In 2004, UK researchers commissioned by Nice to develop guidelines for prescribing antidepressant drugs to children tried to obtain unpublished trials from the drug companies. They were refused. They then contacted the individual researchers who had worked on the trials. Only then did a picture emerge of increased risk of attempted suicide, and a lack of efficacy. Nice concluded by banning the drugs for under-18s with the exception of Prozac.
Yesterday's report suggesting that modern antidepressants offer no significant clinical benefit over placebo has been dismissed by the drug industry as "just one study" which should not be allowed to undermine the wealth of research showing that the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants are effective.
But that is to miss the point. The Hull University researchers have demonstrated how partial access to research can give a distorted view of a drug. The non-disclosure of data on the SSRIs has raised doubts about the trustworthiness of all research on antidepressants.
We should be relieved that the licensing authorities have an absolute right to see all trial data, positive and negative, before approving a drug. But, bizarrely, Nice, with the responsibility for deciding which drugs should be used by the NHS, only gets what the drug companies agree to give it. The Health Select Committee has called for action to remedy this omission. Ministers must respond.
amidwesterndoctor | Much like the vaccine industry, the psychiatric industry will always
try to absolve their dangerous medications of responsibility and will
aggressively gaslight their victims. Despite these criticisms,there are
three facts can be consistently found throughout the literature on
akathisia homicides which Gøtzsche argues irrefutably implicate
psychiatric medications as the cause of violent homicides:
These violent events occur in people of all ages, who by all objective
and subjective measures were completely normal before the act and where
no precipitating factors besides the psychiatric medication could be
identified. • The events were preceded by clear symptoms of akathisia. • The violent offenders returned to their normal personality when they came off the antidepressant.
Numerous cases where this has happened are summarized within this article from
the Palm Beach Post. In most of those cases, a common trend of these
spontaneous acts of violence emerges: the act of violence was
immediately preceded by a significant change in the psychiatric
medications used by the individual. In one case, shortly before
committing one of these murders, one of the perpetrators also wrote on a
blog that, while taking Prozac, he felt as if he was observing himself
"from above."
Individuals with a mutation in the
gene that metabolizes psychiatric drugs are much more vulnerable to
developing excessive levels of these drugs and triggering severe
symptoms such as akathisia and psychosis. There is a good case to be
made that individuals with this gene are responsible for many of the
horrific acts of iatrogenic (medically induced) violence that occur,
however to my knowledge, this is never considered when psychiatric
medications are prescribed. Gøtzsche summarized a peer-reviewed forensic investigation of 10 cases where this happened (all but one of these involved an SSRI or an SNRI):
Note: This original version
of this article (which has been revised and updated) was published a
year ago, but sadly is just as pertinent now as it was then. Each time
one of these shootings happen, I watch people get up in arms over what
needs to be done to stop murdering our children, but at the same time
this, the elephant in the room, the clear and irrefutable evidence linking psychiatric medications to homicidal violence is never discussed (which I believe is due their sales making approximately 40 billion dollars a year).
of the stories in here are quite heart wrenching, and I humbly request
that you make the effort to bear witness to these tragic events.
to the Covid vaccinations, psychiatric medications were the
mass-prescribed medication that had the worst risk-to-benefit ratio on
the market. In addition to rarely providing benefits to patients, there
is a wide range of severe complications that commonly result from
psychiatric medications. Likewise, I and many colleagues believe the
widespread adoption of psychotropic drugs has distorted the cognition of
the demographic of the country which frequently utilizes them (which to
some extent stratifies by political orientation) and has created a wide
range of detrimental shifts in our society.
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have a similar primary mechanism
of action to cocaine. SSRIs block the reuptake of Serotonin, SNRIs, also
commonly prescribed block the reuptake of Serotonin and Norepinephrine
(henceforth “SSRI refers to both SSRI and SNRI), and Cocaine blocks the
reuptake of Serotonin, Norepinephrine, and Dopamine. SSRIs (and SNRIs)
were originally used as anti-depressants, then gradually had their use
marketed into other areas and along the way have amassed a massive body
Once the first SSRI entered the market in 1988,
Prozac quickly distinguished itself as a particularly dangerous
medication and after nine years, the FDA received 39,000 adverse event
reports for Prozac, a number far greater than for any other drug. This
included hundreds of suicides, atrocious violent crimes,
hostility and aggression, psychosis, confusion, distorted thinking,
convulsions, amnesia, and sexual dysfunction (long-term or permanent
sexual dysfunction is one of the most commonly reported side effects
from anti-depressants, which is ironic given that the medication is
supposed to make you less, not more depressed).
