Showing posts with label History's Mysteries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History's Mysteries. Show all posts

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Recommended Viewing Before You See Hollywood's Oppenheimer Treatment

In this video the author describes the "Un-American Activities" trial where Oppenheimer lost his Q clearance. On the first day of the trial, Oppenheimer is extremely dismayed when he discovers that the Chairman of the trial is none other than Gordon Gray, one of the original Majestic Twelve. Parts of the trial are highly classified, and the attorney-client privilege between Oppenheimer and his lawyers is comprised via wiretap. Later in life, Oppenheimer always said "There's a story within a story" regarding revocation of his security clearance.

Really insightful viewing coming on the heels of Schumer's revelation that the Atomic Energy Act 1954 is being used to improperly keep UFO data permanently classified.

Here are some highlights timestamped:

Attorney-client privilege tapped: 35:00

Canadian UFO scientist Wilbert Smith & Robert Sarbacher: 38:30

Oil industry destroyed if new technology revealed: 50:50

Gordon Gray MJ-12: 52:29

Gray's papers on Oppenheimer in Eisenhower Library "never to be released": 56:30

General Leslie Groves no longer trusted Oppenheimer (why?): 59:45

Oppenheimer states "a great deal happened between 1945-49" (i.e. Roswell etc.)

John von Neumann testified about "a new Buck Rogers reality" (remembering that when he was in hospital dying of aggressive cancer, an armed military guard on watch 24/7 in case von Neumann revealed any "secrets") : 1:06

Oppenheimer states "There's a story within the story" : 1:10:35

Propulsion systems: 1:13:40

Executive Orders create the secrets, not the Congress: 1:15:30

Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter Wanted Full Investigation Of UFO's

Monday, July 17, 2023

With A Twinkle In His Eye Lt. Col Robert J. Friend Acknowledged The Truth

HuffPost  | A retired Air Force official in charge of one of its most famous UFO research efforts said before his death last year that the effort may have been scuttled not because it was fruitless, but just the opposite.

In a clip from the new documentary “The Phenomenon,” Lt. Col. Robert Friend pointed to the sudden closure of Project Blue Book in 1969. 

“Which would suggest what?” he asked before answering his own question: “That they knew what it was.”

James Fox, the film’s director added: “Or didn’t know what it was.”

But Friend, who led Project Blue Book from 1958-1963, persisted.

“Also the other way,” Friend replied with a telling grin. “That they did know what it was.”

Officially, the project was shuttered despite some 700 open cases because it “no longer can be justified either on the ground of national security or in the interest of science.”

But Friend, who died last year at the age of 99, suggested in his last interview that the shutdown could have been for another reason:

Friend, who was one of the Tuskegee Airmen during WWII and the only Black leader of Project Blue Book, heading it during the civil rights movement, was originally skeptical of claims that aliens had ever made the long trip to Earth.

“Do I believe that we have been visited? No, I don’t believe that,” he told HuffPost in 2012. “And the reason I don’t believe it is because I can’t conceive of any of the ways in which we could overcome some of these things: How much food would you have to take with you on a trip for 22 years through space? How much fuel would you need? How much oxygen or other things to sustain life do you have to have?”

However, Friend also called for more study and said he believes there could be life elsewhere.

“I think that anytime there’s a possibility of scientific pay dirt from studying these phenomena, that yes, it would be much better if the government or some other agency was to take on these things and to pursue the scientific aspects of it,” he said.

More recent revelations indicate that the U.S. government’s interest in UFOs didn’t end with Project Blue Book but have continued in other forms, much of which is detailed in “The Phenomenon.”

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said in the film that the federal government has been covering up UFOs and that most of the evidence “hasn’t seen the light of day.”


The Atomic Energy Commission And The CIA - UFO Thought Police

wikipedia  |  The Robertson Panel first met formally on January 14, 1953 under the direction of Howard P. Robertson. He was a physicist, a CIA consultant, and the director of the Defense Department Weapons Evaluation Group. He was instructed by OSI to assemble a group of prominent scientists to review the Air Force's UFO files. In preparation for this, Robertson first personally reviewed Air Force files and procedures. The Air Force had recently commissioned the Battelle Memorial Institute to scientifically study all of the UFO reports collected by Project Sign, Project Grudge and Project Blue Book. Robertson hoped to draw on their statistical results, but Battelle insisted that they needed much more time to conduct a proper study. Other panel members were respected scientists who had worked on other classified military projects or studies. All were then skeptical of UFO reports, though to varying degrees. Apart from Robertson, the panel included:

Most of what is known about the actual proceedings of the meetings comes from notes kept by Durant which were later submitted as a memo to the NSC and commonly referred to as the Durant Report.[2] In addition, various participants would later comment on what transpired from their perspective. Captain (later Major) Edward Ruppelt, then head of Project Blue Book, first revealed the existence of the secret panel in his 1956 book,[4] but without revealing names of panel members. 

As early as August 15 CIA analysts, despite their overall skeptical conclusions had noted, "Sightings of UFOs reported at Los Alamos and Oak Ridge, at a time when the background radiation count had risen inexplicably. Here we run out of even "blue yonder" explanations that might be tenable, and, we still are left with numbers of incredible reports from credible observers."[11] On December 2, 1952 CIA Assistant Director Chadwell noted, "Recent reports reaching CIA indicated that further action was desirable and another briefing by the cognizant A-2 and ATIC personnel was held on 25 November. At this time, the reports of incidents convince us that there is something going on that must have immediate attention. The details of some of these incidents have been discussed by AD/SI with DDCI. Sightings of unexplained objects at great altitudes and traveling at high speeds in the vicinity of major U.S. defense installations are of such nature that they are not attributable to natural phenomena or known types of aerial vehicles".[12]

Chadwell's 2 December memorandum contained the draft of recommendations for the NSC, which were:

1. The Director of Central Intelligence shall formulate and carry out a program of intelligence and research activities as required to solve the problem of instant positive identification of unidentified flying objects.

2. Upon call of the Director of Central Intelligence, Government departments and agencies shall provide assistance in this program of intelligence and research to the extent of their capacity provided, however, that the DCI shall avoid duplication of activities presently directed toward the solution of this problem.

3. This effort shall be coordinated with the military services and the Research and Development Board of the Department of Defense, with the Psychological Board and other Governmental agencies as appropriate.

