Showing posts with label I Want To Believe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I Want To Believe. Show all posts

Friday, September 01, 2023

Wandjina: Watchers And The World's Oldest Continuous Human Culture

ancient-origins  |  One of the most intriguing and perplexing legends of the Australian Aboriginal people is that of the Wandjinas, the supreme spirit beings and creators of the land and people.  The land of the Wandjina is a vast area of about 200,000 square kilometres of lands, waters, sea and islands in the Kimberley region of north-western Australia with continuous culture dating back at least 60,000 years but probably much older. Here, traditional Aboriginal law and culture are still active and alive. 

The Worora, Ngarinyin and Wunumbul people are the three Wandjina tribes – these tribal groups are the custodians of the oldest known figurative art which is scattered throughout the Kimberley.

Perhaps what is most interesting about their figurative art painted on rocks and in caves is the way in which they have represented the Wandjinas - white faces, devoid of a mouth, large black eyes, and a head surrounded by a halo or some type of helmet. 

The ancient paintings have received all manner of interpretations from stylized representations of people or even owls, to ancient astronaut theories which suggest that extraterrestrial beings visited Earth tens of thousands of years ago and had direct contact with the inhabitants. Some believe that the extraterrestrials even played a direct role in creation, which is reflected not only in the Dreamtime stories of the Aboriginals but also the myths and legends of many ancient civilizations around the world.   

One could be forgiven for thinking that there is indeed a remarkable similarity between the Wandjinas and the stereotypical image of an extraterrestrial which we see time and again in art, movies and witness accounts. And many raise logical questions such as, why were the Wandjinas painted with white skin if it was representing another Aboriginal, all of whom had black skin? Why were the eyes always painted so disproportionate to the face and nose? And why were they all painted without a mouth?

Two explanations have been given for the absence of mouths. The first is that they are so powerful that they do not need speech. The second is that traditionally it was believed that if they had mouths the rain would never cease. 

But what is most surprising and curious is the oral account of the Wandjinas which has been passed from generation to generation as all of the Aboriginal Dreamtime stories have. 

The story goes like this – the Wandjina were “sky-beings” or “spirits from the clouds” who came down from the Milky Way during Dreamtime and created the Earth and all its inhabitants. Then Wandjina looked upon the inhabitants and realised the enormity of the task and returned home to bring more Wandjinas. With the aid of the Dreamtime snake, the Wandjina descended and spent their Dreamtime creating, teaching and being Gods to the Aboriginals whom they created.  After some time, the Wandjinas disappeared. They descended into the earth and since then, have lived at the bottom of the water source associated with each of the paintings. There, they continually produce new ‘child-seeds’, which are regarded as the source of all human life.  Some Wandjina also returned to the sky, and can now be seen at night as lights moving high above the earth.  

Aboriginal people, in the Kimberley also believe that even after they disappeared, the Wandjina continued to control everything that happened on the land and in the sky and sea.

Aboriginal Dreamtime stories, rock art and cave paintings have often been considered more myth then reality, like the stories we find in the teachings of modern day religions. However, recent archaeological discoveries have confirmed the reality of at least some of the Dreamtime stories. For example, those that spoke of huge mammals walking the Earth were once considered fantasy. But discoveries of animal fossils belonging to ‘mega fauna’ including giant mammals confirmed that these stories were accounts of real life events, passed down by generations over tens of thousands of years.

Interestingly and of course controversially, objects have been found on geographical sites which suggest the area had been inhabited as long ago as 174,000 BC.  This contradicts the theory that Aboriginals had their routes in Africa and that inhabitants travelled from Africa to Australia about 60,000 years ago. Other researchers have suggested that Homo sapiens actually originated in Australia .

Today, the Aboriginal tribes of the Worora, Ngarinyin and Wunumbul still revere the Wandjina and only certain individuals are given permission to paint them. It is said that the Wandjina could punish those who broke the law with floods, lightening and cyclones and the paintings of the Wandjina are believed to possess these powers, therefore according to the Aboriginals they are always to be approached and treated respectfully.


Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Rep. Michael Turner Is Concerned That Further UAP Hearings Will Deeply Embarrass The DoD

Representative Michael Turner from Ohio who is the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has convinced Rep. James Comer who is the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, that any more UAP hearings by the H.O.C. "Would cause serious harm to the reputation of the Department of Defense in the eyes of the public, and should be avoided for the foreseeable future."

As a result of this decision, there will be no further hearings on this topic by the H.O.C.

Rep. Mike Turner is directly influenced by the military contractors in his state.

Representative Michael Turner's district includes Wright Patterson AFB , and the headquarters of Batelle. I guarantee he knows the truth , but we are not good enough as regular taxpayers .

His Dayton office #9372252843 .

Please call rep Turners local office TODAY and voice your displeasure.

Ask why he deserves to know but we don’t . The DoDs behavior is a national embarrassment on this matter .

And they should be embarrassed to continue lying to the American people .

They think average US citizens like us are gullible fools , who will continue to accept balloons , swamp gas, weather phenomena, and whatever other nonsense they wanna tell us about UAP sightings.

Please call his office .

Tell him how you feel about him being bought and paid for by the USMIC .

Bipartisan House Group Running Into Roadblocks After Last Months UAP Oversight Hearing

thehill  |  The bipartisan group of representatives pushing for public information on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) is having difficulty continuing their effort after a blockbuster committee hearing last month.

The Hill hosted an event Thursday, The Truth Is Out There: UFOs & National Security, which was moderated by congressional reporter Mychael Schnell and featured three of the four members of Congress who have pushed for UAP transparency.

“I hear from people more on this subject than anything else,” Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.) said. “Not the Trump indictments, not Hunter Biden. They are talking about the UAP hearing because there’s great interest in this government transparency issue.”

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn) said the group — comprising Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla), Moskowitz and himself  — will likely not get another opportunity for a hearing unless Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) designates a select committee on UAPs as they have requested. 

That select committee would give subpoena powers to force leaders in the Department of Defense and others to testify and push past the “roadblocks” the group has faced so far in seeing classified material and getting timely responses, Burchett said.

“We’re running into a lot of roadblocks there, and that’s the problem with this whole thing. It just creates more and more conspiracy theories because our federal government is so arrogant and so bloated, and they’ll just run out the clock,” Burchett said. “I’m guilty of this as well, but Americans want their pizzas in 30 minutes or less, and that’s about our dadgum attention span.”

Burchett and Luna haven’t heard back from the Speaker since they made the request, they said. The Hill has reached out to McCarthy’s office for comment.

