Friday, October 07, 2022

At Current Burn Rates The U.S. Guesstimates It Has Between A 10-14 Year Total Supply

wikipedia |  Proven oil reserves are those quantities of petroleum which, by analysis of geological and engineering data, can be estimated, with a high degree of confidence, to be commercially recoverable from a given date forward from known reservoirs and under current economic conditions.

Some statistics on this page are disputed and controversial. Different sources (OPEC, CIA World Factbook, oil companies) give different figures. Some of the differences reflect different types of oil included. Different estimates may or may not include oil shale, mined oil sands or natural gas liquids.

Because proven reserves include oil recoverable under current economic conditions, nations may see large increases in proven reserves when known, but previously uneconomic deposits become economic to develop. In this way, Canada's proven reserves increased suddenly in 2003 when the oil sands of Alberta were seen to be economically viable. Similarly, Venezuela's proven reserves jumped in the late 2000s when the heavy oil of the Orinoco Belt was judged economic. 

Reserves amounts are listed in millions of barrels. The column "Years of production in reserve" uses the daily production figures as of 2016[5] (multiplied by 365).

* indicates "Oil reserves in COUNTRY or TERRITORY" or "Energy in COUNTRY or TERRITORY" links.

Proven reserves (millions of barrels)
Country US EIA
Others Oil production
2020 (bbl/day)[9]
Years of
in reserve
 Venezuela *(OPEC) 303,806 302,809 300,900
527,063 1,578
 Saudi Arabia *(OPEC) 258,600 266,260 266,000
9,264,921 76
 Iran *(OPEC) 208,600 [10] 208,600 155,600
2,665,809 214
 Canada * 170,300 4,421 172,200 [11] 171,000 4,201,101 111
 Iraq *(OPEC) 145,019 147,223 143,100
4,102,311 97
 Kuwait *(OPEC) 101,500 104,000 104,000
2,625,145 106
 United Arab Emirates *(OPEC) 97,800 98,630 98,630
3,138,249 85
 Russia * 80,000 80,000 102,400
9,865,495 22
 Libya *(OPEC) 48,363 74,363 78,400
408,074 324
 United States * 47,107 32,773 55,000 [12] 43,629 11,307,560 11
 Nigeria *(OPEC) 36,890 37,453 37,100
1,775,940 57
 Kazakhstan * 30,000 30,000 30,000
1,756,705 47
 China * 26,022 25,627 18,500
3,888,989 18
 Qatar * 25,244 25,244 25,244
1,530,000 45
 Brazil * 12,714 12,634 13,000 [12] 16,848 2,939,950 12
 Algeria *(OPEC) 12,200 12,200 12,200
1,122,432 30
 Guyana *

10,000[13] 83,174 329
 Ecuador 8,273 8,273 8,000
479,371 47
 Norway * 8,122 6,376 8,000
1,712,937 13
 Angola *(OPEC) 7,783 8,384 12,700
1,249,678 17
 Azerbaijan * 7,000 7,000 7,000
693,880 28
 Mexico * 5,786 6,537 10,800 [14] 9.700 1,710,303 9
 Oman * 5,373 5,373 5,300
948,967 16
 Sudan * 5,000 5,000 1,500
64,740 211
 India * 4,604 4,495 5,680 [12] 4,409 627,415 20
 Vietnam * 4,400 4,400 4,000
193,264 62
 Malaysia * 3,600 3,600 3,600 [12] 5,542 541,017 18
 Egypt * 3,300 4,400 3,500
586,735 15
 Yemen * 3,000
66,000 124
 Congo(OPEC) 2,882
282,541 28
 United Kingdom * 2,500 2,069 2,800 2,618 947,208 7
 Syria * 2,500 2,500 2,500
35,000 196
 Uganda * 2,500

 Argentina * 2,482 2,162 2,400 2,330 440,335 15
 Indonesia * 2,480 3,310 3,600 [12] 3,497 712,112 10
 Australia * 2,446 3,985 4,000 4,002 351,180 19
 Colombia * 2,036 1,665 2,300
791,844 7
 Gabon *(OPEC) 2,000 2,000 2,000
173,634 56
 Chad * 1,500
115,817 35
 Brunei * 1,100 1,100 1,100
98,642 31
 Equatorial Guinea *(OPEC) 1,100
147,563 20
 Peru * 858
1,400 [12] 1,489 40,386 58
 Ghana * 660

