Wednesday, June 08, 2011

any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

Video - Impressive 3-D lightshow on administration building Kharkiv, Ukraine


nanakwame said...
Do You Believe In Magic

CNu said...


My religion is more materialistic than materialism....,

John Kurman said...

-and, AND... any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology

CNu said...

speaking of advanced indistinguishable magic, have you hollar'd at the goddess yet?

John Kurman said...

Nah. My gut tells me I''d be found a little too ordinary.

CNu said...

C'mon man!!!

I believe old girl slowing down and bout ready to settle down myself.....,

Did You Humans Crack This Isht And Then Hide It From Yourselves 70 Years Ago?

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