The hearing last month featured three witnesses who have firsthand knowledge of UAP sightings. Former intelligence officer whistleblower David Grusch claimed the government has recovered “non-human biological pilots” from downed UAPs, which the Pentagon has denied.

In the hearing last month, Grusch said he couldn’t speak on much of his knowledge because it is classified. But the investigating members told The Hill they are being slowed by the Pentagon on getting a classified hearing with Grusch started.

“The excuse that the Department of Defense is using for us not being able to get a SCIF is that Grusch doesn’t have an active [security] clearance. So unless he has active clearance, they’re saying that he can’t divulge that information to us, which, one, I believe is false,” Luna said at The Hill event. “The Department of Defense is literally trying to stonewall us.”

Luna also threatened to use congressional power to lower the salary of specific officials who were getting in the way of the investigation, saying “there’s a select group of people who have become megalomaniacs with information.”



Sunday, August 06, 2023

Charles McCullough Had His Own Struggles With Whistleblower Retaliation

twitter | The following is an excellent take from comment on a Twitter post that explains and highlights some key things. Link is shared at the end.

You don’t know me, but I’m a retired Army JAG so I know about whistleblower stuff, and how IGs work and I hear people say he isn’t a whistleblower and he didn’t see the alien bodies himself and he doesn’t have any first hand evidence aliens exist—or it’s hearsay, these comments aren’t wrong, but he’s not whistleblowing by testifying aliens exist to congress and congress barely cares about aliens—if you listen closely to the comments of @timburchett, @aoc, and @mattgaetz, I’m sure they believe the part about aliens, but that’s not their big issue. They’re mad about how defense contractors are in control of our military.

Here’s the TLDR. Grusch perfectly meets the definition of a whistleblower because he got professionally crushed (I’m pretty sure) when he discovered and reported contract fraud around these SAPs).Bbut it’s funny because a lot of people are distracted by the sensational aspect of these special access programs—aliens and alien space ships. Remember, Grusch isn’t whistleblowing to you or to congress. He blew the whistle to the IG. The IG found this credible and told congress.

I suspect Grusch asked an SAP contractor for his contract statement of work to see what was being done for the SAP and they didn’t show him, then he probably said show me the invoices for your work so I can see what you do (because I do the oversight now) and they couldn’t show him invoices for the SAP work they were doing, so he probably brought one contractor in and put him under oath in the SCIF and he got him to confess that they overbill for hammers and toilet seats to launder money so they can pay saps under the table (by padding invoices for other legit service contracts) that aren’t authorized by contract to avoid congressional oversight. Then some General probably fired Grusch who uncovered this government contract fraud/waste/abuse.

So the IG checks the math and agrees, and they take it to congress because it’s DoD/pentagon senior leader misconduct that might indicate the defense contracting industry (military industrial complex) has bribed the most senior leaders of the pentagon with 7-8 figure salaries in post military retirement employment—so it’s getting gnarly fast and the fact that everything is to cover up the existence of aliens and alien space ships is just trivia at this point. Then Grusch’s life is threatened and @rosscoulthart steps in and offers him an interview to go public because once he does it makes no sense to kill him, it will only become more public—so he gives the interview.

But DOD approves it and they probably said ok, you can talk about aliens a little but you can’t talk about how the pentagon is corrupt. So he’s definitely a whistleblower and he s given all the evidence about that he needs to to the IG. He’s not whistleblowing to the public or congress to prove his claims—the IG has it and they believe him. But you feel like he’s trying to convince you aliens exist and we have recovered flying saucers—they do and we have them, but that’s what you care about, congress cares about the DoD corruption and the military industrial complex capture of the pentagon and them not being in control of how tax payer dollars are spent, Grusch doesn’t care what we believe, he says if you want to know—I told the IG where everything is—look for yourself. And he’s suing the military for firing him from his job in the military and federal government because he discovered fraud and he got hammered over it, which absolutely makes him a whistleblower.

That’s what I sorted out from everything that was said at the congressional hearing on July 26. Pretty sure that’s the situation. I hear Grusch saying believe what you want—I’m telling you they exist and if you don’t believe me I told the IG everything I know and you can go see for yourself—and he thinks the people should be told and the tech/knowledge doesn’t belong to these aerospace companies.

List Of Incredible People With Incredible Claims


Saturday, August 05, 2023

On BBC Radio: The Entire Five Eyes Alliance Participates In The Crash Retrieval Program

Full interview of David Grusch and his lawyer Charles McCullough (former ICIG) on BBC .
by u/Same-Intention4721 in UFOs

reddit  |  (BBC Host) : Officer by the name of David Grush caused quite a stir last week when he gave evidence at a Congressional hearing about UFO sightings. He claimed that the US government has away from the public, glare intact and partially intact alien vehicles, and you'll hear him repeat that claim in a moment because he's been speaking to this program. A recent poll found that about 42% of Americans believe in otherworldly UFO's or UAP's unexplained anomalous phenomena, and one in ten Americans reported they'd actually seen one.

Well, here's what Republican Tennessee Representative Tim Burchett said in opening last week's remarkable hearing into alien existence.

Rep Tim Burchett: I think it's time for this country to take back our country,we need to tell the folks at the Pentagon they work for us, that government. We don't work for them. We're not bringing little green men or flying saucers into the hearing,sorry to disappoint. We're just going to get to the facts. We're going to uncover the cover up and I hope this is just the beginning of many more hearings and more people coming forward about this.

(BBC Host) : Well, I've been speaking to David Rush and to his lawyer, Chuck McCulloch.

-Question(BBC Host):First, David, why did he decide to come to come forward and speak at the hearing?

-Answer (David Grusch) : It boils down to a sense of duty, you know, in an act of, you know, truth to power. And it seemed like me going public was the appropriates lever to pull. When it comes to public accountability and emphasizing the seriousness to, you know, different branches of U.S.goverment.

-Question(BBC Host) :the most eyecatching claim that you made during your evidence and and the one that made the most headlines was the claim that the US government has, quote intact and partially intact alien vehicles in its possession. In other words, it has them, but it isn't telling people about them. Why do you go public with that specifically?

-Answer(David Grusch) :I found that to be very important for, you know, the public at large to understand. You know, they're placing the cosmos, their place in the universe. And that's something, you know, I believe the US government should be, you know, held accountable for potentially over classifying or misclassifying basic science.

-Question (BBC Host): But how do you know they have these items?Because you've not seen them yourself, have you?