SSRI homicides are common, and a website exists that has compiled thousands upon thousands of documented occurrences. As far as I know (there are most likely a few exceptions),
in all cases where a mass school shooting has happened, and it was
possible to know the medical history of the shooter, the shooter was
taking a psychiatric medication that was known for causing these
behavioral changes. After each mass shooting, memes illustrating this
topic typically circulate online, and the recent events in Texas [this
article was written shortly after the shooting last year] are no
exception. I found one of these and made an updates version of it (the
one I originally used contained some inaccuracies)
“SSRIs cause mass shootings” is treated as just another crazy
conspiracy theory. However, much in the same way the claim “COVID
Vaccines are NOT safe and effective” is typically written off as a
conspiracy theory, if you go past these labels and dig into the actual
data, an abundantly clear and highly concerning picture emerges.
are many serious issues with psychiatric medications. For brevity, this
article will exclusively focus on their tendency to cause horrific
violent crimes. This was known long before they entered the market by
both the drug companies and the FDA. While there is a large amount of
evidence for this correlation, it is the one topic that is never up for
debate when a mass shooting occurs. I have a lot of flexibility to
discuss highly controversial topics with my colleagues, but this topic
is met with so much hostility that I can never bring it up. It is, for
this reason, I am immensely grateful to have an anonymous forum I can
pierrekory |One of the pharmaceutical executives directly involved in
obtaining the approval for the original SSRI antidepressant, Prozac,
developed a great deal of guilt for what he was complicit in once a
large number of SSRI-linked deaths occurred. John Virapen, along with
Peter Rost are the only pharmaceutical executives I know of who have
become whistleblowers and shared the intimate details of how these
companies actually operate. Although the events Virapen alleged seem
hard to believe, other whistleblowers have also made similar
observations to Virapen (the accounts of the Pfizer whistleblowers can
be found in this article and this article).
John Virapen chronicled the events in which he was complicit in “Side Effects: Death—Confessions of a Pharma Insider.”
These included outrageous acts of bribery to get his drugs approved,
and photographing physicians with prostitutes provided by Eli Lilly so
that they could be blackmailed into serving Eli Lilly. For those
interested, this is a brief talk that Virapen gave about his
experiences. I greatly appreciate the fact he used candid language
rather than euphemisms like almost everyone else does:
At the start of the saga, Lilly was in dire financial straits and the
company’s survival hinged on the approval of Prozac. Prozac had
initially been proposed as a treatment for weight loss (as this side
effect of Prozac had been observed in treatment subjects), but Lilly
subsequently concluded it would be easier to get approval for treating
depression and then get a post-marketing approval for the treatment of
weight loss.
As Prozac took off, it became clear that
depression was a much better market, and the obesity aspect was
forgotten. Lilly then used a common industry tactic and worked
tirelessly to expand the definition of depression so that everyone could
become eligible for the drug and aggressively marketed this need for
happiness to the public, before long, transforming depression from a
rare to a common condition. For those wishing to learn more, Peter Gøtzsche has extensively documented how this fraud transpired and both this brief documentary and this article show how depression became popularized in Japan so that treatments for it could be sold.
while the marketing machine had no difficulties creating a demand for
Prozac, the initial data made it abundantly clear that the first SSRI,
Prozac, was dangerous and ineffective. Lilly settled on the strategy of
obtaining regulatory approval in Sweden, and using this approval as a
precedent to obtain approval in other countries. Virapen was assigned to
this task and told by his superiors that if he failed, his career was
over. Virapen, unfortunately, discovered that whenever he provided
Lilly’s clinical trial data to experts, they had trouble believing he
was actually seeking regulatory approval, as Prozac’s trial data was
just that bad.
