Friday, March 18, 2011

strange agricultural landscapes seen from space

Fist tap Dale.


arnach said...

So what? Your brain taking an unusual perspective and trying to turn it into something? The fact that landscape and water/crop rotation issues create an interesting pattern to look at? You ever look out the window from a plane flyin' over our country? That same shot will look very different a different time of year or another year. Here's the full:

CNu said...

lol, simmer down cleetus!

I was up waaaaaaay past my bedtime, high on two liters of coca cola classic and watching back to back episodes of dragonball z with the lil'nu. No wonder I failed to link that image back to the full article..., thanks for correcting that oversight.

arnach said...

rofl Hope you weren't hittin' that imported Mexican cane sugar stuff again...don't wanna be supportin' that south o' the border economic activity. OTOH that's why I used to drink Belgian beer--water import!

CNu said...

oh yeah..., it was the good stuff alright. I hadn't had any soda for 4.5 months when I broke down due to lack of proper adult supervision and peer pressure from lil'nu...,

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