-Answer(David Grusch) :There's certain things that I have first hand access to that I can't publicly discuss at this time. However, myself and other colleagues interviewed, you know, 40 individuals. Both are current and former highly distinguished intelligence and military personnel that were specifically on these programs and those that were willing, I directed to the intelligence community Inspector General, so the Inspector General was able to interview these people that do have direct.First hand information, right.

-Question(BBC Host) :So, So they have that information directly.Have they actually seen these these vehicles?

-Answer(David Grusch):The individuals I interviewed that I directed to the Inspector General, yes, they have the first hand experiences, yes, right.

-Question(BBC Host) : Which is an extraordinary claim, as you would readily acknowledge.

Why, if it's true, has the government not acknowledged it?

Yeah, I mean, that's a multifaceted question.

-Answer(David Grusch) : You know, it goes back, you know, 8090 years ago and this was first created and they, you know, translated some of the secrecy from the Manhattan Project onto this subject because, you know, they weren't sure how ontologically shocking it was going to be to the world populace.

And then two, as you can imagine, you know it's a Pandora's Box for, you know, potential military and weapons development type reverse engineering activities.

So they decided to keep it under wraps for many years.

-Question(BBC Host) : But we're talking here just about the US government. If they've got these things hidden away, surely other governments around the world might have had a similar experience. So the the idea that it's a solely American thing is surely fanciful.

-Answer(David Grusch): It does cross into other countries and other other allies to include the The Five Eyes and Alliance, which is something I've already stated publicly. The, you know, the media reporting bias and societal transparency is a little different the US. That's the crux what most people hear, but it is certainly not an American issue.

-Question(BBC Host) : I want to put some of the the doubting voices to you in a moment, but I want to bring Chuck in first. I mean Chuck, as a lawyer working alongside David, what are the legal implications of what he is saying and what the government is denying?

-Answer(Charles McCullough) :Our government relies on congressional oversight, the checks and balances of congressional oversight. David's allegation at at its at its base is essentially that Congress does not have access to the information it needs to properly oversee things going on in the executive branch. That was his main concern,so he briefed both of the Intel committees and he's had a 2 hour hearing, two hours of testimony last week.

-Question(BBC Host) : David, can I go back to you with with some of the the responses that have been aired to what you said?

The head of the Pentagon's office in this area, Sean Kirkpatrick, issued a statement last week. You'll be aware of it calling your testimony insulting and saying that you were a never a representative to his unit.

-Answer(David Grusch): Dr.Kirkpatrick oversaw our activities and what we were doing and the money we were spending. I never said I was a part of the core team, so I believe it was just lost in translation or misconstrued

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Not The X-Files...,

RAND  |  The U.S. government is responsible for an estimated 5.3 million square miles of domestic airspace and 24 million square miles of oceanic airspace. The February 2023 downing of a Chinese surveillance balloon after it had flown across the country raised questions about the degree to which the U.S. government knows who is flying what over its territorial skies. The United States has finite resources to monitor objects flying through its airspace. At the same time, advances in technology allow the general public, private companies, and civilian government agencies to operate ever-smaller commercially available drones that intentionally or unintentionally capture and contribute to activity in the skies. This trend could make public reports of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) an important source of information for U.S. government officials.

In this report, RAND researchers present a geographic analysis of 101,151 public reports of UAP sightings in 12,783 U.S. Census Bureau census designated places. Specifically, they provide findings on U.S. locations where UAP reports are significantly more likely to occur and offer recommendations to increase awareness of the types of activities that might be mistaken for unexplained phenomena or that point to potential threats. The data were collected by the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), one of the nongovernmental entities that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has referenced in official documents for where to report unexplained phenomena. The analyses of these data should not be interpreted as an endorsement of any individual reports to NUFORC or of the accuracy of the database.

Key Findings

  • A review of 101,151 public reports of UAP sightings in the United States from 1998 to 2022 found an inconsistent relationship between the nearest military and weather installations and self-reports of UAP sightings.
  • The models used to conduct the analysis showed that reports of UAP sightings were less likely within 30 km of weather stations, 60 km of civilian airports, and in more–densely populated areas, while rural areas tended to have a higher rate of UAP reports.
  • The most consistent and statistically significant finding was that reports of UAP sightings were more likely to occur in areas within 30 km of military operations areas, where routine military training occurs.


  • Government authorities should conduct outreach with civilians located near military operations areas. Many civilians may not be aware that they are located near areas where military operations occur. If the results of the analysis are correct — that is, if being located within 30 km of military operations areas is significantly associated with reports of UAPs, and if some of these reported objects are authorized aircraft — then communicating that such activities are being conducted nearby could reduce the likelihood that the public will report these aircraft as UAPs.
  • Government authorities should conduct additional outreach to notify nearby civilians when there is airspace activity near a military operations area. According to the FAA, not all military operations areas are in use by authorized aircraft. When appropriate, notifying local populations of activities in military operations areas could reduce the number of reported UAPs that are in fact authorized aircraft.
  • An evaluation should be conducted to inform the design of a detailed and robust system for public reporting of UAP sightings. Such an evaluation would inform the use of various technologies, reporting on location types, sighting features, criteria for validating these reports, and who is best equipped to independently manage such a reporting system. Such a system would be useful in minimizing hoaxes and reports of misidentified objects.

Friday, July 28, 2023

The Atlantic Mainstreams Crazy-Eye Photo And Editorial Smear Of Disclosure

theatlantic  | Earlier today, three witnesses came before Congress to testify about their experiences with unidentified flying objects. A former Navy pilot spoke of the mysterious objects that he has seen with his own eyes and through radar, and how frequently pilots encounter them in the air. A retired Navy commander described the time he pulled his jet up to a Tic Tac–shaped object hovering over the ocean, then watched it suddenly speed up and vanish.

The most anticipated remarks, however, came from a former military-intelligence officer named David Grusch, who went public with his account just last month. Grusch told the House oversight subcommittee on national security that the American government has spent decades secretly recovering mysterious vehicles that have crashed on the ground, and has determined the material to be of “non-human” origin. The government also attempted to reverse engineer some of the technology, according to Grusch. And it’s doing all of this clandestinely, without proper supervision by Congress.

In the hearing, Grusch expanded on his previous claims in response to lawmakers’ questions. If elected officials had never heard about this effort before, how did it get any funding? The military pilfered money that had been allocated for its other programs. A defense official recently testified before Congress that the U.S. military hasn’t found any evidence of extraterrestrial activity on Earth; is that statement correct? It’s not accurate. Has any of the activity been aggressive or hostile? My colleagues have gotten physically injured. By UFOs, or by people within the government? Both.

