Friday, June 14, 2024

Did You Humans Crack This Isht And Then Hide It From Yourselves 70 Years Ago?

airplanesandrockets  |  By far the most potent source of energy is gravity. Using it as power future aircraft will attain the speed of light.

Nuclear-powered aircraft are yet to be built, but there are research projects already under way that will make the super-planes obsolete before they are test-flown. For in the United States and Canada research centers, scientists, designers and engineers are perfecting a way to control gravity - a force infinitely more powerful than the mighty atom. The result of their labors will be anti-gravity engines working without fuel - weightless airliners and space ships able to travel at 170,000 miles per second.

If this seems too fantastic to be true, here is something to consider - the gravity research has been supported by Glenn L. Martin Aircraft Co., Convair, Bell Aircraft, Lear Inc., Sperry Gyroscope and several other American aircraft manufacturers who would not spend milli0ns of dollars on science fiction. Lawrence D. Bell, the famous builder of the rocket research planes, says, "We're already working with nuclear fuels and equipment to cancel out gravity." And William Lear, the autopilot wizard, is already figuring out "gravity control" for the weightless craft to come.

Gravitation - the mutual attraction of all matter, be it grains of sand or planets - has been the most mysterious phenomenon of nature. Isaac Newton and other great physicists discovered and described the gravitational law from which there has been no escape. "What goes up must come down," they said. The bigger the body the stronger the gravity attraction it has for other objects ... the larger the distance between the objects, the lesser the gravity pull. Defining those rigid rules was as far as science could go, but what caused gravity nobody knew, until Albert Einstein published his Theory of Relativity.

In formulating universal laws that would explain everything from molecules to stars, Einstein discovered a strong similarity between gravitation and magnetism. Magnets attract magnetic metals, of course, but they also attract and bend beams of electronic rays. For instance, in your television picture tube or electronic microscope, magnetic fields sway the electrons from their straight path. It was the common belief that gravitation of bodies attracted material objects only - then came Einstein's dramatic proof to the contrary.

The G-plane licks "heat barrier" problem of high speed by creating its own gravity field. Gravity generator attracts surrounding air to form a thick boundary layer which travels with craft and dissipates heat. Electronic rockets provide forward and reverse thrust. Crew and passenger cabins are also within ship's own gravity field, thus making fast acceleration and deceleration safe for occupants.

Pre-Einstein physicists were convinced that light traveled along absolutely straight lines. But on May 29, 1919, during a full eclipse of the sun, Einstein proved that the light rays of distant stars were attracted and bent by the sun's gravitation. With the sun eclipsed, it was possible to observe the stars and measure the exact "bend" of their days as they passed close to the sun on their way to earth.

This discovery gave modem scientists a new hope. We already knew how to make magnets by coiling a wire around an iron core. Electric current running through the coiled wire created a magnetic field and it could be switched on and off at will. Perhaps we could do the same with the gravitation.

Einstein's famous formula E = mc2 - the secret of nuclear energy - opened the door to further research in gravitation. Prying into the atom's inner structure, nuclear scientists traced the gravity attraction to the atom's core - the nucleus. First they separated electrons by bombarding the atom with powerful electromagnetic "guns." Then, with even more powerful electromagnetic bombardment, the scientists were able to blast the nucleus. The "split" nucleus yielded a variety of heretofore unknown particles.

In the course of such experiments, Dr. Stanley Deser and Dr. Richard Arnowitt of Princeton Institute of Advanced Study found the gravity culprit - tiny particles responsible for gravitation. Without those G-(gravity) particles, an atom of, say, iron still behaved as any other iron atom except for one thing - it was weightless.

With the secret of gravitation exposed, the scientists now concentrate their efforts on harnessing the G-particles and their gravity pull. They are devising ways of controlling the gravity force just as the vast energy of a nuclear explosion has been put to work in a docile nuclear reactor for motive power and peaceful use. And once we have the control of those G-particles, the rest will be a matter of engineering.

According to the gravity research engineers, the G-engine will replace all other motors. Aircraft, automobiles, submarines, stationary powerplants - all will use the anti-gravity engines that will require little or no fuel and will be a mechanic's dream. A G-engine will have only one moving part - a rotor or a flywheel. One half of the rotor will be subjected to a de-gravitating apparatus, while the other will still be under the earth's gravity pull. With the G-particles neutralized, one half of the rotor will no longer be attracted by the earth's gravitation and will therefore go up as the other half is being pulled down, thus creating a powerful rotary movement.

Another, simpler idea comes from the Gravity. Research Foundation of New Boston, N. H. Instead of de-gravitating one half of the rotor, we would merely shield half of it with a gravity "absorber." The other half would still be pulled down and rotation would result (see sketch).

The anti-gravity engine rotor is partially shielded by the gravity absorber. The gravity force acting only on the exposed half of the rotor which creates a powerful rotary motion. This particular device is suitable for powering ground vehicles.