199,478 9
 Romania * 600
67,574 24
 Turkmenistan * 600 600 600
184,579 9
 Uzbekistan * 594 594 600
37,997 43
 Pakistan * 540

[12] 236 79,112 19
 Italy * 497
600 [12] 595 100,514 14
 Denmark * 441 439 600 [12] 550 71,339 17
 Tunisia * 425
30,738 38
 Ukraine * 395 395

33,577 32
 Turkey * 366

[12] 284 61,757 16
 Thailand * 252
202,117 3
 Trinidad and Tobago * 242
700 [12] 830 56,556 12
 Bolivia * 240

[12] 210 60,161 11
 Cameroon * 200

66,749 8
 Belarus * 198 198

34,249 16
 Bahrain * 186

43,000 12
 DR Congo 180

23,000 21
 Papua New Guinea * 159

[12] 158 40,249 11
 Albania * 150

14,331 29
 Chile * 150

1,582 260
 Niger * 150

9,497 43
 Spain * 150

628 654
 Myanmar * 139

8,833 43
 Philippines 138

12,249 31
 Netherlands 137

[12] 141 14,579 26
 Cuba * 124

[12] 124 41,079 8
 Germany * 115

[12] 229 37,508 8
 Poland * 113

[12] 151 18,765 16
 Ivory Coast * 100

36,746 7
 Suriname 89

14,915 16
 Guatemala 86

7,749 30
 Serbia * 77

15,249 14
 Croatia * 71

11,749 17
 France * 61

12,910 13
 Japan * 44

4,333 28
 New Zealand * 40

18,579 6
 Kyrgyzstan * 40

1,000 110
 Austria * 35

10,822 9
 Georgia * 35

400 240
 Bangladesh * 28

3,000 26
 Mauritania * 20

 Bulgaria * 15

1,000 41
 Czech Republic * 15 15.0

2,000 21
 South Africa * 15 15

1,000 41
 Israel * 12

[12] 12 300 110
 Hungary * 12

[12] 35 16,418 2
 Lithuania * 12

2,000 16
 Tajikistan * 12

180 183
 Greece * 10

1,831 15
 Slovakia * 9

200 123
 Benin * 8

 Belize * 6

1,700 10
 Taiwan * 2

196 28
 Barbados 1

1,000 3
 Jordan * 1

[12] 1

 Morocco * 0.6

160 10
 Ethiopia * 0.4

 Kenya * 0

 South Sudan

 Mongolia *

 East Timor *

 Portugal *

 World 1,661,905 1,535,773 1,750,600
76,137,732 60

 wikipedia |  This list is based on CIA The World Factbook (when no citation is given).[1] or other authoritative third-party sources (as cited). Based on data from EIA, at the start of 2021, proved gas reserves were dominated by three countries: Iran, Russia, and Qatar.

There is some disagreement on which country has the largest proven gas reserves. Sources that consider that Russia has by far the largest proven reserves include the US CIA (47600 cubic kilometers),[2] the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) (49000 km³),[3] and OPEC (48810 km3).[4] However, BP credits Russia with only 32900 km3,[5] which would place it in second place, slightly behind Iran (33100 to 33800 km3, depending on the source).

Due to constant announcements of shale gas recoverable reserves, as well as drilling in Central Asia, South America and Africa, deepwater drilling, estimates are undergoing frequent updates, mostly increasing. Since 2000, some countries, notably the US and Canada, have seen large increases in proved gas reserves due to development of shale gas, but shale gas deposits in most countries are yet to be added to reserve calculations. 

Proven Reserves (km³)
Country U.S. EIA
(start of 2021)[6]
(start of 2018)[7]
(start of 2018)[8]
Other Production
(in 2020)
Years of
in reserve[10]
 Russia * 47,798 50,617 35,000
624 77
 Iran * 33,980 33,810 33,200
238 (2019) 143
 Qatar * 23,871 23,861 24,900
167 (2019) 143
 Saudi Arabia 15,910 (2022) 8,715 8,000
114 140
 United States * 13,167 (2020) 9,067 8,700
947 14
 Turkmenistan * 11,326 9,838 19,500
84 (2019) 135
 China * 6,654 2,934 5,500
179 (2019) 37
 United Arab Emirates * 6,088 6,091 5,900
63 97
 Nigeria * 5,748 5,627 5,200 5,932[11] 46 (2019) 125
 Venezuela * 5,663 5,707 6,400
23 (2019) 246
 Algeria * 4,502 4,504 4,300
88 (2019) 51
 Iraq * 3,738 3,744 3,500
11 (2019) 340
 Australia * 3,228 3,173 3,600
146 (2019) 22
 Mozambique * 2,832

