post, Águila wrote that drug bosses were killed because they resisted arrest. “We never planned an operation to eliminate anyone,” he wrote.

To the Americans, the navy commandos seemed to be the rare entity capable of quickly launching complex, dangerous operations. Águila was indefatigable, working 16-hour days. He didn’t drink or smoke. And when U.S. agents shared sensitive information, Águila and his commandos acted fast — unlike the army. “There was never a leak,” Evans said.

One DEA agent recalled following Águila, then in his 50s, as he bounded off a helicopter during a hunt for a drug kingpin in northern Mexico. “I’m trying to catch up to him,” recalled the agent, who was not authorized to comment on the record. “I was embarrassed. Here I am, this younger buck, fumbling with my stuff.”

Even more startling: The Mexican officer wasn’t wearing a bulletproof vest. He rarely did; it was too bulky. “He had no fear,” the American agent said.

The DEA agents knew little about Águila’s personal life or why he didn’t seem tainted by some of the worst aspects of Mexican officialdom — the corruption, the timidity, the wariness of foreigners. Maybe, they figured, he was a kindred spirit.

“He’s blue-collar,” said Donahue, the former Mexico DEA chief. “Just like us.”

Indeed, the admiral was the son of a small-town salesman in Mexico’s southern Veracruz state, and the grandson of Chinese immigrants. “My family fought to get ahead every day,” Águila said in his written responses.

He entered the Heroic Naval Military School in 1975, a shy, diminutive 15-year-old in a world of “juniors” — sons of high-ranking officers. The academy was so rigorous that half his class of 150 dropped out before graduation, recalled a former classmate, retired Rear Adm. Jesús Canchola Camarena. Águila joined the marines, like other young men “drawn to adventure,” Canchola recalled. But what stood out was the young cadet’s leadership; he often served as coach in the students’ informal wrestling matches. He eventually became a decorated helicopter pilot.

Later, under Calderón, when the navy sought senior officers to build a top-flight special forces corps, many were reluctant, recalled another of Águila’s former classmates.

“It was very, very risky,” he recalled, speaking on the condition of anonymity to be frank. “The navy had to protect itself from everyone” — both drug traffickers and their allies in government.

Águila was undaunted.

“He felt that if they called on him, and he had the ability, he should do it,” the friend said.


Saturday, December 17, 2022

One Hopes For "Dying American Influence" Rather Than "AMLO Dying"...,

CTH  |  Joe Biden and Canada’s Justin Trudeau are in ideological alignment, willing to destroy the entire North American economy as they construct the new climate change energy systems for the U.S and Canada.  However, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez-Obrador (AMLO) has already indicated -including direct statements to Joe Biden at the White House– that he is not willing to put the Mexican economy into collapse and try to engineer an economic future on solar panels and windmills.

That puts Mexican President AMLO in the crosshairs of a unified climate change agenda as outlined by the World Economic Forum and western leadership under the guise of the Build Back Better agenda.  In essence, AMLO goes from socialist hero of the unionized left to becoming a target.  CTH has been saying we need to watch carefully how this plays out because a great deal of the western economic agenda hangs in the balance.

Now that AMLO has taken a pragmatic position on energy development {Go Deep} his lack of alignment means the apparatus of the United States government, the proverbial Eye of Sauron, will target him.  Not coincidentally, the public relations firm for the deepest part of the interventionist intelligence apparatus, the Washington Post, now outlines AMLO as the specific person responsible for the explosion in fentanyl use.

(Washington Post) – […] A new Mexican leader rejected the $3 billion anti-narcotics agreement that had spanned three U.S. presidencies, known as the Mérida Initiative. Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a veteran leftist who took office in December 2018, argued that the drug war strategy had sent homicides spiraling in Mexico while failing to curb U.S. demand.

The sniffer flights stopped. Águila was sidelined and his battle-hardened commandos were reassigned. López Obrador rebuffed U.S. offers for new drug-detection technology. Mexico shut down a pivotal base where the special forces had worked with U.S. agents. It even took away the parking spot for the DEA’s plane at an airport outside Mexico City. (read more)

The Washington Post defining ALMO as “a veteran leftist” as if that is against their interests is rather funny. The article walks through AMLO, a devout Mexican nationalist, trying to remove the influence of the U.S. government, and by extension contributing to the explosion of cross-border drug trafficking.

To accept the ‘AMLO is the cause of U.S. drug deaths’ narrative is to ignore the Biden administration effort to weaken the Southern U.S. border, but that’s a mere detail when you are constructing a narrative that has deeper intentions than appear on the surface.   The bigger picture is shaping a narrative intended to create AMLO as an enemy of the American people.

Nice country you got there AMLO, it’d be a shame if something happened to it… Now, about that oil, coal and natural gas use…

Without a doubt this narrative building will escalate, step by step until pressure mounts and AMLO acquiesces to join the economic model demanded by the WEF as executed by the United States through Biden energy policy.   There are trillions at stake and multinational corporate laundry operations to maintain.