For an explanation of how the gravity "absorber" would work, lets turn to gravity's twin brother - magnetism. If you own an ordinary watch, you must be forever careful not to get it magnetized. Even holding a telephone receiver can magnetize the delicate balance wheel and throw the watch out of time. Therefore, an anti-magnetic watch is the thing to have. Inner works of such a watch are shielded by a soft iron casing which absorb the magnetic lines of force. Even in the strongest magnetic field, the shielded balance wheel is completely unaffected by the outside magnetic pull. In a similar manner, a gravity "absorber" would prevent the earth's gravity from acting upon the shielded portion of our G-engine.

Applied to engines, a gravity absorber would be a boon, but its true value would be in aircraft construction where the weight control engineers get ulcers trying to save an ounce here, a pound there. Of course, an indiscriminate shielding of an aircraft and the resulting total weightlessness is not what we would want. A de-gravitated aircraft would still be subject to the centrifugal force of our rotating globe. Freed from the gravity pull, a totally weightless aircraft would shoot off into space like sparks flying off a faster spinning, abrasive grinding wheel. So, the weight, or gravity, would have to be reduced gradually for take-off and climb. For level flight and for hovering, the weight would be maintained at some low level while landing would be accomplished by slowly restoring the craft's full weight.

The gravity-defying engineers claim that the problem of this lift control is a cinch. The shield would have an arrangement similar in principle to the venetian blind - open for no lift and closed for decreased weight and increased lift.

No longer dependent on wings or rotors, the G-craft would most likely be an ideal aerodynamic shape - a sort of slimmed-down version of the old-fashioned dirigible balloon. Since weight has a lot to do in limiting the size of today's aircraft, a perfect weight control of the G-craft would remove that barrier and would make possible airliners as big as the great ocean liner the S.S. United States.

A G-airliner would be a real speed demon. The coast-to-coast flight time would be cut to minutes even with the orthodox rocket propulsion. You may wonder about the air friction "heat barrier" of high-speed aircraft, but the gravity experts have an answer for that, too. Canadian scientists headed by Wilbur B. Smith - the director of the "Project Magnet" - visualize an apparatus producing a gravitational field in the G-ship. This gravity field would attract the surrounding air to form a thick "boundary layer" which would move with the ship. Thus, air friction would take place at a distance from the ship's structure and the friction heat would be dissipated before it could warm up the ship's skin (large diagram).

When electric current from battery is switched on the coil will create a magnetic field which repels the aluminum disk and makes it shoot upward. Future sips may be built of diamagnetic metals with specially rearranged atomic structure.

The G-ships own gravity field would perform another useful function. William P. Lear, the chairman of Lear, Inc., makers of autopilots and other electronic controls, points out, "All matter within the ship would be influenced by the ship's gravitation only. This way, no matter how fast you accelerated or changed course, your body would not feel it any more than it now feels the tremendous speed and acceleration of the earth." In other words, no more pilot blackouts or any such acceleration headaches. The G-ship could take off like a cannon shell, come to a stop with equal abruptness and the passengers wouldn't even need seat belts.

This ability to accelerate rapidly would be ideal for a space vehicle. Eugene M. Gluhareff, President of Gluhareff Helicopter and Airplane Corporation of Manhattan Beach, California, has already designed several space ships capable of travel at almost the speed of light, or about 600,000,000 miles per hour. At that speed. the round trip to Venus would take just over 30 minutes. Of course, ordinary chemical rockets would be inadequate for such speeds, but Gluhareff already figures on using "atomic rockets."

At least one such "atomic rocket" design has been worked out by Dr. Ernest Stuhlinger, a physicist of the U.S. Army Redstone Arsenal at Huntsville, Alabama. Dr. Stuhlinger's rocket would use ions - atoms with a positive electric charge. To produce those ions, Dr. Stuhlinger takes cesium, a rare metal that liquefies at 71° F. Blown across a platinum coil heated to 1000° F., liquid cesium is ionized, the ions are accelerated by a 10,000 volt electromagnetic "gun" and shot out of a tail pipe at a velocity of 186,324 miles per second.

The power for Dr. Stuhlinger's "ion rocket" would be supplied by an atomic reactor or by solar energy. The weight of the reactor and its size would no longer be a design problem, since the entire apparatus could be de-gravitated - made weightless. Revolutionary as Dr. Stuhlinger's idea may seem, it is already superseded by the Canadian physicists of the "Project Magnet." The Canadians propose to do away with the bulk of the nuclear reactor and use the existing magnetic fields of the earth and other planets for propulsion.

As we well know, two like magnetic poles repel each other, just as under certain conditions, an electromagnet repel the so-called diamagnetic metal, such as aluminum. Take a flat, aluminum ring, slip it over a strong electromagnet and switch on the current. Repelled by the magnetic field, the disk will fly off with quite a speed. (see sketch). Of course, the earth's magnetism is too weak to repel a huge G-ship made of a diamagnetic metal. However, the recent studies of the atomic nucleus and the discovery of G-particles make it possible to rearrange the atomic structure so as to greatly increase the diamagnetic properties of metals. Thus, a G-ship with a magnetic control could be repelled by the earth's magnetic field and it would travel along the magnetic lines of force like the aluminum ring shooting off the electromagnet.