4. The Director of Central Intelligence shall disseminate information concerning the program of intelligence and research activities in this field to the various departments and agencies which have authorized interest therein.""[12]

On December 4, 1952 the Intelligence Advisory Committee agreed:

The Director of Central Intelligence will:

a. Enlist the services of selected scientists to review and appraise the available evidence in the light of pertinent scientific theories.

b. Draft and circulate to the IAC a proposed NSCID, which would signify the IAC concerning the subject and authorize coordination with appropriate non-IAC departments and agencies.[1]

From the IAC minutes of December 4 and the earlier CIA documents it appears clear that the Robertson Panel was the outcome of recommendation (a) of the IAC decision but that this formed part of a wider intended programme of action aimed at enabling rapid positive identification of UFOs from an air defense perspective (i.e. identifying actual Soviet aircraft from misidentified natural phenomena or other conventional objects) and a desire to reduce reporting of UFOs, which were seen as clogging up air defense communication channels and created the risk of exploitation of this effect. The inter-relationships between these wider aspects of the CIA's recommendations and the Battelle Memorial Institute's study, culminating in Blue Book Special Report 14,[13] which identified a statistically significant difference between 'unknowns' and UFO reports that could subsequently be identified, or the study group referenced in a Canadian government document as operating as early as 1950 under the chairmanship of Dr Vannevar Bush, then head of the Joint Research and Development Board, to discover the 'modus operandi' of UFOs[14] are unclear.


Friday, July 14, 2023

Cognitive Dissonance Incompatible With Collective Psychology (REDUX 3/29/08)

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological state that describes the uncomfortable feeling between what one holds to be true and what one knows to be true. Similar to ambivalence, the term cognitive dissonance describes conflicting thoughts or beliefs (cognitions) that occur at the same time, or when engaged in behaviors that conflict with one's beliefs. In academic literature, the term refers to attempts to reduce the discomfort of conflicting thoughts, by performing actions that are opposite to one's beliefs.

In simple terms, it can be the filtering of information that conflicts with what one already believes, in an effort to ignore that information and reinforce one's beliefs. In detailed terms, it is the perception of incompatibility between two cognitions, where "cognition" is defined as any element of knowledge, including attitude, emotion, belief, or behavior. The theory of cognitive dissonance states that contradicting cognitions serve as a driving force that compels the mind to acquire or invent new thoughts or beliefs, or to modify existing beliefs, so as to reduce the amount of dissonance (conflict) between cognitions. Experiments have attempted to quantify this hypothetical drive. Some of these have examined how beliefs often change to match behavior when beliefs and behavior are in conflict.

Sunday, July 09, 2023

What Is The Combinatorial Explosion Of UFO Fact And Fiction Leading To?

reddit  |  The timeline:

1933 - The Magenta crash is recovered by Mussolini's government. The Vatican is informed, and Hugh Angleton (father of James Jesus Angleton), a businessman living nearby in Milan at the time, a Mussolini admirer and later a Lt. Col. in the OSS, hears whispers of the crash.

1939 - Nazi Germany establishes New Swabia (German Neuschwabenland) in Antarctica

1943 - After Mussolini is removed from power, the Vatican informs the U.S. Army of the craft's location. It is recovered and shipped to the continental United States. OSS are involved and maintained control of the subject matter when it morphs into the Central Intelligence Agency in 1947.

1945 - U-Boat Captain Heinz Schaeffer leaves the port of Kiel at the end of April in U-977 for "a southern destination". He surrenders his vessel, along with another U-boat on the 17th of August 1945 at Mar Del Plato, Argentina. This period is more than enough time to reach New Swabia and then surrender in Argentina after completing the "mission".

1946 - Operation Highjump, commanded by Admiral Byrd. Looking for the fabled Nazi "southern redoubt"?

1957- Geophysical Year multi-nation scientific research in Antarctica.

1959 - the Antarctic Treaty is signed, and comes into effect in 1961. The discovery of other world anomalies in Antarctica will remain top secret, only a few representatives of each of the 55 signatory nations will be informed.

2015- Vladimir Putin expresses a need to "expand" scientific research in Antarctica, sending scientific vessels with a full military escort.

2016 - John Kerry visits the top secret base in Antarctica on the day of the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, expecting a Hillary Clinton win. Hillary has a well-known UFO interest, as does John Podesta. Was Kerry sent there to "get the ball rolling" on Disclosure immediately?

2017 - After a thousand years of animosity, beginning in 1054 A.D., the Roman Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church sign a communion agreement in Cuba. Pope Francis and Patriarch Kiril are present, and Kiril makes an unplanned detour on the way home to the Bellinghausen Station in Antarctica, which is controlled by Russia. As the Vatican no longer had access to the Magenta craft since its recovery in 1944, the Pope informs the Patriarch about the "Others" and tells him to "see it for himself" in Antarctica when Kiril expresses disbelief in what Pope Francis tells him.

2018 - The Strava heat map leak. Military personnel from a variety of nations accidentally reveal the locations of secret military bases when the data from their exercise regimes and patterns of life are geolocated and published by Strava, the manufactures of the exercise watch. Included in the global map is an extraordinary amount of activity in Antarctica, exposing a massive circular path of a kilometer or so in diameter. There is no explanation forthcoming as to why there is such activity on the frozen continent.

Whilst it is not normally a good idea to bring religion or politics into the discussion of NHI, in this instance I think it is warranted. The video below gives a very good explanation of the strange events leading up to the religious reconciliation for background.

The cat's well and truly out of the bag now. It appears that the movie "The Thing" was actually a documentary!

Edit: This is a YT video showing the circular "map" in Antarctica, timestamped:

This is the current Strava heat map, with the section referred to above removed:

Edit 2:

The activity accidentally highlighted in 2018 appears to be at Byrd Station, which is odd because it was supposedly "abandoned" in 2004.

r/UFOB - Ross Coulthart's "Some of the craft are too big to move" bombshell: It's in Antarctica.

2018 Strava heat map activity appears to be occurring at Byrd Station. The current map shows zero activity.

Constructed during Operation DEEP FREEZE in 1957.,during%20Operation%20Deep%20Freeze%20II%20in%20West%20Antarctica.

Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Two Wealthy Investors' Obsession With Anti-Gravity

MIT  |  This paper examines how various private patrons intervened to support research in gravitational physics from the late 1940s through the early 1960s. Our analysis centers primarily on two wealthy and eccentric businessmen, Roger Babson and Agnew Bahnson, and their efforts to galvanize the study of gravitation. Not only did these patrons provide generous funding at a time when the subject of gravitation received few other institutional sources of support; they also helped to knit together aresearch community. Moreover, we trace the evolution of their patronage efforts, as scientists and patrons revised their arrangements to address what came to seem weak or ineffective features of the original efforts. These unusual philanthropic efforts played an outsized role in spurring what has been called the renaissance of general relativity during the middle decades of the twentieth century

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Could An Industrial Civilization Have Existed On Earth Before Our Own?