5 (2019) 566
 Canada * 2,067 2,059 1,900
179 (2019) 12
 Uzbekistan * 1,841 1,564 1,200
47 (2019) 39
 Kazakhstan * 1,840 1,898 1,100
26 (2019) 71
 Egypt * 1,784 2,221 1,800
77 (2019) 23
 Kuwait * 1,784 1,784 1,700
20 (2019) 89
 Azerbaijan * 1,699 1,227 2,800
23 (2019) 74
 Norway * 1,557 2,314 1,700
112 14
 Libya 1,501 1,505 1,400
11(2019) 136
 Indonesia * 1,415 2,866 2,900
63 22
 India * 1,388 1,289 1,200
28 50
 Malaysia * 1,189 2,909 2,700
75 (2019) 16
 Ukraine * 1,104 304 1,100
20 (2019) 55
 Vietnam * 708 203 600
8 (2019) 88
 Oman * 651 884 700
37 (2019) 18
 Myanmar * 651 273 1,200
18 (2019) 36
 Pakistan * 595 757 400
38 (2019) 16
 Yemen * 481
0.09 (2019) 5,344
 Argentina * 396 381 300
41 10
 Brazil * 368 325 400
25 (2019) 15
 Angola * 339 422

7 (2019) 48
 Peru * 311 513 400
12 26
 Trinidad and Tobago * 311 433 300
31 10
 Bolivia * 311 310 300
15 (2019) 21
 Congo * 283 111

1.4 (2019) 202
 Brunei * 261 252

12 22
 Syria 241 300 300
4 (2019) 60
 Papua New Guinea 184
12 15
 Mexico 181 146 200
27 (2019) 7
 United Kingdom * 181 269 200
40 (2019) 5
 Israel * 176
10 (2019) 18
 Thailand * 139 180 200
38 (2019) 4
 Equatorial Guinea * 139 145

5 (2019) 28
 Cameroon * 135 152

3 (2019) 45
 Netherlands * 133 804 700
33 (2019) 4
 Bangladesh * 127 346 200 [12] 385 29 (2019) 4
 Romania * 105 105 100
10 (2019) 10
 Philippines 99