The entire universe is covered by magnetic fields of stars and planets. Those fields intertwine in a complex pattern, but they are always there. By proper selection of those fields, we could navigate our G-ship in space as well as within the earth's magnetic field. And the use of the magnetic repulsion would eliminate the radiation danger of the nuclear reactor and the problem of atomic fuel.

How long will it take to build the weightless craft and G-engines, the gravity experts don't know. George S. Trimble, Vice-President in charge of the G-project at Martin Aircraft Corporation thinks the job "could be done in about the time it took to build the first atom bomb." And another anti-gravity pioneer, Dudley Clarke, President of Clarke Electronics Laboratories of Palm Springs, California, believes it will be a matter of a few yeas to manufacture anti-gravity "power packages."

But no matter how many years we have to wait, the amazing anti-gravity research is a reality. And the best guarantee of its early success is the backing of the U.S. aircraft industry - the engineers and technicians who have always given us tomorrow's craft today.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Do What I Do - ENJOY THE CHASE - And Stay Amused....,


"Many years ago I was convinced the Heisenberg uncertainty principle was incomplete, and people shouldn't just believe it because that is what modern science says. It wasn't until I learned the math and derived it in a university classroom that I realized it is a truth and I was wrong."

Since you have a physics background, you should be able to understand most of this:

The physics of Electrostatics and General Relativity shows that above a threshold electric field strength, static electricity creates repulsive anti-gravity:

The 1st proof in this paper shows that static electricity induces negative pressure/tension

σ = -F/A, Force per unit Area. Negative pressure has the same units as energy density E/V, Energy per unit Volume.

And General Relativity shows that negative pressure/negative energy density creates repulsive anti-gravity.

The 2nd proof shows that if negative pressure/tension is within a superconductor, the energy required to create repulsive anti-gravity is reduced by orders of magnitude - from an astronomically high level - to a level that makes it much easier to engineer anti-gravity.





In a conducting metal sphere charged with static electricity, according to Gauss's law, all excess electrons migrate to the outer surface. These conduction electrons repel each other. The components of the electrostatic repulsive forces tangent, parallel, to the sphere surface cancel out. That leaves a net repulsive electrostatic force perpendicular to the surface. So the conduction electrons on the surface experience an outward directed electrostatic force.

Each free conduction electron on a metal conductor surface is a delocalized wave (wave function) - with potential energy proportional to the positive charges in the metal’s periodic atomic lattice, called a Bloch wave function: - meaning the electron wave on the surface is attracted to the positively charged sphere. Assuming the sphere is charged with high voltage static electricity, the conduction electron on the surface will experience an outward directed electrostatic force. This outward force is opposed by an equal attractive force in the opposite direction toward the positively charged atoms in the interior. So the electron wave is acted on by two forces: a repulsive force from the other surface electrons repelling it away from the surface; and an equal and opposite force from the positively charged interior pulling it toward the surface. This is the physics and engineering definition of negative pressure, tension. So these two equal opposing forces put the electron under negative pressure, tension.






The General Relativity gravitational field equation shows

negative pressure, tension creates

repulsive anti-gravity.

That means static electricity-induced electron

negative pressure, tension should create

repulsive anti-gravity.


The following paper gives the detailed physics proving that if the static electricity electric field strength is great enough, the negative pressure/tension induced in the static electricity electrons will create repulsive anti-gravity; and if the static electricity is in a superconductor the energy requirement is reduced by many orders of magnitude - - - making it orders of magnitude easier to engineer repulsive anti-gravity:

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

You Will Eat Ze Bugs AND KNOW NOTHING!!!

dogusgrubu  |  Doğuş Group, the Turkish-based international conglomerate founded in 1951, has already invested $15m in Göbeklitepe – a major archaeological site dating back 12,000 years, and home to the oldest cult structure in the world. According to the partnership with the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism will see Doğuş Group become the sole partner of the major Neolithic site.

Extending beyond a typical corporate sponsorship with a very holistic and global approach, Doğuş Group has committed to building continuous brand awareness and communications to support the site on a global level and encourage visitors from across the world. In addition to a generous donation for the ongoing excavations at the site, the 20-year sponsorship – launched on a global level in January 2016 at the World Economic Forum in Davos – includes a new visitor and exhibition centre that opened early this year, as well as the development of a new brand ID, sensory ID and sound ID to be used across all communication by Doğuş Group and the Ministry with a unique and holistic approach.

Called “Potbelly Hill” by locals for its gently sloping curves, the monumental buildings at Göbeklitepe were constructed of limestone and feature large monolithic T-shaped stone pillars, some of which carry breath-taking imagery, including carved depictions of wild animals.

The site in southeast Turkey was constructed by humans during a period commonly referred to as the Early Neolithic, when humans made the transition from hunting to gathering and farming, a process known as Neolithisation.

Following an architectural competition called in 2015 by Doğuş Group, an Istanbul-based practice was commissioned to produce a timeless scheme that would have a positive impact on the site’s environment, help underline the significance of this historic location, and re-design the tourist experience, whilst also encouraging people from across the world to visit this iconic, yet under-explored destination.