SA  |  One of the creepier conclusions drawn by scientists studying the Anthropocene—the proposed epoch of Earth’s geologic history in which humankind’s activities dominate the globe—is how closely today’s industrially induced climate change resembles conditions seen in past periods of rapid temperature rise.

“These ‘hyperthermals,’ the thermal-maximum events of prehistory, are the genesis of this research,” says Gavin Schmidt, climate modeler and director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. “Whether the warming was caused by humans or by natural forces, the fingerprints—the chemical signals and tracers that give evidence of what happened then—look very similar.”

The canonical example of a hyperthermal is the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), a 200,000-year period that occurred some 55.5 million years ago when global average temperatures rose by five to eight degrees Celsius (nine to 14 degrees Fahrenheit). Schmidt has pondered the PETM for his entire career, and it was on his mind one day in 2017 when University of Rochester astrophysicist Adam Frank paid him a visit.

Frank came to his office to discuss the idea of studying global warming from an “astrobiological perspective”—that is, investigating whether the rise of an alien industrial civilization on an exoplanet might necessarily trigger climate changes similar to those we see during Earth’s own Anthropocene. But almost before Frank could describe how one might search for the climatic effects of industrial “exocivilizations” on newly discovered planets, Schmidt caught him up short with a surprising question: “How do you know we’re the only time there’s been a civilization on our own planet?“

Frank considered a moment before responding with a question of his own: “Could we even tell if there had been an industrial civilization [long before this one]?“

Their subsequent attempt to address both questions yielded a provocative paper on the possibility that Earth might have spawned more than one technological society during its 4.5-billion-year history. And if indeed some such culture arose on Earth in the murky depths of geologic time, how might scientists today discern signs of that incredible development? Or, as they put it in the paper: “If an industrial civilization had existed on Earth many millions of years prior to our own era, what traces would it have left and would they be detectable today?“

Schmidt and Frank began by forecasting the geologic fingerprints the Anthropocene is likely to leave behind—such as hints of soaring temperatures and rising seas laid down in beds of sedimentary rock. These features, they noted, are very similar to the geologic leftovers of the PETM and other hyperthermal events. They then considered what tests could plausibly distinguish an industrial cause from otherwise naturally occurring climate changes. “These issues have never really been addressed to any great extent,” Schmidt notes. And that goes not only for scientists but evidently for science-fiction writers as well, he adds: “I looked back into the science-fiction literature to try to find the earliest example of a story featuring a nonhuman industrial civilization on Earth. The earliest I could find was in a Doctor Who episode.“

That 1970 episode of the classic TV series involves the present-day discovery of “Silurians”—an ancient race of technologically advanced, reptilian humanoids who predated the arrival of humans by hundreds of millions of years. According to the plot, these highly civilized saurians flourished for centuries until Earth’s atmosphere entered a period of cataclysmic upheaval that forced Homo reptilia to go into hibernation underground to wait out the danger. Schmidt and Frank paid tribute to the episode in the title of their paper: “The Silurian Hypothesis.”

The Unknown Density And Extensiveness Of Mayan Civilization Continue To Astound

reuters  |   A previously unknown ancient Maya city has been discovered in the jungles of southern Mexico, the country's anthropology institute said on Tuesday, adding it was likely an important center more than a thousand years ago.

The city includes large pyramid-like buildings, stone columns, three plazas with "imposing buildings" and other structures arranged in almost-concentric circles, the INAH institute said.

INAH said the city, which it has named Ocomtun - meaning "stone column" in the Yucatec Maya language - would have been an important center for the peninsula's central lowland region between 250 and 1000 AD.

It is located in the Balamku ecological reserve on the country's Yucatan Peninsula and was discovered during a search of a largely unexplored stretch of jungle larger than Luxembourg. The search took place between March and June using aerial laser mapping (LiDAR) technology.

The Maya civilization, known for its advanced mathematical calendars, spanned southeast Mexico and parts of Central America. Widespread political collapse led to its decline centuries before the arrival of Spanish conquistadors, whose military campaigns saw the last stronghold fall in the late 17th century.

The Ocomtun site has a core area, located on high ground surrounded by extensive wetlands, that includes several pyramid-like structures up to 15 meters high, lead archaeologist Ivan Sprajc said in a statement.

The city also had a ball court. Pre-Hispanic ball games, widespread throughout the Maya region, consist of passing a rubber ball representing the sun across a court without the use of hands and getting it through a small stone hoop. The game is believed to have had an important religious purpose.

Sprajc said his team had also found central altars in an area closer to the La Riguena river, which may have been designed for community rituals, though more research is needed to understand the cultures that once lived there.

The site probably declined around 800 to 1000 AD judging from materials extracted from buildings, he said, adding this was likely a reflection of "ideological and population changes" that led to the collapse of Maya societies in that region by the 10th century.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Do You Believe In Angels (Demons, Djinn....,)?

florenceinferno  |  The ‘’Madonna of the UFO’’ or ‘’Madonna of the flying saucer’’ is a painting located in Palazzo Vecchio in Florence in the Hall of Hercules. Also called “Madonna and Child with the Infant St John”, the painting has been the topic of much debate between art experts and ufologists. While the painting depicts the Nativity with the infant St. John in the foreground, in the background one can see a man curiously watching an unidentified flying object (UFO).

The painting is of unknown origin, but it probably dates from as early as the sixteenth century. The caption under the picture attributes authorship to either Sebastiano Mainardi or Jacopo del Sellaio; conversely, some scholars attribute it to Filippo Lippi, also known as “Maestro del Tondo Miller,” after the title of one of his last works.

Moreover, we only know that the work comes from the forgotten convent of Sant’Orsola in the district of San Lorenzo in Florence.

The painting is round, is one meter in diameter, and is adorned with a precious golden frame; it is located in the Hall of Hercules on the second floor of the Palazzo Vecchio, which takes its name from the coffered ceiling depicting the Twelve Labours of Hercules.

The circular painting bears the usual iconographic motif of the Renaissance: in the foreground the Virgin is seen kneeling with folded hands and leaning toward the baby, who is lying on a hem of her garment.

While the baby Jesus is reaching his hand toward his mother, St. John is attempting to support him. Behind the head of the Madonna, an ellipsoidal object can be seen in the sky, one that is very similar to modern depictions of UFOs. There is also a man painted in the background, a shepherd, with his hand on his forehead and his head turned toward the sky. Next to him is a dog that is also looking in the direction of the flying object .


UFO Secrecy And The Death Of The American Republic

greyfalcon  |  There is another, less appreciated, dimension to UFO secrecy. These objects, we know, have demonstrated amazing manoeuvring capabilities. Some of them, at least, can accelerate instantly in all directions, turn on a dime, stop and hover motionlessly, and remain silent the whole while.