4 (2019) 25
 Chile * 99 5.30

1 99
 Poland * 90 56.3 100
5.66 16
 Colombia * 88 104 100
11 8
 Sudan * 85

0 -
 Bahrain * 82
18 (2019) 5
 Cuba * 71

1 (2019) 71
 Tunisia * 65

1 (2019) 65
 Namibia 62

0 -
 Rwanda * 57

0 -
 Afghanistan * 51

0.08 638
 Serbia * 48

0.45 (2019) 107
 Italy * 45 27.1 100
4 11
 New Zealand * 31

5 6
 Ivory Coast * 28

2.44 11
 Mauritania * 28

0 -
 Denmark * 28 73.9 100
1.3 22
 Gabon * 26 25.5

0.31 (2019) 84
 Croatia 25

0.85 29
 Ethiopia * 25

0 -
 Georgia 8.5+16 [13] 8.5

0.02 (2019) 1,225
 Germany 23 39.6 100
5 (2019) 5
 Ghana 23

1.56 (2019) 15
 Japan * 20

1.93 10
 Moldova -

[14] 20 0.006 (2019) 3,333
 Slovakia 14

0.06 233
 Uganda 14

0 -
 Ecuador 11 5.4

0.34 (2019) 32
 Ireland * 11

2.66 (2019) 4
 South Korea * 8.5

0.24 (2019) 35
 Austria 5.66

0.93 (2019) 6
 Tanzania * 5.66

1.39 (2019) 4
 Taiwan * 5.66

0.15 (2019) 38
 Jordan * 5.66

0.12 (2019) 47
 Bulgaria 5.66

0.06 94
 Somalia * 5.66

0 -
 Tajikistan 5.66

0.02 (2019) 283
 Kyrgyzstan 5.66

0.03 (2019) 189
 Albania 5.66

0.04 (2019) 142
 South Africa * -

[15] 3 1.22 (2019) 2
 Turkey * 2.83

300TPAO estimate 0.48 (2019) 6
 Czech Republic 2.83

0.19 15
 Belarus * 2.83

2.4 (2019) 1.2
 Hungary * 2.8

1.7 1.6
 Spain 2.55

0.06 42
 Morocco * 1.44 474

0.1 (2019) 14
 Benin 1.13

0 -
 DR Congo 0.99

0 -
 Greece 0.99

0.01 99
 Barbados 0.11

0.02 (2019) 6
 Armenia * 0 18.0

0 -


Thursday, October 06, 2022

Who Among Us Has Deeply Pondered The USonian Rationale?

Rather, they either become consumed by tactical battlefield analyses, or start to fixate on Russia's existential position. Case in point, once the Khazarian bio-labs in Izyium an

But who here is considering the USA's rationale? As the lion, shark or spider must kill to eat, so too must an empire based on debt money consume all available resources. And who has the globe's last great stores? 

What happens to the $USD if we can't access/control these resources to ensure that the dollar power lives on?

This is why Ukraine is really the OK corral. - we're all in. But how do we ensure success? The same way we always have - by establishing the "victims" moral authority to engage in total war. In this case, total war can be rationalized that a desperate Russia used the first battlefield nuke. Why would they do that? Because they were losing so badly as to be on verge of system wide collapse.

How do we "know" Russia is losing across a collapsing front? Because the massed social media (troll army flooding all platforms) repeats the claim as virtual shock troops while the broader audience is bombarded by the MSM.

What is your take away? Patreaus, et al are telling anybody paying attention that we will escalate and retaliate with nuclear weapons as justification for Russia's "first strike".

The Nordstream false flag was just a dry run.

Perhaps the global social conversation should move away from passive topical discussion to more actively sounding world-wide alarm:


1. The $US dollar system requires constant expansionary growth to survive;

2. Credit expansion demands energy inputs along the entire cycle of production, delivery, use and service;

3. The world's last great stores of critical natural resources reside within Russia's geographic boundaries and remain under Russia's political control;

4. Ukraine is being used as a fulcrum to advance the collapse of the Russian state to facilitate resource expropriation for the West;

5. The USA lacks any feasible way forward to achieving victory in Ukraine by limiting itself to the use of conventional force of arms;

6. US failure in Ukraine will lead to a collapse of dollar dependent Western political and socio-economic institutions, including the MIC, Federal Reserve and perhaps the U.S. government itself;

7. Failure vis-a-vis Russia in the Ukraine theater therefore threatens the USA with a direct, critical existentional crisis;

8. US policy and decision makers may have already concluded that a Sampson option via escalation represents the most logical option if the USA as it currently exists were to fail anyway.


It is concluded that global and worldwide political leaders, influential persons and other interested voices should appeal to more rationale minds within the U.S. government to reconsider contemplating this course of action.

The Sampson option.

Let's review basic game theory: if the USA (by that i mean the $USD) is guaranteed to lose under existing, conventional circumstances - then why not gamble that your 1 or 2 reply may be defeated/prevented and/or forestalled?

If they too fail, where's the net incremental loss?

You're an American - you know that a failure of the $USD brings down the entire socio political edifice and functioning economy that supports the MIC, FIRE, and those of us peasants not eke-ing out paycheck-to-paycheck survival.

In other words, Russia represents an existential threat to our very way of life.

And what is our takeaway from all the above?

Russia is losing so badly that in a final desperate act to forestall a total government collapse, madman Putin WILL resort to utilizing nuclear weapons.

At that point the collective west will be fully justified in retaliating in like manner and possible escalating in order to defeat the threat of an evil Putin/Russia.

Since the west ($USD) must have Russia’s resources in order to survive, a drawn out, protracted settlement, truce, stalemate in Ukraine doesn't do us any good.

Time is on Russia’s side, not ours. We must collapse, divide & plunder NOW in order to prevail. We can't do that via conventional means, so we must use nuclear weapons.

Finally, we MUST BE ABLE TO blame Russia in order to assert a "victims" moral authority.