Drawing inspiration from the circular layouts of the world’s first temples, the practice envisioned the centre as a two-part structure featuring large counters for the ticket office, as well as a souvenir store, café and restrooms on one end, and a state-of-the-art animation centre on the other end, in which audio-visual and highly-technical installations will showcase the history and relevance of the excavation.

The interiors will combine visual representations with highly-advanced technology to create an interactive exhibition for visitors. With the motto of “ The Zero Point of Time”, the story of the oldest cult structure of human history will be projected on 200m-surfaces that will allow visitors to circulate throughout the space and interact freely. The mirrors on the walls will also reflect the projections, providing a sensation of infinity and increasing the impact of the experience.

Featuring a significant collection of artefacts found on site, the exhibition is designed to transport the visitor to the Neolithic era with chronological narrations that will accompany the visitor’s itinerary, whilst also setting the context before the excavation visit and highlighting the magnificence of each work of art.

The new visitor centre has been constructed using a revolutionary technique, commonly referred to as Earthwall, or “Alker” in Turkish, by which the main material is obtained by compressing earth from the area. Developed by Istanbul Technical University (ITU) over the course of the last 30 years, the technique uses both mud-brick and plaster to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions and limit the pollution impact on the environment, thus respecting the site’s legacy and the excavation’s historic significance.

The decision to use mud-bricks in the construction of Göbeklitepe visitors centre underlines the importance of protecting the country’s assets and popularizing the use of traditional, local materials for sustainability.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

A Small Number Of Conscious People Could Transform Life On Earth

CNN  |  A group of US officials who publicly resigned over the Biden administration’s Gaza policy are banding together to support ongoing dissent and put pressure on the government to change course.

More than half a dozen people from across the US government have left their jobs in public protest, saying they could no longer work for the administration, and even more have quietly departed. Many of the officials who resigned publicly said they would instead seek to have an impact outside the government.

President Joe Biden has faced pressure both abroad and at home over his support for Israel eight months into the war in Gaza with Hamas – a conflict that has cost tens of thousands of civilian lives, displaced millions and brought extreme hunger throughout the enclave. Although the rhetoric from the administration has become harsher – with warnings that Israel must do more to protect civilians and allow more aid in – the policies have remained largely unchanged. 

The former officials who resigned publicly – Josh Paul, Harrison Mann, Tariq Habash, Annelle Sheline, Hala Rharrit, Lily Greenberg Call, Alex Smith, and Stacy Gilbert – said that they felt their perspectives, expertise and concerns were not being heeded, and that the administration was willingly ignoring the humanitarian toll caused by Israel’s military campaign. They spoke of the damage they felt US policy on the war is having on the country’s credibility and a sense that the administration did not fully grasp that impact.

All the officials who have resigned publicly and spoke with CNN said they have many colleagues who are still within the government but agree with their decision to leave.

Providing support and advice to those colleagues – whether they choose to leave or continue to dissent from within – is one of the key reasons that they have come together collectively. Another key reason, they said, is to increase the pressure on the administration to change course. 

“We’re thinking about how we can use our shared concern and to continue to press together for change,” said Paul, a State Department official who publicly resigned in protest in October, becoming the first US official to do so.

“When you have numerous career professionals and presidential appointees … who have resigned over this policy, it’s an indicator that something is going wrong,” Mann told CNN.



Monday, June 10, 2024

Briahna Still Not Gone Get Her Job Back....,

threadreaderapp  |  BREAKING: New detailed report from the Times of London admits there is no evidence for the "mass rape" hoax fabricated and spread by the NYT, BBC, Guardian, AP and Reuters, and notes that Patten's own UN report confirms this and reiterates her call for an actual UN investigation 


some important facts to highlight from this new report. The main claim of rape on October 7 which the NYT heavily relied on is from a deranged fantasy "testimony" by "Sapir", including cut off breasts and severed heads. The Times now confirms from Israeli police that she lied: Image
this piece by The Times is the first one I have seen in prestige Western media that accurately states both the highly limited nature, scope and content of Pramila Patten's UN report, which every other outlet keeps lying about, falsely saying it "confirms Hamas mass rape", and "found evidence of sexual violence/rape" by the evidentiary standard of an actual full legal investigation, both of which Patten herself confirms again are lies and falsehoods but the NYT, BBC, Reuters and AP keep repeating to launder their own "mass rape" hoax (see and ).

The AP just did this again recently in its report exposing the two Zaka hoaxers by constantly, over and over again, repeating these blatant lies about Patten's UN report "confirming Hamas mass rape" and "sexual violence/rape on October 7."

But now the Times confirms that Patten's report was not full, legal or investigative in nature, that she explicitly does not attribute any sexual violence/rape to Hamas, and that any case of sexual violence she says might have happened on October 7 is based on a low evidentiary threshold that does not meet the standard of an actual full legal investigation, and relies entirely on Israeli information and "eyewitnesses" like the aforementioned Sapir.

That is why she keeps calling for an actual investigation, which as the Times notes the Israeli regime keeps blocking.

I have been saying all this for months now (see ), and finally it has penetrated a mainstream prestige Western media outlet, confirming that all the others in the Western media and political class including the NYT, BBC and Guardian are blatant propagandist liars.