After not holding a hearing on UFOs for more than half a century, Congress has recently held two in as many years. In that sense, we can count today’s events as historic. But as in the other hearings, this one had no big reveal, no grand answer to humankind’s most existential questions about our place in the universe. The hype surrounding the hearing—and there has been considerable hype—says more about the people who tuned in than about Grusch’s claims. Just as it did in the late 1940s, when stories of flying saucers over Washington state and crash landings in New Mexico captivated the nation, UFO fever today indicates that Americans feel that their government knows more than it’s letting on.

That sentiment is not new, nor is Americans’ belief in conspiracy theories. Though research suggests that conspiracy thinking is not getting worse in the modern-day United States, we are in a moment of acute public curiosity about—and acceptance of—conspiracism. Compared with QAnon, vaccine microchips, and stolen elections, a big UFO cover-up might seem almost reasonable—even if that cover-up involves, as Grusch previously claimed in an interview, the military discovering the “dead pilots” of alien craft. (In Congress today, Grusch declined to give specifics about this and many other claims, saying that there was only so much he could disclose to the public and that he could elaborate in a closed setting.)

The past several years have coincided with an unprecedented mainstreaming of UFO culture. In 2017, when an interstellar object showed up in our solar system, most scientists agreed that it was an asteroid or a comet, but some said it could have been an alien spaceship. (The Harvard professor leading the latter camp, Avi Loeb, recently led an expedition to the seafloor to recover material that he believes could be from alien spacecraft.) Later that year, The New York Times and other news outlets revealed that the Pentagon had a covert program dedicated to cataloging UFOs. Then NASA decided to weigh in on the topic after years of steering clear, and convened a team to consider UFOs in a “scientific perspective.” And who can forget the spy balloons that the military shot out of the sky this year?

These events have unfolded against a shift in public knowledge about the universe beyond Earth, which might help explain why people are interested. In the 1940s, the only planets we knew of were the ones around our sun, and scientists had only recently determined that there were galaxies other than our own. Today, astronomers have discovered more than 5,000 exoplanets, and telescopes can see nearly all the way back to the Big Bang. In the face of so many wonders, the question of whether we’re sharing them with anyone else becomes more urgent, and might even seem more answerable. “I think people are just ready or at least excited about the possibilities of alien contact, maybe more than ever,” Jacob Haqq Misra, an astrobiologist at the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science, told me.

Congress has contributed to this mainstreaming too. Under the instruction of lawmakers, the Pentagon last year established a special office dedicated to investigating reports of unexplainable phenomena in the sky, at sea, and on land. The effort has been unusually bipartisan, with both far-right Republicans and progressive Democrats calling on the military to be more transparent. This month, Senator Chuck Schumer introduced legislation that would create a commission with the authority to declassify government documents about UFOs. “The American public has a right to learn about technologies of unknown origins, non-human intelligence, and unexplainable phenomena,” Schumer said in a statement.

Yes, we do. But some undisclosed documents about UFOs is not synonymous with incontrovertible evidence that aliens have visited Earth. UFOs are just that—objects that are flying, and that we cannot yet identify. If the military is misusing taxpayer money to investigate mysterious debris it doesn’t recognize, that’s bad, whether it’s the remnants of drones from another nation or a non-human craft. “If that’s the case, and auditors have not been allowed into these programs and there’s illegal layers of secrecy,” Haqq Misra said, “then that’s really important to disclose, independent of any connection to anything else”—anything otherworldly. But even as lawmakers assert that UFOs are primarily a national-security concern, by invoking aliens in their discussions, they lend credence to the idea that a connection between the two exists.

Grusch was careful to tell lawmakers that he was only “speaking to the facts as I have been told them”—that is, he has not seen any evidence of alien wreckage or its inhabitants himself. And in general, though his claims are steeped in the language of authority, he simply has not been able to offer any concrete proof. The news website that first published Grusch’s claims reported that the Pentagon had cleared him to speak publicly, but that means only that his remarks don’t contain classified information, not that they’re true. Testifying under oath before Congress is not a measure of truth, either. Outside the hearing, some lawmakers seemed like they didn’t know what to make of the claims.

The prospect of extraterrestrial interlopers may be a national-security question, but it’s also a scientific one. Science requires data, and secondhand accounts just aren’t data. “When NASA brings back rocks on the moon, those rocks are shared with qualified people,” David Spergel, an astrophysicist at Princeton who chaired NASA’s committee on UFOs, told me. “Imagine we had some samples of some craft, [and] we really want to understand what it was. You would make materials from those small samples available for labs anywhere in the world.” In other words, meaningful testimony would show evidence of alien ships and pilots, not just tell the public about them. “That would be pretty awesome,” he said, but it’s not what we’ve got. Today, we heard some extraordinary claims, and, to quote Carl Sagan, they require extraordinary evidence.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Juicy Morsels Embedded In A Melange Of Long-Winded Congressional Attention Whoring

IRAD abuse - defence contractors misappropriating funds with govt collusion. Mention of “self-funding”

Grusch has spent 11 hours with both intel committees

US govt / contractors have craft and non-human biologics

US govt / contractors have intimidated, hurt, and potentially murdered would-be whistleblowers

Individuals in charge of classification (access to information) are both senior executive officials in both military / dod and defence contractors - unelected officials

Satellite imagery of crashes, tests, retrievals exists

US govt / contractors could have advanced tech that has been made from reverse engineer efforts

Grusch and his wife were intimidated in a disturbing way

Grusch knows people who have seen the non-human biologics

Grusch has seen photos and documents

Gaetz saw footage of orb UAP

Grusch saw footage of shootdown and said craft was otherworldly

It’s potential for this to also be inter-dimensional - mention of holographic principle

People will get fired or have pay cut if they don’t get access to a SCIF for next hearing

People have been injured working on ufo legacy reverse engineering programs and pontentially hurt by NHI

Grusch will tell congress everything classified they would like to know in a SCIF

Grusch will give AOC list of involved individuals directly after the hearing

According to Grusch, statement made by Dr. Fitzpatrick of aaro that there is no evidence of extraterrestrial visitation or objects defying known science are innacurate - Grusch was under oath, Fitzpatrick was not

When asked about communication with nhi, grusch stated he can only talk about this in a classified setting

Boeing allegedly engaged in incident involving red cube size of football field

Grusch cannot confirm or deny dept of energy involvement

Monday, July 24, 2023

Wernher Von Braun's Assistant Dr. Carol Rosin Burst My Whole And Complete UAP Disclosure Bubble...,

sourcewatch  |  "The Founder for the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, ISCOS. World Peace Ambassador, International Association of Educators for World Peace, IAEWP (NGO, UN-ECOSOC)

"An educator, international speaker, author, consultant to Space Age technology development projects, a space and missile defense consultant, future manufacturing technology forecasting consultant for sustainable living on earth and in space, Dr. Rosin advises decision makers and others about applications of technology and information services for human needs, environment, new energy, and peace and security, health and prosperity for all on earth and in space.