Further Consideration Of Legality From The Russian Point Of View

This is an important element that from the beginning has underpinned Putin's and Lavrov's interventions. In accordance with the international right of peoples to self-determination, the LPR and DPR referendums concerned only accession to the Russian Federation within the geographical boundaries of the oblasts. Independence referendums had already been held in 2014.

The two maps from September and October are easy to read. The troops of LPR and therefore Russia, now since today or tomorrow morning (only when the entry into force of the texts to be enacted) have withdrawn from a territory that remains Ukraine between the administrative border and Oskil.

Part of the territory of Donetsk Oblast is occupied by the Ukrainian army. Liman is legally irrelevant.

The "regions" of Kherson and Zaporoje were consulted on their independence, where they were liberated and only the part controlled at the time of enactment is supposed to become Russian territory.

Russia can even claim to have legally respected the will of the people and just demand (ultimatum) the withdrawal of Ukrainians from Donetsk Oblast of Russia.

NATO and the little penis piano player in Kiev won't do it.

Going forward, the Russian counter-attack will then be legally justified as invasion of Russian oblasts by Ukraine. One can even consider Zelensky's outgassings today as a declaration of genocidal war.

We will know in a few days if the Russian army is out of ammunition, or, merely waiting for a legal framework to go to war in earnest. |  Question: What should people do if they live on Russian territory by right that is in fact occupied by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (VSU)?

Sergey Lavrov: The issue of borders is described in the conclusion of the Constitutional Court. This issue has moved to the fore now that Russia has launched the discussion of the constitutional laws on the admission of four new entities into the Russian Federation. Read the conclusion of the Constitutional Court. It explains everything clearly. Senator Andrey Klishas, who is speaking now, also commented on this issue. You will have an opportunity to discuss it with him in more detail.

Question: If we are correct, a transitional period will last until 2024.

Sergey Lavrov: If you read the laws that are being adopted now you’d note that they mention 2026 as the completion of the transitional period.

Question: Is it essential to win the recognition of this admission to Russia by other states?

Sergey Lavrov: Absolutely not. Of course, it would be better if all countries of the world recognised this new and inevitable reality. We have cited a huge number of judicial arguments, including references to the UN Charter that seals the principle of equality and self-determination of nations, and the UN General Assembly Declaration that makes it clear that all countries should respect the territorial integrity of states with governments which recognise the right to self-determination and represent the whole people belonging to the territory of a country.

Obviously, the Vladimir Zelensky regime, just as the Pyotr Poroshenko regime before it, not only never met these criteria but also crudely violated them. The residents of Donbass would and will never agree that those who illegally seized power in Kiev represent their people that live in this region and other parts of Ukraine where the residents feel inextricably linked with the Russian civilisation.

In terms of international law, it would be important for all countries to display a responsible approach and recognise this obvious, objective reality. We are seeing how far the West has gone in its anti-Russia frenzy. Obviously, lacking convincing arguments in its favour, it is trying to intimidate all other countries, primarily, the developing nations (in Asia, Africa and Latin America) by resorting to threats and blackmail to compel them to denounce Russia. This is yet further evidence of the weakness of the West’s position. If you feel you are right, express your opinion on this or other international events and let others determine independently, like adults, whose arguments sound more convincing: those of Russia and the residents of Donbass that do not want to be under the neo-Nazi regime or those of the collective West that proclaimed Kiev “the beacon of democracy” and swore to fight until the last Ukrainian to weaken Russia as much as possible and probably even to divide it.

I guarantee that the majority of countries understand perfectly well that we are right. Not everyone has the courage and power to talk about this straight. The overwhelming majority are refusing to join the West in the economic and other sanctions pressure on the Russian Federation.

I am convinced that the truth will make its way, regardless of whether the West wants it or not. The scenario that is proceeding now has been prompted by life itself and relies on the free expression of the people’s will. Any other actions – the artificial fuelling of confrontation, mobilisation of anti-Russia forces, threats or blackmail – are anti-historical and will get lost into oblivion. The will of the people will last forever.


Tear-Stricken? Satan's Hold On Your Soul Is Far Deeper Than You Imagine...,

variety  |  The tear-stricken faces peering up adoringly at James Bond producer Michael G. Wilson, seated in the royal box at Royal Albert Hall, during a lengthy standing ovation at “The Sound of 007” concert said it all: It’s not just movie music — the music, for this franchise at least, is the movie.