Sunday, June 09, 2024

They All Got The Same AIPAC Memo...,


Briahna Joy Gray Fired From The Hill For Antisemitic Lack Of Sympathy

WashingtonTimes  |  Ms. Gray’s termination from The Hill’s YouTube program happened following a flood of online criticism she received over her treatment of Yarden Gonen, sister of Israeli hostage Romi Gonen, who was kidnapped by Hamas militants during the terrorist attack on southern Israel last Oct. 7.

Ms. Gray, who previously served as press secretary for Sen. Bernie Sanders, Vermont independent, apparently rolled her eyes and cut off Ms. Yarden when she told the host that she hoped Ms. Gray believed women who claim Hamas sexually assaulted them.

“I really hope that you, specifically, will believe women when they say that they got hurt,” she said.

Ms. Gray replied, “Alright, thanks for joining. Stick around.”

Although Ms. Gray attempted to steer the interview towards Israel’s response in Gaza, Ms. Yarden kept saying she did not want to discuss the politics in the region and preferred instead to highlight the hostage crisis and her sister’s plight.

“I am here to talk about my sister. Please help me spread her story. Help me make people understand what she is going through as a woman in 2024,” she said.

Ms. Gray said at one point during the interview, “I really do hope that Netanyahu agrees and Israel agrees to a cease-fire or deal that could bring all the hostages home, including your sister.” She added, “And I’m sure many people watching are praying for her safety.”

Ms. Gray received a wave of criticism from social media users online, who called her antisemitic for her behavior towards Ms. Yarden.

“The way Brianna Joy Gray sneers and rolls her eyes at Israeli pain paints a picture of dehumanization,” said the Anti-Defamation League’s Carly Pildis.

Rep. Ritchie Torres, New York Democrat said, “The family member of an Israeli hostage pleads with Briahna Joy Gray to believe Jewish women who have been abducted, tortured, and raped by Hamas.”

He said, “I have as much sympathy for Briahna Joy Gray as she has for the hostages. None.”

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Behind Closed Doors....,

WSJ  |  When President Biden met with congressional leaders in the West Wing in January to negotiate a Ukraine funding deal, he spoke so softly at times that some participants struggled to hear him, according to five people familiar with the meeting. He read from notes to make obvious points, paused for extended periods and sometimes closed his eyes for so long that some in the room wondered whether he had tuned out.

In a February one-on-one chat in the Oval Office with House Speaker Mike Johnson, the president said a recent policy change by his administration that jeopardizes some big energy projects was just a study, according to six people told at the time about what Johnson said had happened. Johnson worried the president’s memory had slipped about the details of his own policy. 

Last year, when Biden was negotiating with House Republicans to lift the debt ceiling, his demeanor and command of the details seemed to shift from one day to the next, according to then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and two others familiar with the talks. On some days, he had loose and spontaneous exchanges with Republicans, and on others he mumbled and appeared to rely on notes. 

“I used to meet with him when he was vice president. I’d go to his house,” McCarthy said in an interview. “He’s not the same person.” 

The 81-year-old Biden is the oldest person to hold the presidency. His age and cognitive fitness have become major issues in his campaign for a second term, both in the minds of voters and in attacks on him by Republicans. The White House and top aides said he remains a sharp and vigorous leader.
Some who have worked with him, however, including Democrats and some who have known him back to his time as vice president, described a president who appears slower now, someone who has both good moments and bad ones. 

For much of his career, Biden enjoyed a reputation on Capitol Hill for being a master negotiator of legislative deals, known for his detailed knowledge of issues and insights into the other side’s motivations and needs—and for hitting his stride when the pressure was on. Over the past year, though, with Republicans in control of the House, that reputation has diminished.

Monday, June 03, 2024

How Bad Must The Shit Be For Her To Give Up Her Federal Pension?

reuters  |  The State Department submitted the 46-page unclassified report earlier this month to Congress as required under a new National Security Memorandum that Biden issued in early February.
Among other conclusions, the report said that in the period after Oct. 7 Israel “did not fully cooperate” with U.S. and other efforts to get humanitarian aid into Gaza.

But it said this did not amount to a breach of a U.S law that blocks the provision of arms to countries that restrict U.S. humanitarian aid.

Gilbert, who worked for the State Department for over 20 years, said she notified her office the day the State Department report was released that she would resign. Her last day was Tuesday.

U.S. State Department deputy spokesperson Vedant Patel told reporters on Thursday that he would not comment on personnel issues but that the department welcomes diverse points of view.

He said the administration stood by the report and continued to press the government of Israel to avoid harming civilians and urgently expand humanitarian access to Gaza.

"We are not an administration that twists the facts, and allegations that we have are unfounded," Patel said.
The Israeli embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Gilbert's accusations.
Gilbert’s bureau was one of the four that contributed to a classified initial options memo, reported exclusively by Reuters in late April, that informed U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken Israel might be violating international humanitarian law.
Gilbert said the State Department removed subject matter experts from working on the report to Congress when the document was a rough draft about 10 days before it was due. She said the report was then edited by more senior officials.
In contrast to the published version, the last draft she saw stated that Israel was blocking humanitarian assistance, Gilbert said.
Officials who resigned prior to Gilbert include Arabic language spokesperson Hala Rharrit and Annelle Sheline of the human rights bureau.
More than 36,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel's air and land war in Gaza. Israel launched its offensive after Hamas fighters crossed from Gaza into southern Israel on Oct. 7 last year, killed 1,200 people and abducted more than 250, according to Israeli tallies.