Sweden (following their regulatory
procedures) elected to allow an outside independent expert to make the
final determination on whether Prozac should be approved or not. The
identity of this expert witness was concealed, but Virapen was able to
determine that it was Anders Forsman, a forensic psychiatrist and member
of the legal council on the Swedish National Board of Health. After
meeting with Virapen, Forsman proposed an untraceable bribe. Then, upon
receiving payment, wrote a glowing letter in support of Prozac, fully
reversing his position on Prozac (he had ridiculed it two weeks before)
and guided Virapen through re-writing the trial to conceal the 5 attempted (4 of which were successful) SSRI suicides in Lilly’s trial.
expert opinion resulted in Prozac being partially approved and formally
priced for reinbursement in Sweden, which was used as a precedent to
market it around the world at that same lucrative price. Virapen noted
that during this time, German drug regulators who had clearly and
unambiguously stated that Prozac was “totally unsuitable for the
treatment of depression” suddenly reversed their position, leading
Virapen to suspect that similar under-the-table activity must have
occurred in Germany. David Healey,
a doctor and director of the North Wales School of psychological
medicine, likewise concluded that the German approval was due to
“unorthodox lobbying methods exercised on independent members of the
regulatory authorities.”
Not long after saving Eli
Lilly, Virapen was fired. Virapen believes he was fired because he was a
man of color in an otherwise Caucasian company (he was told this by his
supervisor). Gøtzsche, a leading expert in pharmaceutical research
fraud and meta-analyses, on the other hand, attributed this to typical
organized crime tactics where Lilly sought to conceal their illegal
activity by firing Virapen and his two assistants to bribe Forsman
(because immediately afterwards, none of them were permitted to access
their offices, and thus could not obtain any of the files that proved
that this bribery occurred). Fortunately, as happened with Peter Rost, this unjust firing eventually motivated Virapen to become an invaluable whistleblower.
2. He took great care not to rip off his Khazarian co-religionists, who wield outsize influence in America (to the point where an outsider might legitimately assume it is an almost entirely Zionist country).
And, of course, he must have a substantial amount of blackmail information about Bidencorp's Ukrainian money laundering scheme.
He's either going to be allowed to flee to a non-extraditable exile - or - commit suicide by a bullet to the back of the head.
astral-codexten |Tyler Cowen linked Milky Eggs’ excellent overview
of the FTX crash. I’m unqualified to comment on any of the financial or
regulatory aspects. But it turns out there’s a psychopharmacology
angle, which I am qualified to talk about, so let’s go.
1: Was SBF Using A Medication That Can Cause Overspending And Compulsive Gambling As A Side Effect?
yes, and maybe it could have had some small effect, but probably not as
much as the people discussing it on Twitter think.
Eggs reports a claim by an employee that Sam was on “a patch for
designer stimulants that mainlined them into his blood to give him a
constant buzz at all times”. This could be a hyperbolic description of
Emsam, a patch form of the antidepressant/antiparkinsonian agent
selegiline. The detectives at the @AutismCapital Twitter account found a photo of SBF, zoomed in on a scrap of paper on his desk, and recognized it as an Emsam wrapper.
What’s the blue-green bottle to the left of the red circle?
Here the detectives on r/NootropicsDepot recognized it as their company’s old brand of adrafinil7.
Adrafinil is a prodrug of modafinil, an unusual stimulant-like drug.
That is, your body metabolizes adrafinil and turns it into modafinil
after you take it.
So was SBF effectively on modafinil?
Seems likely - many traders are. I won’t lie - modafinil is a good
stimulant, during medical residency some doctors (including me) would
use it to stay alert through the night shift. It’s not any better than
Adderall or anything, just a bit different and easier to get.
it affect attitudes to risk? Hopefully you can already predict my
answer to that question: all dopaminergics affect attitude to risk in
complicated ways we don’t really understand, but for most people these
effects will be too small to notice. There’s one case report of modafinil causing pathological gambling, and various contrived studies
where neuroscientists investigate how modafinil shifts some technical
parameter in a risk curve; these kinds of studies often don’t replicate.
I think you can really just stick to your prior of “all dopaminergics
affect risk curves in ways we don’t understand, but it’s usually fine
when your job doesn’t require perfectly-tuned risk awareness”.