"Co-authored the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty draft with distinguished colleagues: Apollo Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell; Commander Will Miller, US Navy (Ret.); Dr, Abe Krieger, 37 year Boeing executive; Dr. C.B. Scott Jones, military/intelligence and Senior Advisor to Sen. Claiborne Pell; supported by the Hon. Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense of Canada. This Treaty is posted in several languages with bios on Dr. Rosin is Consultant to the Treaty Project that is A Project of P.E.A.C.E. Inc., the Peace and Emergency Action Coalition for Earth, a 501-C-3 founded by Dr. C.B. Scott Jones. Currently working to get this Treaty signed and ratified into law.

  • First woman executive in an aerospace company, Corporate Manager of Fairchild Industries
  • With the late Dr. Wernher von Braun, visionary and “father of rocketry,” founded the national award-winning “It’s Your Turn…” program...
  • Spokesperson for the late rocket scientist Dr. Wernher von Braun, presenting his peace on earth and in space vision for local through global uses and applications of space age technology and information applied directly to solving urgent and potential challenges of human needs, the environment, and energy as humans evolve and learn from living, working, touring and traveling in space (without space-based weapons). First speech for von Braun was to 18,000 people at a National Education Association conference in 1974 demonstrating LIVE how satellites can be used as teaching tools worldwide
  • Founder, Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, ISCOS, 1983-Present. The original Board included Honorary Chairman, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Dr. Issac Assimov, Dr. Buckminister (Bucky) Fuller, Attorney Daniel Sheehan, the late Dr. Rashmi Mayur, Advisory Board Chairman, Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell (sixth man on the moon), and many other respected experts. Brought over 100 people to the UN Second Special Session on the Peaceful Uses and Exploration of Outer Space in 1982 to stand for no space-based weapons. Started the movement to “Stop Star Wars,” the “Leaky Umbrella Campaign,” the “Save Outer Space, SOS Campaign,” involving approximately 50 million people
  • Advisor to the New Energy Movement to encourage the research and development of new clean and safe alternative energy sources via project development and management in various countries
  • Official Advisor to the Peoples Republic of China on alternatives to missile defense and on applications of space technology in China. China and Russia have proposed a ban on all space-based weapons
  • Witness in the Disclosure Project at the National Press Club, May, 2001. Advisor to the Exopolitics Institute
  • Started the global movement to prevent the weaponizaton of space, the Stop Star Wars, Leaky Umbrella Campaign, Campaign to Save Outer Space (SOS Campaign), which some estimate to have involved over 50 million people. Appeared on numerous speaking platforms and media productions with members of the military industrial complex discussing feasible alternative technology programs that can replace dangerous, too costly, polluting, destabilizing weapons programs including a new form of missile defense based on cooperative information and technology application sharing for sustainable healthy living on earth as humans evolve into the universes
  • Initiated the first USSR-USA military-to-military meeting. Initiated the trip of the first NINE US Senators to the USSR
  • Consultant and/or speaker to numerous organizations, industries and military and government agencies including TRW on the Time Management Money system for the Space Shuttle, MX missile and weather satellites, IBM Europe, Walt Disney Productions on the creation of Space and Future Worlds at Disneyworld, General Electric, World Future Society, National Space Institute, Central Intelligence Agency, the US Space Foundation, the US Space Command and many international audiences.
  • Space and Conversion Advisor to Presidential Candidate Reverend Jesse Jackson who introduced Rosin’s Space Development Initiative, SDI, to replace the Strategic Defense Initiative, SDI. Advised and briefed other presidential candidates, members of Congress, and other international dignitaries
  • Initiated the first legislation to stop anti-satellite (ASAT) testing with Congressman Les AuCoin, created the first legislation to ban all space-based weapons with Congressman Joe Moakley and Sen. Tom Harkin, and initiated the first bill that had a companion Treaty to ban space-based weapons with Congressman Dennis Kucinich and the Hon. Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense, in Canada
  • Founder of the original World Entrepreneur Association to encourage integrity based new entrepreneurial businesses and training programs. Consults to businesses, government representatives, students, leaders and community organizations about possible new jobs and profits, products and services, technologies and information applied to better life in sustainable communities and regions
  • Miscellaneous: Space Consultant to Buckminister Fuller’s World Game, entertainment producer for LeCarpentier Stuart Productions, General in the First Earth Battalion, ski instructor, skating champion
  • As an example of a non-space-based weapons business in space, organized the launch into space of Dr. Leary’s cremated remains that flew from US Vandenberg Air Force Base to Madrid then to the Canary Islands, Spain to be launched into space by Celestis, Inc,, (with the ashes of friends: rocket scientist Dr. Kraft Ericke; space physicist Dr. Gerard O'Neill; founder of the International Space University Todd Hawley, and with cremated remains of Star Trek TV series creator Gene Roddenberry [1]

Friday, July 21, 2023

UAP Hearing: Air Force StrongArming Witnesses And StoneWalling Congressional Oversight

washingtonexaminer |   Burchett and Luna pointed to a meeting they scheduled with the Air Force to examine evidence of UAP sightings earlier this year, during which the lawmakers say they were not given access to whistleblower testimonies or other materials.

“We went down there, we were stonewalled,” Luna said. "They would not give us access to testimony from some of the pilots. They were hiding images and information.”

“We were told there was pictures available, which we still haven't seen,” Burchett added.

Some whistleblowers later came forward to lawmakers to testify before Congress but later canceled after being pressured by the Pentagon, according to Burchett.

The witness testimony and lack of information from U.S. officials has raised concerns among lawmakers not just about national security, but about government transparency and accountability — which members say will be a focal point of next week’s hearing. Lawmakers are also expected to introduce legislation that would require the federal government to provide information about UAPs, building on previous efforts to release any investigative findings to the public.

Burchett sought to include an amendment to the Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization being considered by Congress this week that would require the FAA to report any UAP sightings by commercial pilots to Congress. However, the measure did not make it to the floor for a vote.

“I was told that the intelligence community shut it down,” he said.

The latest effort comes after the Defense Department was directed by Congress to create the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office in 2022 to investigate reported UAP sightings. Since then, the government has not made its findings public, prompting outcry from lawmakers who say it poses national security risks.