Sunday, June 02, 2024

35,000 Dead Palestinians Is A Preposterous Undercount Of The Dead

counterpunch  |  The specter of death in Gaza is difficult, if not impossible, to grasp. At a distance, our understanding of the situation often relies on somber statistics, especially in the establishment media. The official count, consistently cited by mainstream outlets, comes in at around 35,000 deaths.

In May, the New York Times and other outlets jumped on a report from the United Nations, which had apparently revised Gaza’s death count. But the U.N. did not, in fact, halve its total of women and children who had died, as the Jerusalem Post claimed. It simply altered its classification system in terms of those estimated to have died and those it could definitively confirm to be deceased. The totals, however, remained the same. Nonetheless, even those numbers, based on information provided by Gaza’s Ministry of Health, end up blurring the cruel reality on the ground. U.N. officials also fear that at least 10,000 more Gazans lie buried under the rubble in that 25-mile strip of land.

But death figures can also impart meaning, as the long-time consumer-rights activist Ralph Nader recently pointed out. He happens to believe that Israel could have killed at least 200,000 Palestinians in Gaza, a mind-boggling figure, but worth examining. So, I called on him to elaborate.

“The undercount is staggering,” said Nader, whose Lebanese parents emigrated to the United States before he was born. “The U.S. and Israel want a low number, so they look around. Instead of themselves estimating — which they don’t want to do — they cling to Hamas’s [figures], and Hamas doesn’t want a realistic number because they don’t want to be seen as unable to protect their own people. So, they developed these criteria: to be counted, the dead must first be certified by hospitals and morgues [which barely exist].”

He has made it a habit to reach out to writers and editors. Like so many others, I have a bit of a phone affair with that 90-year-old thinker and activist. We discuss politics, baseball, and journalism’s rapid, insidious decline. I’ve certainly heard him animated in the past, but never more indignant than when he addresses the situation in Gaza. “The whole thing is one death camp now. It’s easily 200,000 deaths in Gaza,” he insisted, citing the number of bombs dropped, which have, by some estimates, exceeded 100,000. We know that at least 45,000 missiles and bombs had been used in Gaza within three months of the beginning of Israel’s military campaign. As a result, as many as 175,000 buildings have been damaged or destroyed by Israel. So, he seems to be on to something.

“Eventually [the real number of the dead] will come out,” he adds. “They’ll do a census, whoever takes over. The one thing the extended families in Gaza know is who’s been killed in their families.”

Of course, his assertion is circumstantial and he knows it, but he’s making a point. With so much of the Gaza Strip facing imminent starvation, nearly all hospitals out of commission, just about no medicine left, and very little clean water or food, 35,000 deaths are likely, in the end, to prove a drastic undercount.

Friday, May 31, 2024

You Know You Done Fucked Up, Right?

nakedcapitalism  |  “Jury Instructions & Charges” (PDF) [Judge Juan Merchan, New York State Unified Court System]. Merchan’s instructions are 55 pages long. Apparently, Merchan isn’t allowed to give the jury a copy (hence their request to have them read aloud to them again). In any case, Merchan’s instructions are not devoid of interest. Let me start with an epigraph:

The Law is the true embodiment. Of everything that’s excellent. It has no kind of fault or flaw. And I, my Lords, embody the Law” –Gilbert and Sullivan, Iolanthe

I’m reminded of G&S by this passage from the transcript. Merchan before he launches his Instructions:

I am, however, not necessarily being fair to Merchan. He consistently uses the word “our law,” which could imply the majestic principle that the law applies to and is for the benefit of all of us, or should do so. On the other hand, Merchan could also be using “our law” exactly as liberal Democrats use “our democracy.” Given lawfare, the latter may be more likely.

Now let me move to some extracts, helpfully annotated. A technical matter, page 22:

[1] Merchan quotes from the Guide to New York Evidence, 6.10. I have to assume that with enough time, I could come up with similar boilerplate for all the instructions.

On “Accessorial Liability,” p. 25:


[1] To this layperson, this notion of “unanimity” since strange (“I don’t care who broke the vase or who hid the pieces”), though I’m sure it comes from somewhere in the Guide. But certainly “acting in concert” maximizes the paths to conviction (not that I would expect a good, or at least an effective, prosecutor to do anything else).

On “Intent to Defraud,” p. 29 (as I understand it MR SUBLIMINAL Hollow laughter, the “intent to defraud” applies to the business records, and not to the “other crime”):

[1] As, for example, a candidate’s misrepresentations in an election. Ideal for the Censorship Industrial Complex, when you think about it. Who would have thought five Pinocchios from Glenn Kessler could end up as a criminal offense?