Except - was he taking the selegiline and adrafinil at the same time?
prevents the body from breaking down dopamine. Modafinil works by
preventing cells from reabsorbing dopamine. If you can’t break it down, and you can’t reabsorb it, what happens? Does it just build up forever until it explodes and you die?
is what happens with serotonin. If you take a drug that prevents
serotonin breakdown (like a traditional MAOI) and a drug that prevents
serotonin reuptake (like an SSRI) at the same time, you definitely die.
Lots of doctors have noticed that the MAOI + stimulant situation is
pretty similar and decided you shouldn’t take these at the same time
either. So some people following the FTX situation have wondered whether
this combo might have been very dangerous - either to Sam’s health or
to his risk-management ability.
Tucker Carlson takes a look at the effects the COVID vaccine is being shown to have on people.
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) July 26, 2022
I was in the doctors lounge this evening with two other docs.
Tucker came on. A 20 minute monologue about Big Pharma and the corruption Thereof. I simply could not believe what I was seeing.
He took 20 minutes and decimated opiates, SSRIs, COVID vaccines, Fauci, Birx, and the Biogen Alzheimer’s drug.
If you want an idea what I am barraged with daily
even by the MSNBC crowd, look no further. I hear these same issues from
patients all day long.
Tucker clearly has his problems but he also clearly
has balls of steel. The execs at Fox with Big Pharma providing about
half their revenue must clearly know the gig is up or they would not be
allowing this on TV.
People are getting more enraged by the day. It is clips like this that make me certain the day of reckoning is coming soon.
Both the other docs in the lounge tonight, MSNBC
watchers, agreed with me that there is not a thing in this monologue to
be quibbled about.
Since the mid 2000s, right when Tom Cruise did his
SSRI interview with Lauer – Tucker played part of it – the original
Lilly Pfizer papers have been a standard the world over on how data is
manipulated and how relative risk is abused. I
have used them as examples of inappropriate data manipulation in
classes for more than a decade. Most physicians with a questioning mind
have known these drugs were a problem for years. And this is the first
time I have ever heard this discussed on national
TV in my life.
The Birx clip he features “I knew they were not
going to be effective stopping the spread of the virus” was played today
in a conference. Immediately followed by the Fauci, Walensky, Biden,
and Maddow clips detailing that the vaxxes were
a dead end, that you would never catch it, etc.
The ID fellow presenter, whose hospital and clinics
are now being overrun with vaxxed and boosted COVID patients, after the
above clips were played, in a dull monotone said, “One needs to ask
WHAT exactly did these people know and more
importantly WHEN did they know it?”
I could scarcely believe it. That kind of talk
would have garnered intense guffaws and probably a trip to the
chairman’s office just a few weeks ago. Now silent resignation.
The Fauci clip where he is asked about menstrual
problems and states “we are going to study it….”. An epidemiologist
commented “Seriously, you forced this upon millions of young women, and
ONLY now we are going to study it? Did anyone have
a hint this was a problem before the mandates? Knowing Pfizer’s
history, my gut tells me they knew all too well.”
And yet another zinger from a retired ID professor –
“If they knowingly released a non-sterilizing vaccine into an acute
coronavirus pandemic and forced millions to take it, that may be the
greatest act of medical malpractice in the history
of this whole world.”
I am slowly seeing the return of “science” in my profession. Tough questions are being asked. Finally.
What do I feel tonight ….. the sun is shining, the
scales are falling out of the eyes…and we are on the Road to Damascus.
This may take quite a bit longer than you would expect, but I am fairly
sure this is going to get really interesting
midwesterndoctor | In the 1990s, school shootings transition from being very rare to a
frequent facet of American life. As this timeline overlaps with the
entrance of SSRIs to the US market, many articles have evaluated the
link between mass shootings and psychiatric medications. I will quote a
one of the more comprehensive summaries (written in 2013) which attempted to analyze all known mass shootings:
Harris age 17 (first on Zoloft then Luvox) and Dylan Klebold aged 18
(Columbine school shooting in Littleton, Colorado), killed 12 students
and one teacher and wounded 23 others, before killing themselves.
