Wednesday, October 10, 2012

why DOES the History Channel show Ancient Aliens?


Temple3 said...

Tell me you didn't watch this entire video -- or that series on the History Channel.

CNu said...

Nah brah..., I used the cliff notes

But you have to understand context. When I was growing up, my parents were dedicated fans of The Invaders , and I remember that show like it was yesterday watching them enrapt by the first Chariots of the Gods "documentary". Matter fact, the ONLY movie I ever saw them each shed a tear to was the original Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Anyway, as a teenager, I acquired a hobbiest interest in debunking new age and metaphysical hokum after visiting with Eckankar quacks and something called the School of Metaphysics - a couple friends of mine had Medjugorge enrapt parents, and these too became an object/subject of debunking enthusiasm.

I could never wrap my mind around the notion of higher consciousness/higher intelligence meddling around in human affairs in the way that either the extraterrestrials or the extradimensionals were purported to do by their PR flaks here on earth, and frankly, as an adult, I consider it a form of magical thinking not significantly different from the magical thinking which undergirds popular traditional superstition and religious belief.

To answer your question, I HAVE from time-to-time watched that show, much as I used to listen to Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell - and I often wonder about the people who take these subjects seriously but who never form a serious take on these subjects.

Temple3 said...

Dig and dug. "oh, oh it's magic..."

Fred Ceely said...

They run these shows for ratings, probably. I watch occasionally, mostly to laugh at the ridiculous "experts." The History Channel shows about religious history are worse in my estimation. They present mythology as fact, and the experts make preposterous statements but are not challenged. The actual history shows are no better, really. The video rarely matches the narrative, and the facts are jumbled up and/or misstated. It's all distraction, and misdirection, as though we didn't have any real problems to consider.

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