[2] Underlining that “election interference” could theorized as fraud. (If true, this principle is certainly arbitrarily applied in the State of New York; RussiaGate, Clinton’s email server, and the suppression of Hunter Biden’s laptop could all be considered criminal.)

On “Intent to Commit or Conceal Another Crime” (this is the heart of the matter: the theory that bootstraps 34 business records misdemeanors into 34 felonies; the “other crime” (“object offense”) that the business records were falsified in aid of (if falsified they were), pp. 29 et seq.:

[1] Once again, the paths to conviction are maximized.

[1] As I showed here (early), the “object offense” did not appear in District Attorney Bragg’s charges, but evolved — with a great deal of puzzlement here and in the press generally — in the course of the trial, much assisted by Merchan in his pre-trial ruling (as I show here). To this layperson, it seems very much like the Defendant was not informed of the charges against him (SIxth Amendment: “to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation“). Now, Bragg might argue that the Defendant was informed; the “accusation” was the business records violation, and the “other crimes” were merely icing on the cake, as it were. Perhaps “our law” is ambiguous in that regard. If so, the matter of whether converting misdemeanors into felonies requires “notice of accusation” may be settled in an appeal.

[2] “Promote or prevent” is the election interference part (and nothing in this case is distinguishable from normal campaigning, to my simple mind, and this includes business records stuff like the Clinton campaign laundering payment for the Steele dossier through Marc Elias’s highly reputable law firm).

[3] So some member of the alleged conspiracy must act, but not necessarily the Defendant, once again maximizing the paths to conviction.

[4] One question why the Defendant was never charged with conspiracy. This is the charge of conspiracy.

[1] This “Merchan’s Chinese Menu: One from Column A, one from Column B… The concept of “unanimity” seems to take on strange forms in Merchan’s court.

[2] Turley argues: Suppose there are three “unlawful means” (the object offenses) A, B, and C. A verdict where 4 jurors voted for A, 4 for B, and 4 for C would be treated as “unanimous”; to this layperson, an absurd result. But I think this argument can be made more pointed: The jurors who vote for A must necessarily believe that the Defendant is not guilty beyond reasonably doubt of offenses B and C, and so with the remaining jurors. So we could have a verdict where 12 jurors do not believe in the Defendants guilt beyond a reasonable doubt of any one object offense. That strikes me as a very bad precedent and worthy of consideration on appeal. From Thomas P Gallanis, “Reasonable Doubt and the History of the Criminal Trial,” The University of Chicago Law Review: “Reasonable doubt was originally a protection not for criminal defendants, but rather for the ‘souls of the jurors’ (p 3). Reasonable doubt was “designed to make conviction easier” by reassuring anxious jurors that they would not be damned for voting to spill the defendant’s blood (p 4 (emphasis omitted)). Jurors could safely convict as long as their hesitations did not rise to the level of reasonable doubt.” So what is the state of the individual juror’s soul when the entire jury votes to convict, but without unamimity as to the cause of the conviction?

[3] These are the the three “unlawful means” proposed by the Prosecution. I presume that “other” business records does not include any of the 34 business records in the charge, so I don’t think that item (2) is necessarily circular, or “loops back on itself,” in an infinite regress, but without clarification, it could mean that records 1-17 would fall under the business records offense, and records 18-34 could be redeployed as object offenses…. One wonders what form of “unanimity” would be required to sort this, if so (but see on “Falsification of Other Business Records” below):

On the first of the three unlawful means, “The Federal Election Campaign Act,” p. 32:

[1] Leaving aside the question of whether Federal laws should be enforced at the state level, and leaving aside Merchan’s curious refusal to let the defense expert on FECA testify, the obvious agenda here is to urge that NMI’s “catch and kill scheme,” which suppressed news stories, was not a “legitimate press function.” However, suppressing news stories is obviously a legitimate press function, and only a child of six would think otherwise (one thinks at once of The New York Times suppressing James Risen’s story on warrantless surveillance until after Bush was safely elected).

On the second, “Falsification of Other Business Records,” p. 33:

This closes out my theorizing on infinite regression in other records, above. Too bad! I haven’t mastered the detail on these documents, but Merchan’s specificity makes me think that this “object offense”) is the most dangerous to the Defendant. (Of course, I don’t believe there are object offenses, because iff the initial counts 1-34 all pertain to the payments for Cohen that are allegedly not for legal services, they in fact were, because to my simple mind. a legal service is something you pay a lawyer to do, and thus there is no primary offense to begin with.)

On the third, “Violation of Tax Laws,” p. 34:

[1] If this is the only unlawful means, I can see at least one hold-out being unwilling to jacl up 34 misdemeanors to felonies based on it.

On “The Charged Crimes,” p 27:

“Verdict Sheet,” p. 53:

[1] These are the counts in Bragg’s indictment; each of the 34 counts is a separate business records offense.

[2] Notice the checkboxes that Merchan does not include:

Surely the voting public has an interest in knowing which object offense caused Trump’s misdemeanors (if any) to be converted into felonies. An absurdly minor tax violation? The much bruited and salacious catch-and-kill scheme? A campaign finance violation? Merchan, apparently, has no care for the voters. I would speculate that — with the possible assistance of the flex-net working the lawfare on this project — having maximized the paths to conviction with capacious definitions of unanimity, Merchan would prefer not to “show his work,” and reveal how those definitions worked out in reality. Whether this is grounds for appeal I don’t know, but I find it appalling. “Our law”! “Our democracy”!