“Are they domestic? Are they foreign? Are they something else? Or do they not exist?” Moskowitz said. “The government needs to have straight answers. The American people deserve to know the truth on this. Unnecessarily censoring things or overclassification is what leads to all of these theories that have been out there.”

The hearing is set to take place on Wednesday and will feature testimony from three witnesses: Ryan Graves, executive director of Americans for Safe Aerospace; retired Cmdr. David Fravor, former commanding officer for the U.S. Navy; and David Grusch, former national reconnaissance office representative of the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Task Force at the Department of Defense.

The meeting is expected to be one of several that are focused on UAPs, with lawmakers considering field hearings to take place at the sites of UAP sightings.

“Are we OK with the federal government keeping information from the American people because they're trying to prevent us from having anxiety on all sorts of issues?” Moskowitz said. “The idea that the human brain can't tolerate that there might be life somewhere else — I just don't accept that. At the end of the day, I think the hearing is really about real-life accounts from reliable people.”

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Recommended Viewing Before You See Hollywood's Oppenheimer Treatment

In this video the author describes the "Un-American Activities" trial where Oppenheimer lost his Q clearance. On the first day of the trial, Oppenheimer is extremely dismayed when he discovers that the Chairman of the trial is none other than Gordon Gray, one of the original Majestic Twelve. Parts of the trial are highly classified, and the attorney-client privilege between Oppenheimer and his lawyers is comprised via wiretap. Later in life, Oppenheimer always said "There's a story within a story" regarding revocation of his security clearance.

Really insightful viewing coming on the heels of Schumer's revelation that the Atomic Energy Act 1954 is being used to improperly keep UFO data permanently classified.

Here are some highlights timestamped:

Attorney-client privilege tapped: 35:00

Canadian UFO scientist Wilbert Smith & Robert Sarbacher: 38:30

Oil industry destroyed if new technology revealed: 50:50

Gordon Gray MJ-12: 52:29

Gray's papers on Oppenheimer in Eisenhower Library "never to be released": 56:30

General Leslie Groves no longer trusted Oppenheimer (why?): 59:45

Oppenheimer states "a great deal happened between 1945-49" (i.e. Roswell etc.)

John von Neumann testified about "a new Buck Rogers reality" (remembering that when he was in hospital dying of aggressive cancer, an armed military guard on watch 24/7 in case von Neumann revealed any "secrets") : 1:06

Oppenheimer states "There's a story within the story" : 1:10:35

Propulsion systems: 1:13:40

Executive Orders create the secrets, not the Congress: 1:15:30

Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter Wanted Full Investigation Of UFO's

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

UFO Secrecy And The Fall of J. Robert Oppenheimer

The ultra slow motion X-Ray footage of the object taken out by Bluegill Triple Prime high altitude nuclear explosion appears to show it executing a high-speed turn and flight recovery manoeuvre
by u/Harry_is_white_hot in UFOB

amazon  |   How was it possible that J. Robert Oppenheimer - national hero, director of the Manhattan Project, brilliant physicist, sometimes impatient and abrasive personality - summarily lost his security clearance in 1954? How could this anything-but-secret leftist have been trusted by his government with the celebrated "Q-clearance" for more than a decade, from 1942 to 1954, granting him access to the highest levels of top secret information regarding nuclear weapons, then have his clearance summarily stripped from him because his loyalty came suddenly into doubt?

The traditional historical explanation is too facile to be believed. It holds that, first, the fact that Oppenheimer was a leftist student at Berkeley in the Thirties was not seen as particularly important in 1942 when he was hired to become (as he later did) "Father of the Atomic Bomb." After all, who hadn't been a leftist intellectual during those years? Then we are required to believe that in 1954 the government, armed now with insights acquired from Joe McCarthy and others, could see clearly the danger to the Republic these former college kids represented. No matter that Oppenheimer actually led - and successfully protected - arguably one of the greatest secrets of the Twentieth Century. Oppenheimer (as he was called) had to be humiliated. He had been a leftist in the Thirties!

Here's why that explanation doesn't hold: It is an undisputed fact that Oppenheimer had been called back into government service many times after 1945, and continued to enjoy the the access provided by his Top Secret clearance. The reasons for his having been called may still be shrouded in official government secrecy, but we know he was called often during the years 1945 to 1954. Therefore the questions about his loyalty didn't evolve with changing American sensibilities; they came suddenly, and without warning.

In UFO Secrecy and the Fall of J. Robert Oppenheimer, Dr. Burleson constructs and defends a surprising hypothesis to explain Oppenheimer's fall from grace. It boils down to two parts: First, that he was involved in more than one UFO retrieval effort between 1947 and 1954; then, that in 1954 he was in fact being punished by others in the select circle of those with access to classified information about UFOs.

Burleson makes an effective case to link and then support the two parts of his hypothesis. In order to do this, however, he must first work a kind of magic: He needs to put Oppenheimer conclusively on the scene of at least one government-sponsored UFO retrieval project. It doesn't matter if you're a UFO skeptic or not; that's a tall order! The government, after all, has picked up lots of debris, but denies to this day the existence of any retrievals still classified as UFOs. So how does Burleson prove the government is not being truthful?

I really don't want to tell you because I don't want to risk detracting from Dr. Burleson's detailed recital of the facts. But all right. Suffice it to say Burleson does not benefit from anyone's betrayal of government secrecy, nor does he make any tenuous inferential claims. His information comes directly from a Canadian source pertaining to a specific 1947 crash and retrieval effort - information shared at the time by both governments. The memorandum in question was declassified by the Canadian government in 1978 (for shame!) and has been in the public domain since that time. In short, Burleson makes the essential connection by relying on a skill that is sadly wanting among historians and journalists today: Pure scholarship.

Burleson is able to lay out all the subsequent known facts into a far more compelling historical narrative than any of the conventional accounts we have seen to date. He details the historical record of people now known to be connected to Oppenheimer through their connections to the event. This leads in turn to a far more plausible historical account of events leading up to Oppenheimer's clearance hearing in 1954. It puts Oppenheimer in touch, unfortunately, with people well known for their skill at backbiting, bureaucratic infighting, and the shallow envy of those who were simply not in in a league with Oppenheimer.