Our military aircraft have been unable to compete. In 1975, UFOs that could hover like silent helicopters and move like silent jets were unmolested by U.S. aircraft. In a well-known incident over Belgium in 1990, a triangular UFO thoroughly outclassed F-16 interceptors. During the summer of 2002, just outside Washington, D.C., a UFO easily outpaced and outmanoeuvred pursuing F-16s.

A common question that arises is, what kind of propulsion system do these objects use. But I wonder, what makes them go?

This question is more than academic. There are legitimate reasons to expect that we are about to experience a petroleum crisis of epic proportions, much sooner than we expect. Once a fringe belief, there are now many oil analysts who believe this.

The problem is basic supply and demand. The supply is finite; the demand shows no signs of limit. In fact, global oil demand is now increasing at the fantastic rate of 4 percent annually, which translates into a doubling rate of every 17 years. I don’t care what your supply is, you cannot double demand of anything indefinitely, and certainly not at the rate the petroleum demand is moving.

Recall the ancient Chinese story about the peasant who performed a good deed for the Emperor. "I will grant you any wish you ask," said the grateful Emperor. The peasant took a chess board and said, "I don’t ask for much. Simply place a grain of rice on the first square, then double the amount for each successive square on the board, and I will be content." "Silly peasant," thought the Emperor. "I would have given him something of value." For much of the board, the amount of rice was small enough. By the last few squares, however, the Emperor went broke. By the final square, the amount of rice would have exceeded all the rice in the world.

Experts argue about when the petroleum crisis will hit, but it is the height of folly to pretend it won’t arrive. Whether it will be 50 years, 20 years, or 5 years, our civilization needs to find a way to replace petroleum. UFO technology very likely holds part of the answer, maybe all of the answer.

Some people agree with this assessment, and believe that the "powers that be" are simply holding out on us until the oil truly runs out, just to maximize their profit. Then it’s free energy time – although we assume someone will find a way to make money from it.

You had better hope that such blind trust turns out to be accurate. I’m less confident that a benevolent elite will bail my ass out at the eleventh hour. For all I know, they may have decided that there are too many of us on this planet, anyway. "Time to clean house. I’ve got my bunker. How about you?"

Freedom and Self-Governance

For a democratically-based political system to function, there must be a reasonable amount of congruence between what people believe and what is actually the case. You elect a member of congress with the idea that he or she will represent your interests within the nation’s primary instrument of political power: the Congress. Except that Congress has been made irrelevant by other centres of power, or been taken over by them.

You get your news from television or your newspaper with the idea that the journalist on the other end is a kind of watchdog, looking out for the public interest. Except that the journalist is working for a corporation which is itself antithetical to the public interest.

Unseen structures of power have evolved over the previous generations, advancing sometimes slowly, sometimes with a dramatic suddenness. But most people lack the conceptual means by which to understand what is happening.

As I have suggested, I believe that a significant part of that power structure involves the possession and exploitation of UFO-related technology. And I certainly believe that the secrecy has gone on for so long that it has become integral to keeping the whole system together.

Once you start lying, how can you un-do the lie? Today, UFO secrecy has been with the U.S. – and by extension the world – for about sixty years. That’s nearly as long as the Soviet Union existed on the basis of its own labyrinthine web of lies.

The comparison is apt. I still recall holding in my hands a commemorative oversized Soviet book celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. The book was published in 1937, during the depths of Stalin’s rule. There was a colorized version of a famous photograph showing Lenin at a podium speaking to a crowd, and I noticed that Leon Trotsky – Stalin’s great political enemy – had been airbrushed out of the picture. That’s simply how the Soviet system worked. The government lied constantly, and everyone knew it, and everyone in the country pretended that the government didn’t lie.

Constant lying in the Soviet Union meant that the official powers had to systematically think about how to organize and manipulate public information to keep people in line. I remember trying to read through The Great Soviet Encyclopaedia, an impossibly organized mess of propaganda and fact so that you couldn’t learn anything about anything that truly mattered. That’s just how it was.

Looking back, we can see how it would have been impossible for such a society to continue indefinitely, ruled as it was on the basis of a series of lies. When Gorbachev took power in 1985, he wanted to reform that society. His catchphrases were glasnost and perestroika: openness and restructuring. I was a young student of Soviet history at that time, and remember the excitement well. I also recall the scepticism of some of my professors who continued to believe for some time that this was yet another communist plot.

No matter. Within six years, there was no more Soviet Union. What happened? Well, one thing that happened, a big thing, was that the process of reform spiralled out of control. You make a big change here, and the next guy wants change over there. It becomes hard to put on the brakes. You start with openness, for example, and you open the books on Stalin’s gulag. You open the books on the particulars of the Bolshevik coup. Or the reconquest of the Ukraine in the 1920s, or the capture of the Baltic States in 1940, and on and on. Before long, entire subject peoples want to bolt, and many openly question the legitimacy of the Party’s rule. Then it is over.

Disclosure Scenarios

It’s no different today in America, and the UFO secret is at the core. Imagine if the President of the United States were to decide to end UFO secrecy. How would he do it?

I can see him now. President George W. Bush steps up to the podium. Beloved Vice President Dick Cheney stands behind him. Trusted lieutenants Donald Rumsfeld and Condoleeza Rice are there, too. The cameras of all the world’s media are upon him.

"Good evening," he begins. "Through a series of meetings with certain senior scientific and defence officials, it has come to my attention that the UFO phenomenon apparently is real, and is of extraterrestrial origin."

Hokey dokey, that’s really all I have to say for now. We’ll provide updates as we get ‘em. I’m going on vacation for a while. Goodnight everyone.

Well, maybe not. Disclosure is a Pandora’s box with a panoply of taboo topics just waiting to spring out. It is, as one friend of mine calls it, "a sloppy tar-baby," a threatening, friendly, frightening, and inseparable bundle of unavoidable eventualities.

So I can imagine a few questions, even from a media as compliant as the American. "Mr. President," one correspondent might say, "what are the intentions of these aliens?" Or, "Mr. President, what does this say about the claims of alien abduction? Are they real, after all?" Or how about, "Mr. President, what about claims of underground alien bases? Or claims of secret possession of alien technology?" These questions might not arise immediately. But they would arise eventually. Once you open that lid, it will be very difficult to control the outcome.

The answers would not be pretty. For this reason, I doubt that disclosure will come from America ’s political establishment. But there are always other countries. There are always the aliens. The truth is already here; it’s simply waiting to land.

After all, what exactly are the secret keepers protecting? Let’s see. Power, wealth, control, their plans for the future, access to information, underground bases already built, the status quo.