Just keep watching… look for how the Biden administration specifically messages toward and around Mexico.


Mexico is in a position to get Brazil’d.

I’m fairly confident we are going to hear a lot more about Mexico very soon.



The Concept Of A People-Centric Government Is Foreign And Unfamiliar To Americans

mexiconewsdaily  |  There is no shortage of reasons to participate in a pro-government march to be held in Mexico City this Sunday, President López Obrador declared on Tuesday.

AMLO last week called on his supporters to demonstrate in defense of the government’s proposed electoral reform, but said Tuesday that the purpose of the march had changed.

“It’s not about the electoral reform, that’s already set out, it’s already in Congress,” he told reporters at his regular news conference. He then proceeded to offer no less than 16 reasons why citizens should join him and march from the Angel of Independence on Reforma Avenue to the zócalo, Mexico City’s central square.

The march, the president and leader of what he calls Mexico’s “fourth transformation” said, is meant to accomplish the following:

  1. To celebrate that an oligarchy no longer dominates in Mexico.
  2. To celebrate that corruption is not allowed.
  3. To celebrate that tycoons now pay tax.
  4. To celebrate that we have healthy public finances.
  5. To say that 85% of Mexican homes now receive at least a small portion of the public budget (via social welfare programs).
  6. To say that we feel very happy to be supporting the poorest people.
  7. To say that we don’t want racism in Mexico and that we’re winning that battle.
  8. To say that we don’t accept classism or discrimination.
  9. To say that our strategy to attend to the root causes of violence is succeeding.
  10. To say that peace is the fruit of justice.
  11. To say that 12 million seniors now have a pension and they’ll get a 25% increase starting in January.
  12. To say that workers’ salaries are going to continue going up.
  13. To say that 11 million young students from poor families receive scholarships.
  14. To say that we’re saving 50 billion pesos by not paying the media for advertising.
  15. To say that there is hope and happiness among our people.
  16. To say that, despite the pandemic and other calamities, Mexico is moving forward and its prestige among the nations of the world is growing.

“That’s why [we’re holding] the march,” López Obrador said.

“Everyone who wants to attend should wear the color of their choice and shoes, sneakers, [or traditional sandals called] huaraches. Take your hat, your sombrero, because it will be sunny; and if you have a guitar, take your guitar or accordion. … We’re going to celebrate that we’re making progress in the transformation of the country, and that we’re doing it without violence, peacefully, and that [the transformation] is for the good of all,” he said.

On Wednesday, AMLO, who has participated in countless protests over the years, said that Sunday’s march – which will be held four days before he celebrates four years in office – might be his last.


Friday, December 16, 2022

Huntergate 2.0 - The MSM Largely Blacked Out Coverage Of The Twitter File Drops

FoxNews |  CBS News, ABC News and NBC News did not cover the story, while CNN only mentioned it once.  While the files have dominated discussion on Twitter, a site known to facilitate discussions among members of the press, on-air coverage of the internal documents has been almost nonexistent. 

Since Fridaynetworks have only discussed the Twitter files for a combined total of 14 minutes. The term "Twitter files" has only been used six times on-air over the same span of time, according to a review of Grabien transcripts by Fox News Digital. 

The fifth installment of Elon Musk's "Twitter Files" Monday revealed that staffers believed that tweets written by former President Trump around the events of Jan. 6 had not actually violated its policies against incitement despite the company saying so at the time.

The Twitter Files began on Dec. 2 with Matt Taibbi revealing internal efforts to suppress the New York Post's Hunter Biden story in 2020.

Bari Weiss reported the second installment of the Twitter Files Thursday which revealed the company "blacklisting" or shadow banning certain tweets and users. 

Parts three and four were dedicated to outlining what led to Trump being removed from Twitter on Jan. 8, 2021. Musk reinstated Trump's Twitter account in November.

CBS News, ABC News, and NBC News have not discussed the Twitter files in the last week.  

"You look now, and they’re talking of course about Hunter Biden’s laptop. They’re in the middle of this Twitter thing that I swear I’ve tried to read through a thousand times and figure out exactly what they’re trying to prove, and if they’re proving anything, what, maybe that Twitter made decisions that they didn’t like," MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said on Monday, briefly alluding to the files. 

The Monday evening newscasts were filled with discussions about Twitter, including criticisms of Musk and the re-release of Twitter Blue. However, the Twitter files never came up on the networks, except a brief reference on NBC News when a reporter discussed how former top Twitter official Yoel Roth was forced to leave his home after receiving death threats. 

Left-wing MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan was the one pundit who offered a full on-air block to the story Sunday, in which he argued that the Twitter files showed no evidence of a company bias against conservatives. 

"Do the Twitter files show evidence of left-wing bias on Twitter?," Hasan asked rhetorically. "No. In fact, the whole Twitter-discriminates-against conservatives-line that Elon or his spin merchants, conservative journalists, like to spout, is literally the opposite of the truth."