Whether you come to the book as a believer in UFOs with extraterrestrial origins or not, you will have to concede that Dr. Burleson defends his Oppenheimer-UFO hypothesis with outstanding success. He cuts into the shell of secrecy by providing by far the best and most plausible explanation for a set of facts that themselves are not seriously in dispute. Consider Burleson's Oppenheimer-UFO hypothesis, therefore, confirmed.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

UNIDENTIFIED ANOMALOUS PHENOMENA DISCLOSURE ACT OF 2023 |  Eminent Domain over any and all recovered technology:



The Federal Government shall exercise eminent domain over any and all recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence that may be controlled by private persons or entities in the interests of the public good.

Number 4): Legislation is necessary because credible evidence and testimony indicates that Federal Government unidentified anomalous phenomena records exist that have not been declassified or subject to mandatory classification review as set forth in Executive Order 13526 due in part to exemptions under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as well as an overbroad interpretation of "transclassified foreign nuclear information", which is also exempt from mandatory declassification, thereby preventing public disclosure under existing provisions of law.

1954 is the year Oppenheimer was relieved of his Q clearance. I don't want to overstep the possibilities here, but this is huge.

Legislation is necessary to create an enforceable, independent, and accountable process for the disclosure of such records. Legislation is necessary because credible evidence and testimony indicates that Federal Government Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena records exist that have not been declassified or subject to mandatory classification review as set forth in executive order 13526 due in part to exemptions under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as well as an over broad interpretation of "trans classified foreign nuclear information", which is also exempt from mandatory classification, thereby preventing public disclosure under existing provisions of law.

This bill states that there's credible evidence and testimony (note: *not* simply testimony) that the government has been hiding stuff they're mandated to disclose by claiming it's exempt under the "Atomic Energy Act of 1954" or is exempt due to an overly-broad interpretation of "transclassified foreign nuclear information."

And later on page 12, look who we find is mentioned in a list of entities who have had anomalous materials that was created or made available for use by, obtained by, or otherwise came into the possession of
The Department of Energy and its pro-genitors, the Manhattan Project, the Atomic Energy Commission, and the Energy Research and Development Administration;


Chuck Schumer Knows Something...,

On topic after about 7 minutes of writers strike chatter. A very good discussion about the newest series of events, notably including the Schumer Amendment.

Couple of things I think merit some extra discussion:

Zabel muses that the new apparent urgency strikes him as occurring because there may be some amount of "bad news" coming soon. Coulthart responds carefully, saying he generally knows what the government knows, and there does exist some specific reason(s) for the time constraint. Frankly, I'm not sure what to make of this. Leslie Keane has made similar remarks, but just a few weeks ago Coulthart was relatively pessimistic about the disclosure process at all. I'm not sure how those things jibe, exactly. Did something change in those few weeks?

Coulthart mentions Grusch is prepared to go into detail about the alleged murders in furtherance of the cover up, at the congressional hearing. That has all kinds of potential to be a breakthrough issue if he can back it up.

Coulthart says he's not hearing anything about the "strike team" rumors that would lead him to believe it.

Lastly, Coulthart mentions the now-infamous "big boi" craft that's too large to move, saying he can't reveal the location because of US and Australian national security (hint hint), but that he released the info as a challenge to the executives in charge of this facility and others to behave in good faith because he - and congress - already are aware of these places/programs, and are watching.

Anyway, worth the time to hear their comments in full context, as I'm guessing there will be sound bites and micro-quotes out there soon.

Monday, July 17, 2023

The Phenomenon: It's Not A Question Of Belief

guardian |  The government program and its known records have rendered the question “do you believe in UFOs?” obsolete, according to the Times’ investigators – “their existence, or nonexistence, is not a matter of belief”. UFO means, simply, that we don’t know what these incidents are – not necessarily alien, but a matter of government record, as fact. “It’s not a question of belief, it’s not a question of whether this is happening,” said Mellon. “Our government and our defense department have publicly acknowledged that this is real and that this is happening.” The observations released by the military seem to suggest advanced military technology, enough to have concerned the Department of Defense – which announced a new taskforce into the matter this August – as well as the Office of Naval Intelligence and members of two Senate committees. “The challenge now is to figure out where they’re coming from, how they’re made, and what the intent is,” said Mellon.

Both Fox and Mellon acknowledged the difficulty in entertaining the idea of confirmed UFOs, and some of The Phenomenon’s more fantastical claims, without skepticism. Indeed, the idea suggested by the film that governments from the US to Russia to Australia have systematically suppressed coverage, research or speculation of UFO sightings seems dubious, if not outright dangerous, given the very real threats rampant conspiracy theories, which often invoke the military and/or space, pose to American democracy in the Trump era. Mellon agreed that “there is a problem with disinformation in this area, and unfortunately there’s a lot of junk and hoaxes as well as just information from people seeing something they’re not understanding, that has an explanation based in science or a classified program”.

But he noted that “all of the serious people involved in this issue want to take a hard-nosed scientific approach to this topic – we need more and better data” based on “trustworthy” and “authentic” reports released by government departments — “it’s information that the government is surfacing from our own military”.

The Phenomenon, like the many extraterrestrial documentaries before it, ultimately can’t stake a claim on certainty; instead, it concludes with a call for consideration. “I’m not screaming from the hilltops ‘ET is here!’” said Fox. “I’m just saying, ‘Hey, look, there’s a serious situation going on, and this demands not only government transparency, but further investigation.’”

The Atomic Energy Commission And The CIA - UFO Thought Police

wikipedia  |  The Robertson Panel first met formally on January 14, 1953 under the direction of Howard P. Robertson. He was a physicist, a CIA consultant, and the director of the Defense Department Weapons Evaluation Group. He was instructed by OSI to assemble a group of prominent scientists to review the Air Force's UFO files. In preparation for this, Robertson first personally reviewed Air Force files and procedures. The Air Force had recently commissioned the Battelle Memorial Institute to scientifically study all of the UFO reports collected by Project Sign, Project Grudge and Project Blue Book. Robertson hoped to draw on their statistical results, but Battelle insisted that they needed much more time to conduct a proper study. Other panel members were respected scientists who had worked on other classified military projects or studies. All were then skeptical of UFO reports, though to varying degrees. Apart from Robertson, the panel included:

Most of what is known about the actual proceedings of the meetings comes from notes kept by Durant which were later submitted as a memo to the NSC and commonly referred to as the Durant Report.[2] In addition, various participants would later comment on what transpired from their perspective. Captain (later Major) Edward Ruppelt, then head of Project Blue Book, first revealed the existence of the secret panel in his 1956 book,[4] but without revealing names of panel members. 

