Tuesday, September 29, 2015

when the music's over....,

metro |  A Mexican councillor has got into a spot of bother after suggesting homeless people should be culled by lethal injection.

Olga Guiterrez Machorro’s suggestion for the town of Tecamachalco, Puebla, was met with anger.
She said: ‘Yes they’re a little crazy, but they’re harmless. Which is why I think to myself wouldn’t it be kinder to just give them a lethal injection?’

She’s since apologised, adding that she didn’t think the idea would create such outrage.

In a twist of irony, Machorro is actually the chairman of the Commission for Vulnerable Groups for the council.

Her comments were recorded and published by a local newspaper. She also claimed that some homeless people were being taken to a psychiatric hospital before being left in the middle of a motorway to be run over.


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