But there must be more. How about communication with aliens? Worm hole technology? Access to our genetic code? Or any number of technologies that we have not even begun to discuss openly in our society. Remember the statement of an Area 51 insider to aerospace journalist James Goodall – this was back in the 1980s – "we have things in the Nevada desert that would make George Lucas envious." In other words, Star Wars technology.

Can you imagine the front page of the New York Times following a true disclosure of all this? "MASSIVE COVERUP EXPOSED." The biggest journalistic fiasco in history would finally be acknowledged, wholesale resignations would sweep the intelligence community, a political third party would do a clean sweep of Washington. Congress would promise emergency hearings, Arab oil nations would be in a state of collapse as oil price futures plummet, and the stock market would be in a headlong tailspin.

People would realize that a massive power structure has existed for generations, and has siphoned away trillions of dollars. They would learn that it has played a dominant, though unacknowledged, role in shaping their lives.

Think about NASA and the space shuttle program. There are no shortage of quiet discussions about the antiquated nature of NASA’s shuttle technology. Astronauts have died because better technology was denied to them. And that is merely the tip of the iceberg, for this issue goes far beyond NASA.

No, people wouldn’t be pleased or especially understanding. Heads would roll.

The American system of government, as it has come to exist, and by extension American society, and by extension our current global civilization, is not compatible with true UFO disclosure. Disclosure would rip it all away.

You might argue that this would be a good reason to maintain the secrecy. On the other hand, I would argue it’s the best reason for disclosure.

As bad as things look today, I retain hope for a post-disclosure world. I retain a faith – yes, I guess it’s faith – in the value of truth over all things. A statement by my favorite writer, Leo Tolstoy, hangs before me every day: "the one thing necessary, in life as in art, is to tell the truth." I cannot believe that a society based on a foundational lie can be better than one based on a foundational truth.

The Thule Society And Nazi Connection To Non-Human Intelligence

greyfalcon  |  This eventually became the �inner circle� of the Thule Society, and reportedly attracted members from other occult movements in Europe, as well as from Tibet, Japan, India, Kashmir, Turkey and Ceylon.

Its most inspirational book was The Coming Race by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, a story about an underground Utopian civilization where the inhabitants flew around in silent wingless vehicles, powered by a force called �vril� - hence the name of the society.

Haushofer knew a great deal about life on Atlantis, almost as though through personal memory. He taught Hitler that the Aryan race was genetically developed by the �gods� of Atlantis in preparation for the coming disaster, to be a new �master race� afterwards. He claimed that the Aryans were given higher consciousness and the faculty of logical thought, instead of just super-memory as with the preceding sub-races on Atlantis.

He convinced Hitler that the �pure� Germans were descended from this civilization from �Ultima Thule,� sometimes called Hyperborea, and were meant to be the nucleus of the new master race. Haushofer believed that this race of Aryan supermen survived the Atlantean upheavals and still existed somewhere underground in Tibet or the Gobi Desert, and he convinced Hitler to try and make contact with them.

From 1926 through 1942, Haushofer organized annual German expeditions to Tibet. He apparently succeeded in making contact with an underground civilization in Tibet known in occult literature as �Agartha,� sometime in the early 30s.

It is known that Haushofer met some monks from this underground city, and enlisted them in the Nazi cause. Some literature on this subject describes the monks as �adepts of the dark side.� They came to Berlin and set up a community.

They were later joined by members of the Japanese Green Dragon Society, at the invitation of Haushofer.

In the secret meetings of the Vril Society, attended by Haushofer, Hitler, and the key members of the Thule Society, a very talented medium by the name of Maria Orsic began to get psychic transmissions in an unknown language, which they were eventually able to decipher.

As they continued, it was determined that the messages were coming from two planets in the Aldeberan system comprising the Sumeran empire.

Aldeberan is a huge star in the Taurus constellation thousands of time larger than our own sun, about 65 light years from earth.

The information channeled by Orsic claimed that the Sumeran empire consisted of an Aryan or master race, and a subservient slave race, and that the Aryans colonized our solar system 500 million years ago when the Aldeberan system became uninhabitable. When they eventually reached earth, they founded the Sumerian civilization.

According to Peter Moon in The Black Sun:

As they continued to study the transmissions, the Vril Society discovered that the ancient Sumerian language� was identical to that of the Aldeberans and that it was also similar to the German language.

Whether or not they materialized in the flesh in the inner sanctum of the Vril Society, or met with the Nazi leaders in the underground city through the mediation of the Tibetan monks, there is no doubt that Haushofer and Hitler, at least, met with the �Ubermensch� or �superman.�

In a conversation with Hermann Rauschning, the governor of Danzig, about the possibility of creating a new, advanced species of human through breeding, Hitler said, as reported by Rauschning:

�The new man is living amongst us now! He is here!� exclaimed Hitler, triumphantly. �Isn't that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him.�

Samuel Mathers, the founder of the Golden Dawn, had a similar encounter.

In a manifesto to the members in 1896, he wrote:

As to the secret chiefs with whom I am in touch and from whom I have received the wisdom of the Second Order... They used to meet me physically at a time and place fixed in advance. For my part, I believe they are human beings living on this earth, but possessed of terrible and superhuman powers....

I felt I was in contact with a force so terrible that I can only compare it to the shock one would receive from being near a flash of lightning during a great thunderstorm...

Could the �secret chiefs� or �supermen� have been extraterrestrials, perhaps currently living on earth or elsewhere?

In light of subsequent developments, such a conclusion seems not unreasonable. Possibly, because of this contact with Hitler, the Nazis were to acquire scientific knowledge and weapon technologies far beyond anything previously seen on earth.

The weapons became known as the Wunderwaffen or �wonder weapons.� This all seems especially remarkable when it is understood just how much the Nazi inner circle detested science and �book knowledge� and embraced psychic information and ceremonial magic instead.

According to Peter Moon, as early as 1919, the combined Thule and Vril Societies began work on a time machine which was completed in 1924 and taken to a hiding place in southern Germany.

This early development, it is said, re-surfaced after the war and was continued thirty years later as �The Montauk Project,� in an underground base at Montauk Point, Long Island where ex-Nazi scientists were assisted by extraterrestrials.

And it was the Vril Society that reportedly developed the first anti-gravity craft, the RFZ-1, as early as 1937.

The society raised its own funds for this development by soliciting donations in German newspapers!

This first model �crashed and burned,� but the RFZ2, 60-feet in length, flew quite well and was used as a reconnaissance craft, and so it came to the attention of SS Chief Himmler. By this time, Hitler was in power and he turned the anti-gravity development project over to the SS, to develop directly with the Vril Society. He himself was more interested in conventional weaponry.

By 1939, the SS had developed the RFZ-5, which was renamed to become the famous Haunebu I - a two-man craft, about 35 feet in diameter powered by a tachyon type electrogravitation motor called the Kohler Converter.