As early as August 15 CIA analysts, despite their overall skeptical conclusions had noted, "Sightings of UFOs reported at Los Alamos and Oak Ridge, at a time when the background radiation count had risen inexplicably. Here we run out of even "blue yonder" explanations that might be tenable, and, we still are left with numbers of incredible reports from credible observers."[11] On December 2, 1952 CIA Assistant Director Chadwell noted, "Recent reports reaching CIA indicated that further action was desirable and another briefing by the cognizant A-2 and ATIC personnel was held on 25 November. At this time, the reports of incidents convince us that there is something going on that must have immediate attention. The details of some of these incidents have been discussed by AD/SI with DDCI. Sightings of unexplained objects at great altitudes and traveling at high speeds in the vicinity of major U.S. defense installations are of such nature that they are not attributable to natural phenomena or known types of aerial vehicles".[12]

Chadwell's 2 December memorandum contained the draft of recommendations for the NSC, which were:

1. The Director of Central Intelligence shall formulate and carry out a program of intelligence and research activities as required to solve the problem of instant positive identification of unidentified flying objects.

2. Upon call of the Director of Central Intelligence, Government departments and agencies shall provide assistance in this program of intelligence and research to the extent of their capacity provided, however, that the DCI shall avoid duplication of activities presently directed toward the solution of this problem.

3. This effort shall be coordinated with the military services and the Research and Development Board of the Department of Defense, with the Psychological Board and other Governmental agencies as appropriate.

4. The Director of Central Intelligence shall disseminate information concerning the program of intelligence and research activities in this field to the various departments and agencies which have authorized interest therein.""[12]

On December 4, 1952 the Intelligence Advisory Committee agreed:

The Director of Central Intelligence will:

a. Enlist the services of selected scientists to review and appraise the available evidence in the light of pertinent scientific theories.

b. Draft and circulate to the IAC a proposed NSCID, which would signify the IAC concerning the subject and authorize coordination with appropriate non-IAC departments and agencies.[1]

From the IAC minutes of December 4 and the earlier CIA documents it appears clear that the Robertson Panel was the outcome of recommendation (a) of the IAC decision but that this formed part of a wider intended programme of action aimed at enabling rapid positive identification of UFOs from an air defense perspective (i.e. identifying actual Soviet aircraft from misidentified natural phenomena or other conventional objects) and a desire to reduce reporting of UFOs, which were seen as clogging up air defense communication channels and created the risk of exploitation of this effect. The inter-relationships between these wider aspects of the CIA's recommendations and the Battelle Memorial Institute's study, culminating in Blue Book Special Report 14,[13] which identified a statistically significant difference between 'unknowns' and UFO reports that could subsequently be identified, or the study group referenced in a Canadian government document as operating as early as 1950 under the chairmanship of Dr Vannevar Bush, then head of the Joint Research and Development Board, to discover the 'modus operandi' of UFOs[14] are unclear.


Sunday, July 09, 2023

What Is The Combinatorial Explosion Of UFO Fact And Fiction Leading To?

reddit  |  The timeline:

1933 - The Magenta crash is recovered by Mussolini's government. The Vatican is informed, and Hugh Angleton (father of James Jesus Angleton), a businessman living nearby in Milan at the time, a Mussolini admirer and later a Lt. Col. in the OSS, hears whispers of the crash.

1939 - Nazi Germany establishes New Swabia (German Neuschwabenland) in Antarctica

1943 - After Mussolini is removed from power, the Vatican informs the U.S. Army of the craft's location. It is recovered and shipped to the continental United States. OSS are involved and maintained control of the subject matter when it morphs into the Central Intelligence Agency in 1947.

1945 - U-Boat Captain Heinz Schaeffer leaves the port of Kiel at the end of April in U-977 for "a southern destination". He surrenders his vessel, along with another U-boat on the 17th of August 1945 at Mar Del Plato, Argentina. This period is more than enough time to reach New Swabia and then surrender in Argentina after completing the "mission".

1946 - Operation Highjump, commanded by Admiral Byrd. Looking for the fabled Nazi "southern redoubt"?

1957- Geophysical Year multi-nation scientific research in Antarctica.

1959 - the Antarctic Treaty is signed, and comes into effect in 1961. The discovery of other world anomalies in Antarctica will remain top secret, only a few representatives of each of the 55 signatory nations will be informed.

2015- Vladimir Putin expresses a need to "expand" scientific research in Antarctica, sending scientific vessels with a full military escort.

2016 - John Kerry visits the top secret base in Antarctica on the day of the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, expecting a Hillary Clinton win. Hillary has a well-known UFO interest, as does John Podesta. Was Kerry sent there to "get the ball rolling" on Disclosure immediately?

2017 - After a thousand years of animosity, beginning in 1054 A.D., the Roman Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church sign a communion agreement in Cuba. Pope Francis and Patriarch Kiril are present, and Kiril makes an unplanned detour on the way home to the Bellinghausen Station in Antarctica, which is controlled by Russia. As the Vatican no longer had access to the Magenta craft since its recovery in 1944, the Pope informs the Patriarch about the "Others" and tells him to "see it for himself" in Antarctica when Kiril expresses disbelief in what Pope Francis tells him.

2018 - The Strava heat map leak. Military personnel from a variety of nations accidentally reveal the locations of secret military bases when the data from their exercise regimes and patterns of life are geolocated and published by Strava, the manufactures of the exercise watch. Included in the global map is an extraordinary amount of activity in Antarctica, exposing a massive circular path of a kilometer or so in diameter. There is no explanation forthcoming as to why there is such activity on the frozen continent.

Whilst it is not normally a good idea to bring religion or politics into the discussion of NHI, in this instance I think it is warranted. The video below gives a very good explanation of the strange events leading up to the religious reconciliation for background.

The cat's well and truly out of the bag now. It appears that the movie "The Thing" was actually a documentary!

Edit: This is a YT video showing the circular "map" in Antarctica, timestamped:

This is the current Strava heat map, with the section referred to above removed:

Edit 2:

The activity accidentally highlighted in 2018 appears to be at Byrd Station, which is odd because it was supposedly "abandoned" in 2004.

r/UFOB - Ross Coulthart's "Some of the craft are too big to move" bombshell: It's in Antarctica.

2018 Strava heat map activity appears to be occurring at Byrd Station. The current map shows zero activity.

Constructed during Operation DEEP FREEZE in 1957.,during%20Operation%20Deep%20Freeze%20II%20in%20West%20Antarctica.

You Know You Done Fucked Up, Right?

nakedcapitalism  |   “Jury Instructions & Charges” (PDF) [Judge Juan Merchan, New York State Unified Court System ]. Merchan’s instruct...