Klebold’s medical records have never been made available to the public.
[A detailed summary of the clear contribution of the psychiatric
medication's to their mass shootings can be found here].
Weise, age 16, had been prescribed 60 mg/day of Prozac (three times the
average starting dose for adults!) when he shot his grandfather, his
grandfather’s girlfriend and many fellow students at Red Lake,
Minnesota. He then shot himself. Ten dead, 12 wounded.
Baadsgaard, age 16, Wahluke (Washington state) High School, was on
Paxil (which caused him to have hallucinations) when he took a rifle to
his high school and held 23 classmates hostage. He has no memory of the
•Christopher Pittman, age 12, murdered both his grandparents while taking Zoloft.
Kinkel, age 15, (on Prozac and Ritalin) shot his parents while they
slept then went to school and opened fire, killing two classmates and
injuring 22 shortly after beginning Prozac treatment.
•Luke Woodham, age 16 (Prozac) killed his mother and then killed two students, wounding six others.
•A boy in Pocatello, ID (Zoloft) in 1998 had a Zoloft-induced seizure that caused an armed standoff at his school.
Carneal (Ritalin), age 14, opened fire on students at a high school
prayer meeting in West Paducah, Kentucky. Three teenagers were killed,
five others were wounded.
•Andrew Golden, age 11,
(Ritalin) and Mitchell Johnson, aged 14, (Ritalin) shot 15 people,
killing four students, one teacher, and wounding ten others.
•TJ Solomon, age 15, (Ritalin) high school student in Conyers, Georgia opened fire on and wounded six of his classmates.
Wilson, age 19, (various psychiatric drugs) from Breenwood, South
Carolina, took a .22 caliber revolver into an elementary school killing
two young girls and wounding seven other children and two teachers.
•Elizabeth Bush, age 13, (Paxil) was responsible for a school shooting in Pennsylvania
•Jason Hoffman (Effexor and Celexa) – school shooting in El Cajon, California
Furrow (Prozac) in LA Jewish school shooting reported having been
court-ordered to be on Prozac along with several other medications.
Memon, age 15, shot and killed a fellow middle school student. He had
been diagnosed with ADHD and depression and was taking Zoloft and “other
drugs for his conditions.”
•Matti Saari, a 22-year-old
culinary student, shot and killed nine students and a teacher, and
wounded another student, before killing himself. Saari was taking an
SSRI and a benzodiazapine.
•Steven Kazmierczak, age 27,
shot and killed five people and wounded 21 others before killing himself
in a Northern Illinois University auditorium. According to his
girlfriend, he had recently been taking Prozac, Xanax, and Ambien.
Toxicology results showed that he still had trace amounts of Xanax in
his system.
•Finnish gunman Pekka-Eric Auvinen, age 18,
had been taking antidepressants before he killed eight people and
wounded a dozen more at Jokela High School – then he committed suicide.
•Asa Coon from Cleveland, age 14, shot and wounded four before taking his own life. Court records show Coon was on Trazodone.
•Jon Romano, age 16, on medication for depression, fired a shotgun at a teacher in his New York high school.
article also discussed a few recent school shootings where the
information to determine if a psychiatric medication was used was not
•What drugs was Jared Lee Loughner on, age 21…… killed six people and injuring 14 others in Tuscon, Az? [I was unable to locate any information on this case]
•What drugs was James Eagan Holmes on, age 24….. killed 12 people and injuring 59 others in Aurora Colorado? [Holmes was on Zoloft, which likely triggered violent behaviors in him in the weeks preceding the mass shooting, all of which his psychiatrist ignored.]
•What drugs was Adam Peter Lanza on, age 20, Killed 26 and wounded 2 in Newtown Ct.? [Lanza was later confirmed
to have been prescribed Celexa in the past and was on a questionable
antipsychotic, fanapt, known for inducing violent behavior at the time
of the shooting]
Since the time this article was published, there have been four additional large school shootings:
•Christopher Harper-Mercer (2015) who killed 10 was likely on psychiatric medication but there is no definitive proof.
•Nikolas Cruz (2017) who killed 17 was likely on on psychiatric medication but there is no definitive proof.