Thursday, May 30, 2024

.45 GUILTY!!! of being the antithesis of a man of culture.....,

dailycaller  |  A jury in the deep-blue New York City borough of Manhattan convicted former President Donald Trump on Thursday in the case brought by Democratic District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Trump was convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying business records charged in Bragg’s indictment. Defense attorneys cornered the prosecution’s witnesses at critical junctures of the trial in a case that stood on shaky legal grounds from the start, including when Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen, an admitted liar, took the stand as the prosecution’s star witness, a choice that resulted in Cohen revealing he stole from the Trump organization and committing what the defense demonstrated was potentially another act of perjury.

The charges stemmed from $420,000 Trump paid Cohen over 12 months in 2017 for “legal services,” which prosecutors argued was actually to reimburse Cohen for $130,000 he paid to secure a nondisclosure agreement with porn star Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 election and keep her quiet about claims of an affair with Trump.

To indict Trump on felony charges and circumvent the expired statute of limitations, Bragg had to claim the records were falsified to conceal or commit another crime — which remained unclear throughout the trial but was assumed to be either a campaign finance or election law violation.

Prosecutors argued Trump engaged in a conspiracy to influence the 2016 election by paying to suppress stories of former Trump Tower doorman Dino Sajudin, former Playboy model Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels. They suggested he violated a state election law that makes it a misdemeanor for any two or more people to “conspire” to influence an election using “unlawful means.”

Trump is the first former U.S. president to be convicted at a criminal trial. His sentencing is scheduled for July 11th, days before the Republican National Convention set to begin on July 15. Falsifying business record charges carry a maximum sentence of four years in prison.

The jury began its deliberations on Wednesday after Judge Juan Merchan read the jury instructions, which did not require jurors to agree on what “unlawful” means Trump allegedly used to influence the election.

Bragg’s team included Matthew Colangelo, who spent two years as a top official in the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ). While previously working at the New York District Attorney’s office, Colangelo also led both the investigation that culminated in the Trump Foundation’s dissolution and the investigation that later became Trump’s civil fraud case.

Colangelo joined the Manhattan District Attorney’s office as senior counsel in 2022 while Bragg was still investigating Trump.



Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Why They Call These Pirates Name Stealers....,


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Israel Became A Gangster State When Its Lawbreakers Became Its Lawmakers

NYTimes  |  For decades, most Israelis have considered Palestinian terrorism the country’s biggest security concern. But there is another threat that may be even more destabilizing for Israel’s future as a democracy: Jewish terrorism and violence, and the failure to enforce the law against it.

Our yearslong investigation reveals how violent factions within the Israeli settler movement, protected and sometimes abetted by the government, have come to pose a grave threat to Palestinians in the occupied territories and to the State of Israel itself. Piecing together new documents, videos and over 100 interviews, we found a government shaken by an internal war — burying reports it commissioned, neutering investigations it assigned and silencing whistle-blowers, some of them senior officials.
It is a blunt account, told in some cases for the first time by Israeli officials, of how the occupation came to threaten the integrity of the country’s democracy.

Lawbreakers Become Lawmakers
Officials told us that once fringe, sometimes criminal groups of settlers bent on pursuing a theocratic state have been allowed for decades to operate with few restraints. Since Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition government came to power in 2022, elements of that faction have taken power — driving the country’s policies, including in the war in Gaza.

The lawbreakers have become the law.
Bezalel Smotrich, the finance minister and the official in Netanyahu’s government with oversight over the West Bank, was arrested in 2005 by the Shin Bet domestic security service for plotting road blockages to halt the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. He was released with no charges. Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel’s national security minister, had been convicted multiple times for supporting terrorist organizations and, in front of television cameras in 1995, vaguely threatened the life of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who was murdered weeks later by an Israeli student.

Settler Violence Protected, and Abetted
All West Bank settlers are in theory subject to the same military law that applies to Palestinian residents. But in practice, they are treated according to the civil law of the State of Israel, which formally applies only to territory within the state’s borders. This means that Shin Bet might probe two similar acts of terrorism in the West Bank — one committed by Jewish settlers and one committed by Palestinians — and use wholly different investigative tools.

After the Arab-​Israeli War of 1967, Israel controlled new territory in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem. In 1979, it agreed to return the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt.

The job of investigating Jewish terrorism falls to a division of Shin Bet known commonly as the Jewish Department. But it is dwarfed both in size and prestige by the Arab Department, the division charged mostly with combating Palestinian terrorism.

Jews involved in terror attacks against Arabs over the past decades have received substantial leniency, which has included reductions in prison time, anemic investigations and pardons. Most incidents of settler violence — torching vehicles, cutting down olive groves — fall under the jurisdiction of the police, who tend to ignore them. When the Jewish Department investigates more serious terrorist threats, it is often stymied from the outset, and even its successes have sometimes been undermined by judges and politicians sympathetic to the settler cause.