The motor, it was claimed, converted the earth's gravitational energy into electromagnetic power. The Nazis continually improved on the Haunebu model, culminating in the Haunebu-III late in the war.

A huge craft; 200 feet in diameter, the Haunebu-III, it was said, could reach a speed of 24,000 mph at an altitude of 15,000 feet and could carry 32 passengers.

But strangely, the Germans were never able to adapt these incredible flying machines to conventional warfare. It is suggested that they couldn't train the pilots, and that the craft were not maneuver-able enough to engage fighter planes in dogfights, and that they couldn't be used as bombers, although they could easily reach the U.S. without refueling.

The Nazis chose to focus instead on von Braun's robotic-rocketry, believing that they could so frighten the civilian population of London with their V-2 flying bombs that they could precipitate a mass movement to surrender. As history makes dear, they severely underestimated the legendary British "stiff upper lip." The Nazis also pioneered jet powered propulsion.

The first jet fighter plane in the world, the fearsome Messerschmitt ME-262, could easily have turned the tide of the war if it had lasted several months longer.

German scientists were also working on development of nuclear weapons long before America got into the act. Nuclear fission was discovered in 1938 by Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin. The Germans were producing heavy water in Vemork, Norway in 1943 in preparation for using it to refine plutonium.

But Hitler and Albert Speer scuttled the program after chief civilian nuclear scientist Werner Heisenberg failed to sell the project as a feasible way to win the war.

Allied soldiers discovered a uranium-based nuclear reactor underground in Haigerloch, Germany, Heisenberg's hometown, and several thousand pounds of uranium buried nearby.

The consensus is that Germany would have developed the bomb before the US. if it hadn't been for Hitter's poor judgment in scientific matters, and the sabotage and heavy allied bombardments of technological sites, although some think that Heisenberg, a former prot�g� of Nobel Prize winning Danish physics Niels Bohr, deliberately diverted his research away from weaponry.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Mercury Vortex Engines: Can It Be That It Was All So Simple Then?

ijert  |  Why is there no physical evidence of these advanced vehicles, if they were built thousands of years ago?

Vimanas for Space Transportation

It was the use of Vimanas as space transportation systems that might have the clue as to why there is no physical evidence of these ancient aerospace vehicles.

The Atlanteans, known as Asvins in the Indian writings, were apparently even more advanced technologically than the Indians. They possessed Vailixi, similar to Vimanas, that were generally cigar shaped and had the capability of maneuvering underwater as well as in the atmosphere or even outer space. Other flight vehicles were saucer shaped, and could apparently travel submerged. It is recorded that between 12000 to 15,000 years ago, nations deploying Vimanas in space with lethal weapons were locked in a global war that destroyed almost all of human life and property on planet earth.

Clinching archeological evidence to this effect has also been found. Thus, the weaponization of space should not be allowed to happen again. [8]

Exploring the Technology

The FIRST ever Nobel prize for physics should have gone to an Indian by the name of Shivkur Bapuji Talpade. Talpade was a Sanskrit scholar who had read Vimanaka Shastra the ancient 7000 years old texts. He flew an unmanned flying saucer. It was an advanced Vedic Mercury ion plasma , imploding and expanding vortex noiseless flying machine , which could move in all directions. Accelerated pressurised Mercury when spun and thus heated gives out latent energy. Vedas had a deep understanding of Quantum physics. The airplane was aloft at nearly 200 metres height and was airborne for 18 minutes after that the Naksha Rasa accumulators ran out of energy . This feat was witnessed by more than three thousand people including Britishers at Chowpatty beach in 1895, eight years before the Wright brothers.

Fig.- London Saturday newspaper

Instead of praising him, the British ruler threatened him and treated him in a shabby manner. The owners Rothschild German Jews , of British East India company , who ruled India , did frantic search all over India for Sanskrit texts and took it away to Germany. Till then they never realized the worth of Vedic texts. All these texts are still missing.

Talpade's technology is now used by NASA — solar powered 7 stage mercury ion , super Conductive plasma anti -gravity vortex (accelerator ring magnetic field disruptor) [6]


Hitler had these translated texts with him. This is how he made SWASTIKA his symbol, as it was the symbol of the Saraswati civilization which existed from 9500 BC to 4000 BC, till Saraswati river dried up. Rally brothers took away his manuscripts and texts. Many Sanskrit scholars (Kashmiri Pandits) were kidnapped and they were never heard of Vedic Vimanas or flying saucers used mercury vortex ion engines. With the help of The Vedic texts taken to Germany by Hermann Gundert, The ion engine was demonstrated by German-born NASA scientist Ernst Stuhlinger. [7]

Description of Rukma Vimana

Rukma Vimana is one of the vimanas from VIMANIKA SHASTHRA is an early 20th century Sanskrit text on aeronautics obtained by psychic channeling and automatic writing. Vimnas mentioned in ancient Sanskrit epics were advanced aerodynamic flying vehicles, similar to a rocket.

RUKMA VIMANA had long vertical ducts with fans on the top to suck air from the top and send it down the ducts, generating a lift in the process.Utilization of electrical energy to operate Electro-Mechanical arrangement to enable vimana to lift off and accelerate Directional control is through conventional rudder system provided at the base and articulated through crescent shaped plate by means of push pull rods.

Rukma is stated to reach speed up to 250 miles in 24 minutes, a speed of 725 miles per Hour. [1][4]

The Rukma vimana has the appearance of a beautiful hovercraft, being golden in color; it uses solar energy.

Propulsion energy systems derive energy from engine-driven propellers, internal combustion, jet propulsion, mercury and solar energy. [9]

Fig. Rukma vimana design

Working of Rukma vimana

Rukma vimana had a long vertical duct with fans on the top to suck air from the top and send it down the ducts, generating a lift in the process as shown in fig. Adrishya Make vimana invisible by producing a smoke cocoon around it.

Was An Intact And Functioning Vimana Found In Afghanistan?

sathishramyen  |  Every scholar knows the Vaimanika Shastra, a collection of sketches the core of which is attributed to Bharatvaj the Wise around the 4th century B.C. The writings in the Vaimanika Shastra were rediscovered in 1875. The text deals with the size and the most important parts of the various flying machines. We learn how they steered, what special precautions had to be taken on long flights, how the machines could be protected against violent storms and lightning, how to make a forced landing and even how to switch the drive to solar energy to make the fuel go further. Bharatvaj refers to no fewer than 70 authorities and ten experts of Indian air travel in antiquity!

The description of these machines in old Indian texts are amazingly precise. The difficulty we are faced with today is basically that the texts mention various metals and alloys which we cannot translate. We do not know what our ancestors understood by them. In the Amarangasutradhara five flying machines were originally built for the gods Brahma, Vishnu, Yama, Kuvera and Indra. Later there were some additions.