Pagourtzis (2018) who killed 10 was probably not on a psychiatric
medication. His attorney said he was not (which may have been a
deceitful legal maneuver, but most likely was the truth), while the
president of the NRA said he was (and I was not able to determine his
basis for this assertion).
Lastly, for Salvador Ramos (2022) who
recently killed 22, there have been many posts stating he was on
antidepressants, but while there is some circumstantial evidence
suggesting this, there is presently no reliable information to confirm
or deny it. For a more detailed summary of my thoughts on this matter,
please see this comment.
In 2004, UK researchers commissioned by Nice to develop guidelines for prescribing antidepressant drugs to children tried to obtain unpublished trials from the drug companies. They were refused. They then contacted the individual researchers who had worked on the trials. Only then did a picture emerge of increased risk of attempted suicide, and a lack of efficacy. Nice concluded by banning the drugs for under-18s with the exception of Prozac.
Yesterday's report suggesting that modern antidepressants offer no significant clinical benefit over placebo has been dismissed by the drug industry as "just one study" which should not be allowed to undermine the wealth of research showing that the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants are effective.
But that is to miss the point. The Hull University researchers have demonstrated how partial access to research can give a distorted view of a drug. The non-disclosure of data on the SSRIs has raised doubts about the trustworthiness of all research on antidepressants.
We should be relieved that the licensing authorities have an absolute right to see all trial data, positive and negative, before approving a drug. But, bizarrely, Nice, with the responsibility for deciding which drugs should be used by the NHS, only gets what the drug companies agree to give it. The Health Select Committee has called for action to remedy this omission. Ministers must respond.
Most information about Murray has become known in recent days through ranting Internet posts that appear to be the shooter’s words. One posting obtained by the AP was to a site called Independent Spirits, a gathering place for those affected by a strict Christian homeschooling curriculum.
The author, going by the handle Chrstnghtmr, described going with his mother to a conference at New Life. The poster said he “got into a debate” with two prayer team staff members, who monitored him, then tracked down his mother and “told her … I ‘wasn’t walking with the lord and could be planning violence.’” The September 2006 post includes biographical information that matches Murray’s background — including details consistent with his involvement in Youth With a Mission, which ran the training center he targeted in last weekend’s rampage.
Chrstnghtmr wrote that at age 17, after an attempt at going “all out for Jesus,” he plunged into a “dark suicidal depression” because he somehow couldn’t live up to the rules. He wrote he felt he was “failing God.” Chrstnghtmr described his parents putting him on two antidepressants after he shared his feelings.
Just half of a hot minute after telling you about the Omaha shooter being on anti-depressant drugs, here we go again. Pretty soon, you too will come to accept that where there's an otherwise inexplicable mass shooting in the U.S. - there too will you find SSRI's and quite likely Ritalin or Adderall.
Of course high capacity firearms were the implement of choice, but methinkst you've overlooked the underlying common denominator tying together many if not all of these recent mass shootings.
While a state ward, he was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, mood disorder, oppositional defiant disorder and parent-child relations problems.
Robert Hawkins, the 19 year old who killed himself and eight other people with an assault rifle last night in Omaha, Nebraska had a history of treatment with psychiatric drugs for depression and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and was on prozac according to press reports.
Of course the headlines will once again focus on how evil and dangerous guns are, how the second amendment should be reevaluated and will once again ignore the fact that this young man was subject to dangerous brain altering chemicals for a number of years prior to this tragic incident.
Investigators believe that Cho Seung Hui, the Virginia Tech murderer, had been taking anti-depressant medication at some point before the shootings last April, according to The Chicago Tribune.
Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, as well as 15-year-old Kip Kinkel, the Oregon killer who gunned down his parents and classmates, were all on psychotropic drugs.
Jeff Weise, the Red Lake High School killer was on prozac, "Unabomber" Ted Kaczinski, Michael McDermott, John Hinckley, Jr., Byran Uyesugi, Mark David Chapman and Charles Carl Roberts IV, the Amish school killer, were all on SSRI psychotropic drugs.
Antidepressant drugs have never been tested on children nor approved by the FDA for use on children, however, Scientific studies proving that prozac encourages suicidal tendencies in young people are voluminous and span back nearly a decade.
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