Tuesday’s charity event at London’s grandest venue preceded the Oct. 5 release of feature documentary “The Sound of 007” on Amazon’s Prime Video (the streamer’s top executives for Europe were, unsurprisingly, in the box next to the Bond guardians), and didn’t hesitate to remind both Bond novices and grizzled veterans that the franchise is virtually synonymous with some of cinema’s most iconic tracks. 

The concert — part of a cavalcade of events marking the British spy’s 60th anniversary on screen — was produced and overseen by five-time Bond composer David Arnold, who was front and centre the entire evening, shredding with Hans Zimmer on an electric guitar or belting out late Soundgarden frontman Chris Cornell’s divisive rock anthem “You Know My Name,” from “Casino Royale.” Arnold was musical director for Danny Boyle’s London 2012 Olympics opening ceremony, but this — you could tell — was a night he relished.

Dame Shirley Bassey, who dazzled Royal Albert Hall at the BAFTA Film Awards in March, was back to kick off the concert with “Diamonds are Forever” and “Goldfinger.” (The audience gave Bassey a standing ovation well before she’d even sung a single note.) Other vocalists included the movies’ original performing artists Lulu and Garbage, who sang “The Man With the Golden Gun” and “The World is Not Enough,” respectively, and were warmly received by fans.

Other standouts included BRIT School graduates and powerhouse singers Emma Lindars, who ably took on Adele’s hit song “Skyfall,” and Ella Eyre, who smashed both “Licence to Kill” and “Nobody Does it Better.” Deborah Anne Dyer, better known as Skin, also put her own riff on Paul McCartney’s “Live and Let Die” with thrilling results. Performers were accompanied by the spectacular Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra conducted by Nicholas Dodd, which had many in raptures over a three-minute rendition of “Come In 007” from “The World Is Not Enough.”

It’s puzzling why Billie Eilish’s “No Time to Die” title track or even Sam Smith’s “Writing’s On the Wall” from “Spectre” were omitted, but one can only assume that Arnold and his team were keen to pay homage to the 60-year-old franchise’s older films, such as “Thunderball” and “The Spy Who Loved Me” (both of which received moving orchestral pieces) in addition to the more pop-heavy entries of the last decade.

The evening also paid tribute to the late John Barry, who arranged the original Bond theme tune for the first movie and wrote for 11 of the films. Don Black, a lyricist for several Bond pics and a close friend of Barry’s, regaled the audience with memories of the debonair British composer, who once described writing “The Living Daylights” for the titular movie with Norway’s A-ha to “playing table tennis with four balls.”


Wednesday, October 05, 2022

OPEC+ - Led By Russia - Smacks The Taste Out Of Brandon's Mouth

cnbc  |  A group of some of the world’s most powerful oil producers on Wednesday agreed to impose deep output cuts, seeking to spur a recovery in crude prices despite calls from the U.S. to pump more to help the global economy.

OPEC and non-OPEC allies, a group often referred to as OPEC+, decided at their first face-to-face gathering in Vienna since 2020 to reduce production by 2 million barrels per day from November.

Energy market participants had expected OPEC+, which includes Saudi Arabia and Russia, to impose output cuts of somewhere between 500,000 barrels and 2 million barrels.

The move represents a major reversal in production policy for the alliance, which slashed output by a record 10 million barrels per day in early 2020 when demand plummeted due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The oil cartel has since gradually unwound those record cuts, albeit with several OPEC+ countries struggling to fulfill their quotas.

Oil prices have fallen to roughly $80 a barrel from more than $120 in early June amid growing fears about the prospect of a global economic recession.

The production cut for November is an attempt to reverse this slide, despite repeated pressure from U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration for the group to pump more to lower fuel prices ahead of midterm elections next month.

White House ‘disappointed’

The White House said in a statement that Biden was “disappointed by the shortsighted decision by OPEC+ to cut production quotas while the global economy is dealing with the continued negative impact of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.”

It said that Biden had directed the Department of Energy to release another 10 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve next month.

“In light of today’s action, the Biden Administration will also consult with Congress on additional tools and authorities to reduce OPEC’s control over energy prices,” the White House said.

The statement added that the OPEC+ announcement served as “a reminder of why it is so critical that the United States reduce its reliance on foreign sources of fossil fuels.”

To be sure, the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and gas, is the chief driver of the climate emergency.