Four main types of flying Vimanas are described: Rukma, Sundara, Tripura and Sakuna. The Rukma were conical in shape and dyed gold, whereas the Sundata were like rockets and had a silver sheen. The Tripura were three-storeyed and the Sakuna looked like birds. There were 113 subdivisions of these four main types that differed only in minor details. The position and functioning of the solar energy collectors are described in the Vaimanika Shastra. It says that eight tubes had to be made of special glass absorbing the sun’s ray. A whole series of details are listed, some of which we do not understand. The Amaranganasutradhara even explains the drive, the controls and the fuel for the flying machine. It says that quicksilver and ‘Rasa’ were used. Unfortunately we do not yet know what “Rasa’ was.
Ten sections deal with uncannily topical themes such as pilot training, flight paths, the individual parts of flying machines, as well as clothing for pilots and passengers, and the food recommended for long flights. There was much technical detail: the metals used, heat-absorbing metals and their melting point, the propulsion units and various types of flying machines. The information about metals used in construction name three sorts, somala, soundaalika and mourthwika. If they were mixed in the right proportions, the result was 16 kinds of heat-absorbing metals with names like ushnambhara, ushnapaa, raajaamlatrit, etc. which cannot be translated into English. The texts also explained how to clean metals, the acids such as lemon or apple to be used and the correct mixture, the right oils to work with and the correct temperature for them.

Seven types of engine are described with the special functions for which they are suited and the altitudes at which they work best. The catalogue is not short of data about the size of the machines, which had storeys, nor of their suitability for various purposes.

This text is recommended to all who doubt the existence of flying machines in antiquity. The mindless cry that there were no such things would have to fall silent in shame.

What Were The Mayans Doing With Large Quantities Of Liquid Mercury?

theguardian  |  An archaeologist has discovered liquid mercury at the end of a tunnel beneath a Mexican pyramid, a finding that could suggest the existence of a king’s tomb or a ritual chamber far below one of the most ancient cities of the Americas.

Mexican researcher Sergio Gómez announced on Friday that he had discovered “large quantities” of liquid mercury in a chamber below the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent, the third largest pyramid of Teotihuacan, the ruined city in central Mexico.

Gómez has spent six years slowly excavating the tunnel, which was unsealed in 2003 after 1,800 years. Last November, Gómez and a team announced they had found three chambers at the tunnel’s 300ft end, almost 60ft below the temple. Near the entrance of the chambers, they found a trove of strange artifacts: jade statues, jaguar remains, a box filled with carved shells and rubber balls.

Slowly working their way down the broad, dark and deep corridor beneath the pyramid, battling humidity and now obliged to wear protective gear against the dangers of mercury poisoning, Gómez and his team are meticulously exploring the three chambers.

Mercury is toxic and capable of devastating the human body through prolonged exposure; the liquid metal had no apparent practical purpose for ancient Mesoamericans. But it has been discovered at other sites. Rosemary Joyce, a professor of anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley, said that archaeologists have found mercury at three other sites around Central America.

Gómez speculated that the mercury could be a sign that his team is close to uncovering the first royal tomb ever found in Teotihuacan after decades of excavation – and centuries of mystery surrounding the leadership of the cryptic but well-preserved city.

The mercury may have symbolized an underworld river or lake, Gómez postulated, an idea that resonated with Annabeth Headreck, a professor at the University of Denver and the author of works on Teotihuacan and Mesoamerican art.

The shimmering, reflective qualities of liquid mercury may have resembled “an underworld river, not that different from the river Styx,” Headrick said, “if only in the concept that it’s the entrance to the supernatural world and the entrance to the underworld.”

“Mirrors were considered a way to look into the supernatural world, they were a way to divine what might happen in the future,” she said. “It could be a sort of river, albeit a pretty spectacular one.”

Joyce said that archaeologists know that scintillation fascinated the ancient people generally, and that the liquid mercury may have been regarded as “somewhat magical … there for ritual purposes or symbolic purposes.”

Headrick said that mercury was not the only object of fascination: “a lot of ritual objects were made reflective with mica,” a sparkling mineral likely imported to the region.

In 2013 archaeologists using a robot found metallic spheres which they dubbed “disco balls” in an un-excavated portion of the tunnel, near pyrite mirrors. “I wish I could understand all the things these guys are finding down there,” Headrick said, “but it’s unique and that’s why it’s hard.”



Wednesday, June 14, 2023

What Does This 800 Year Old Painting Depict In The Sky Above The Crucifixion?

gizmodo  | Medieval art can sometimes surprise you, with its rich colors and expressive subjects. But sometimes, you're also caught off guard by the shock of noticing the presence of a guy in a spaceship in a painting of the crucifixion. Find out why there are so many UFOs in paintings from hundreds of years ago.

So, you are wandering around the streets of Metohia, Yugoslavia, as one does, and decide to spend some time in the Visoki Decani Monastery. You take in the atmosphere slowly, looking at the thickness of the walls — built in 1330 and still standing — and the wooden sarcophagus of King Stefan. And gradually you come up to the altar, looking at the fresco above it. Reading the informational sign next to it, you see that it was completed in 1350, which, you think, is fine, but could someone explain to you why someone in 1350 was doodling space ships above the scene of the crucifixion?

To the left of Jesus, in the sky, is something that looks like a comet with a multifaceted trail behind it. One side, though, is transparent, and inside sits a small figure. In the sky on the far right of the painting is something that wouldn't look out of place in a drawing from the height of the 1960s space age. There's a rounded ship with a pointed nose cone in front, a transparent scooped window for a cockpit, and three turrets in the back that look like landing struts. The shape and aesthetic are so familiar that it's impossible to read as anything other than a spaceship.

That example is what people first point to when they talk about UFOs in medieval art, but it's not the only thing they point to. In other artwork there are golden disks shooting down lights that look like tractor beams onto the faithful. There are random ovals, with what look like wires coming out of them, over the shoulder of the Virgin Mary while she's holding the baby Jesus. There are disks in the sky in some paintings and what look like crude pictures of the flying saucer in the "I Want To Believe" poster above people's heads in others.

But the space ship in the Decani fresco is the most obvious picture of what we would think of as a spaceship. What are they?

Most experts agree that the resemblance of the things in the painting to the spacecraft imagined by modern science fiction artists is uncanny. But none of our own actual spaceships actually resemble what we see in the paintings. None of these paintings show things that look like planes or landers or even satellites. Instead, they show artists' conceptions of the sort of spaceships that would look good in art.

And centuries ago, they also looked good in art. The only difference was, then the art depicted the presence of the Holy Spirit. Even if an artist saw UFOs flying around, this was a church-commissioned painting on a church wall. The church got the say in what went up on it, not the painter. When the church wanted a depiction of the (forgive the expression) alien presence of God in everyday life, and the painter came up with a design that worked. Similarly, when editors of science fiction pulp magazines wanted a cover picture depicting alien ships coming to Earth, the artist came up with a design that worked. The convergence of the images isn't one of experience, but of artistic sensibilities.

We think. There is one piece of art, a woodcut, that challenges this "artistic sensibilities" idea, however. In the 1500s, once the church didn't have the market cornered on art and artists began commonly painting for private citizens or even for themselves, artist Hans Glaser made a woodcut of a sky filled with different shaped objects. Again there were disks. There were also long tubes, bulbous crosses, and arcing streaks. This woodcut looked far stranger than anything seen in earlier paintings, but it depicted a scene that many people saw above Nuremburg. They saw tubes and crosses beginning to fight one another, and shoot fire at each other. The scene was crudely recreated, but it wasn't any conceptual representation of the Holy Spirit.

So what do those flying space ships in early paintings represent? Probably exactly what historians think they do. Medieval people noticed comets in the sky just like any other group. They saw the northern lights, and eruptions of marsh gas, and everything people today generally mistake for UFOs. Their interpretation of those things simply differed from the modern one. As for what happened in Nuremburg — well, we have only the woodcut to let us know.




The Celestial Phenomenon Over Nuremberg

wikipedia  |  A broadsheet news article printed in April 1561 describes a mass sighting of celestial phenomena. The broadsheet, illustrated with a woodcut engraving and text by Hans Glaser, measures 26.2 centimetres (10.3 in) by 38.0 centimetres (15.0 in). The document is archived in the prints and drawings collection at the Zentralbibliothek Zürich in Zürich, Switzerland.[2]

According to the broadsheet, around dawn on 14 April 1561, "many men and women" of Nuremberg saw what the broadsheet describes as an aerial battle "out of the sun", followed by the appearance of a large black triangular object and exhausted combattant spheres falling to earth in clouds of smoke. The broadsheet claims that witnesses observed hundreds of spheres, cylinders, and other odd-shaped objects that moved erratically overhead. The woodcut illustration depicts objects of various shapes, including crosses (with or without spheres on the arms), small spheres, two large crescents, a black spear, and cylindrical objects from which several small spheres emerged and darted around the sky at dawn. 

The text of the broadsheet has been translated by Ilse Von Jacobi as follows:

In the morning of April 14, 1561, at daybreak, between 4 and 5 a.m., a dreadful apparition occurred on the sun, and then this was seen in Nuremberg in the city, before the gates and in the country – by many men and women. At first there appeared in the middle of the sun two blood-red semi-circular arcs, just like the moon in its last quarter. And in the sun, above and below and on both sides, the color was blood, there stood a round ball of partly dull, partly black ferrous color. Likewise there stood on both sides and as a torus about the sun such blood-red ones and other balls in large number, about three in a line and four in a square, also some alone. In between these globes there were visible a few blood-red crosses, between which there were blood-red strips, becoming thicker to the rear and in the front malleable like the rods of reed-grass, which were intermingled, among them two big rods, one on the right, the other to the left, and within the small and big rods there were three, also four and more globes. These all started to fight among themselves, so that the globes, which were first in the sun, flew out to the ones standing on both sides, thereafter, the globes standing outside the sun, in the small and large rods, flew into the sun. Besides the globes flew back and forth among themselves and fought vehemently with each other for over an hour. And when the conflict in and again out of the sun was most intense, they became fatigued to such an extent that they all, as said above, fell from the sun down upon the earth 'as if they all burned' and they then wasted away on the earth with immense smoke. After all this there was something like a black spear, very long and thick, sighted; the shaft pointed to the east, the point pointed west. Whatever such signs mean, God alone knows. Although we have seen, shortly one after another, many kinds of signs on the heaven, which are sent to us by the almighty God, to bring us to repentance, we still are, unfortunately, so ungrateful that we despise such high signs and miracles of God. Or we speak of them with ridicule and discard them to the wind, in order that God may send us a frightening punishment on account of our ungratefulness. After all, the God-fearing will by no means discard these signs, but will take it to heart as a warning of their merciful Father in heaven, will mend their lives and faithfully beg God, that He may avert His wrath, including the well-deserved punishment, on us, so that we may temporarily here and perpetually there, live as his children. For it, may God grant us his help, Amen. By Hanns Glaser, letter-painter of Nurnberg.[3]


Monday, June 12, 2023

The Origin Of These Artifacts Is Complicated....,

The best breakdown of possibilities is still, after all these years, from Cosmic Trigger by Wilson, Robert Anton:

“There is, at this point, no single theory that will account for all of the Damned Things we are going to bring forth and parade for your inspection.

To give you some perspective in advance, let us list a few of the ideas that have passed through this investigator’s mind in the course of his journey into and out of Chapel Perilous.

Either . . .

(a) the evidence assembled here can be explained by Bell’s Theorem, a breakthrough in physics suggesting a basic indivisibility of all things. Bell also allows for three sub-models we shall be discussing: (1) the observer-created universe; (2) parallel universes; (3) information-without-energy;


(b) some human beings of highly evolved psychic powers (“the Illuminati”) are playing head-games with other human beings, sometimes passing themselves off as (c) or (d) below;


(c) we really are being contacted, experimented upon or otherwise manipulated by Higher Intelligences from Outer Space, probably from Sirius (or the Illuminati are creating a simulation of such extraterrestrials);


(d) we have always shared this planet with another intelligent species, which can either remain invisible or manifest to us in any form it chooses. UFO researcher “John Keel calls these hypothetical entities “ultra-terrestrials.” Earlier ages called them fairies, angels, demons, the weird people, etc.


(e) we are all evolving into the use of new neurological circuits, which will make us superhuman in comparison to our present average state. The activation of these new circuits creates a great deal of temporary weirdness until we learn to use them properly. This is the theory of such scientifically oriented yogis as Sri Aurobindo and Gopi Krishna, and of Dr. Timothy Leary.


(f) a combination or permutation of the above is going on simultaneously. Some of our data fit one of the above theories better than another; some fit equally well into two or three theories; some don’t fit any theory yet.

The multi-theory approach (or, as it is called in physics, the multi-model approach) is the only way to deal adequately with all the facts.

Any single-theory approach is premature and causes a truncation of our intelligence; it forces us to ignore or belittle parts of the data that might be crucial.”

Sean Epstein Combs In Big Trubble

nbcnewyork  |   An unsealed federal indictment revealed criminal charges against Sean "Diddy" Combs on Tuesday, a day after th...